Miss Gulf States Pageant & Talent Expo!1stAnnual

December 3rd, ONE DAY EVENT

Best Western Land Mark Hotel, Metairie

Natural Pageant * Dress Attire, Party Wear/Pageant Wear. May have rhinestones & sequence on Dress. Should be fancy!

Rhinestone Crowns * Monogrammed Banners*Great prizes*

Rhinestone Crown Pins * Gift certificates*

Grand Supreme Winners. (You must compete in Talent to Qualify) Talent and Beauty Score will be added to determine winners. Crown & Sash

Entry Fee $250.00 for all age divisions. Baby Miss thru Deb. Miss. (this includes Beauty, Best Hair, Smile, Eyes, Fashion, Photogenic & Portfolio

Overall Photogenic selected from all the photos entered. (Receives Crown) $10.00 to enter

Overall Portfolio $10, this is 5 photos or more, placed in an album/binder, any size pictures with the contestant's name and age division on the front cover. Does not have to be professionally done.

Hotel # 504-888-9500 for reservations & mention you are with the pageant to get the $99.00 rate.

2601 Severn Ave. Metairie, Louisiana. Copeland Towers, Best western Landmark Hotel

You will get your photo & portfolio after the pageant is finished

Pageant Schedule

Pre-Registration for all contestants. Saturday at 6pm in Hotel atrium on 3rd floor. This is optional.

TALENT Competition 10am Sunday morning

Session One....

Registration for Baby Miss, Tiny, Toddler, Petite, Little, Junior & Deb Miss Divisions

Your pic for photogenic and Portfolio should be turned in at registration on Sunday.


12 NoonPageant Starts

Dress Attire Party Wear/fancy dress/Pageant wear. Natural beauty, No Make-Up or Hair Pieces for 3 yrs.Andunder. Light Makeup for Petite, Little, Junior and Deb Miss. May have natural looking heir extensions. NO flippers please.

2:00PM..Crowning & Photos Taken

Session Two......

Rehearsal for stage modeling3PM to 4PM

Registration for Preteen thru Ms. 2PM until 3PM

There will be an open # this year.

Preteen contestants wear WHITE cocktail dress or pants outfit.

Teen contestants must wear a PINK cocktail dress or dressy pants wear.

Miss contestants must wear WHITE cocktail dress or dressy pants wear.

Mrs. & Ms. contestants must wear RED cocktail dress or dressy pants wear.

Classic and LadyContestants must wear a BLACK cocktail dress or dressy pants wear.

For Hair & Make-Up services, Call Vicky Travis 985 634 0234, Autumn Labit 504 330 8807

6:00PMPageant Starts

Formal Attire/Pageant Wear. Hair & Make-Up allowed. Evening Gown & On Stage Interview Only. You must compete in the correct age division for nationals. There is a 30 day grace period for children contestants.

Session Two

Pre-Teen....12 to 13 yrs.

Teen...... 14 to 17 yrs.

Miss.....18 to 24. single no children

Married. Ms. 21 and older

Ms. …. 21 and older, single, divorced, with or without children

Classic...40 yrs. and older

Lady..dress size 16 and larger, ages 24 yrs. and older.

General Information

Door Admission for Adults $15.00

Children 12 & Under $10.00

Small Children & Visiting Royalty FREE

Everyone must pay to enter the pageant accept for the contestant & Queens

The Entry fee covers side awards, photogenic, portfolio

Talent Competition is an Optional Category. Starting with ages 2 years and older. We will have a winner in each division. You must compete in Talent to win the Grand Supreme Title. Entry fee is $75.00. Talent is Sunday at 10am

Our Age Divisions

Toddler Miss 2 to 3 yrs. Petite Miss 4 to 5 yrs., Little Miss 6 to 7 yrs. Junior Miss 8 to 9 yrs. Deb Miss 10 to 11 yrs. Pre-teen 12 to 13, Teen, Miss, Mrs., Ms. And Classic and Lady, Combined group Ms. Props, Makeup, Costumes are all welcomed.

Ad Sales

Full page ad is $200 and Half Page ad is $100.00. The person that sells the most ads will be our ad sales winner and will receive a Crown, Gift, poster 2 tickets to view the pageant and a program book. Winner will appear on the back cover of the official program book. You must sell 2 pages to qualify. Half of the total amount sold will go towards your entry fee.

Ads must be turned in by November 15th

We will have a professional photographer on hand, so there will be no still pictures taken during the Beauty competition on Sunday. They offer great prices and their work is the best in the industry. Contestants that pay the $250 entry fee receive their photo package with the entry.

DMS Generations Photography at or 985 351 5615 for questions.

Please email a photo of the contestant to Shelly by November 20th to appear in the official program book. When emailing photo, please list the contestants Name and Division entering and Prelim Title if any. Send to

Miss Gulf States NationalPageant/Entry Form


Division: ______Age: ______Email______DOB______

Parents: ______

Husband if married______

Phone: ______Parish or County______

Address: ______City: ______Zip: ______

Hair: color______EyeColor______Fav. Person______

Favorite Color (s): ______Sponsored By______

Hobbies/ Interests: ______

What I like most about the MY STATE is______

Favorite Person (s)______Prelim Title______

Pre-Teen, Teen, Miss, Ms., Mrs. Classic & Lady Only

List2 Topics that you want to Discuss on stage. Done in Gown after Evening Gown competition. Interview winner is High Point



Check all that apply Entry Fee $250______Supreme $20______Talent $75.00______

Overall Photogenic $10______Overall Portfolio $10______Overall Beauty $10______

Photo Package $35------Supreme Package…… Enter Everything for $ 350.00 A $25 Savings

The $250 Entry Fee is all that is required to compete. Others are Optional.

Prelim Winners must pay the photography package of $35.00, this may be done my half of the ad page credits.

Talent Application

Contestant #______(To be filled out upon Registration by staff)

Name______Age Division______

Preliminary Title if applicable______

Parish or County______

Please give us a description of your talent______

I understand and agree to not hold The Miss Gulf States Pageant or the Landmark hotel responsible for any stolen or loss goods and or any accidents that may occur during the competition. No Lip singing please. If you have questions pertaining to talent competition, please call Shelly 337 281 1267

Name of Contestant. ______

Parents signature if under 18 years of age______Date______


Miss Gulf States Pageant


Program Book Ad Form

This form must be filled out completely and returned to the Director no later than

November 15, 2017

Contestant’s Name: ______Division______

Company or Ad Purchaser’s Name:


Contact Phone Number: ______Email______

Please Check Ad Size(s):

___Full Page $200

___Half Page $100 Total # of pages sold______

Total Amount Due: ______Method of Payment:

Please attach any pictures and information to be used in the ad. Ads may be submitted print-ready, or we can design your ad for you. You may email photos and ads to lease be sure to include the contestant’s name and the ad it should be connected to. You can pay by phone with debit or credit. Call Shelly at 337 281 1267

Ads may be paid for by cash, check, or money order. Make checks payable to Shelly Black

4220 Beau Road, Maurice, La 70555

Make a copy of this document as your company/s receipt/

Visa and MasterCard are also accepted via PayPal. PayPal address is Ads may be tax deductible for businesses.

We are not responsible for any ads that are not turned in by the deadline and cannot guarantee that they will be printed in the program book.

Please call with any questions: Shelly Winters Black, Director – 337 281 1267


Contestants – Remember, selling ads does not increase your chances of winning. Ad sales are not mandatory but do help cover your pageant entry fees. Also, if you’re the top ad seller, you will be named as the 2018 Cover Girl and will appear on the back cover and win a 7 inch crown. 50% of the ad sales go toward your entry fee.


(Purchaser’s Receipt)

Miss Gulf States Pageant 2018 Program Book Ad Receipt


Company Address______

Ad Size Purchased:______Amt Paid______
