Miss Foss’s Economics Syllabus 2013


1. Pen/Pencil

2. 3-Ring Binder

3. 3 Dividers

4. Loose-leaf/notebook paper

5. Optional: Index cards


We will be learning economics with emphasis on the free enterprise system and its benefits as required by state law in the TEKS. Our study of economics will include basic principles concerning microeconomics, macroeconomics, and personal finance literacy.

Unit 1 – Basic Economic Concepts

Unit 2 – Celebrate Freedom Week

Unit 3 – Global Economy

Unit 4 – Microeconomics: Supply and Demand

Unit 5 – Personal Finance Literacy

Unit 6 – Macroeconomics: Government Policy, Money, Banking, and Federal Reserve


1.  Show respect.

2.  Come prepared.

3.  Be actively engaged/participate in every activity.


1.  Verbal Affirmation

2.  Written Notes

3.  Certificate

4.  Stickers/Small prizes

5.  Parent Contact


1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Hallway Conversation

3.  Lunch Detention/Parent Contact

4.  Reflection Assignment

5.  Parent Conference

6.  Office Referral


The student is responsible for keeping a binder with all of their work and activities from this course. The binder will be divided into three sections to help the student stay organized as follows:

1.  Daily Warm-Ups

2.  Notes/Class Activities/Handouts

3.  Assignments (keep all assignments throughout the semester)


40% Formative Grades: Classwork/Quizzes/Warm-Ups

*Miss Foss will count quizzes as a double formative grade

60% Summative Grades: Tests/Projects


It is very important to meet deadlines. If work is turned in late, deductions will be made to your final score as follows:

1st day = -10%

2nd day = -20%

3rd day = -30%


Ø  Unexpected Absence: Make-up Work for Absence: 5 days from the date of absence

o  Get your work from the Absence Binder. Ask a friend for any notes missed. Please speak with me before or after school to make sure you have everything you need to successfully learn and make up the material covered.

o  Any work assigned before your absence is due on the date you return.

Ø  Expected Absence (for school activities, sports, etc.): When at all possible, please come BEFORE you’re absent, before or after school (NOT DURING CLASS), so we can ensure you can learn the content and complete all assignments.


Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses. Always give credit to the original sources. If you are caught plagiarizing or cheating, you will have a zero on your assignment. You may re-do the assignment for up to half credit. If you cheat on a quiz/test, it will have to be made up before or after school.

TUTORING: If you need help, ASK! I can be available for tutoring before or after school.

Tutoring Hours: Mon/Wed = after school & Tues/Thurs = before school beginning at 8am

Tutoring Hours may change throughout the year, but will be posted outside my door.

If you need me to arrange a different time, please schedule it with me beforehand.

PRIVILEGES (can be taken away if not handled responsibly):

Ø  Food & Drink: Small snacks and covered drinks will be allowed in class as long as they are ate/drank discretely and not a distraction or interruption to the student, teacher, or classmates. All trash needs to be disposed of properly in the trashcan and any messes cleaned up.

Ø  Cell phones: There may be times when students may have their phones out to look up information or to listen to music while working independently. I will always let you know when and if it is okay to have your phone out. Otherwise, cell phones should be put away to best facilitate everyone’s learning. If I see it out, I will collect it. If you’re unsure, play it safe, and ASK FIRST.

Miss Foss