Name of Parent Claiming CCB:
Child/ren’s name/s:
Have you used Sutherland Shire Council’s Vacation Care before? / Yes / No
Fee Payments
  • In applying for enrolment, I hereby acknowledge that I am wholly responsible for all fees payable to Sutherland Shire Council, in respect to my child/ren being in care.
  • I understand that any fees paid are notrefundable or transferable.
  • I am aware that bookings are subject to availability and the early bird rate will not apply after the enrolment closing date. Please Refer to the current Schedule of Fees & Charges on the Council’s Website.
  • I am aware that I am required to complete either my credit card details or direct debit details on the attached form.
  • I am aware that I am liable to pay for the days and excursions requested on this form (subject to availability) and I cannot cancel or request an exchange of days.
  • I am aware that I can add days and make payment at that time

Child Care Benefit & Child Care Rebate
  • Any request for a CCB backdate can only be done up to 30 days from the end of the Vacation Care period.
  • I understand that I am responsible for registering for Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate.
  • I acknowledge that if there is no Child Care Benefit or Child Care Rebate approval at the time of my booking I am liable to pay full fees.

Injury or Loss to Person or Personal Property
  • I understand that whilst every care and precaution will be taken, Sutherland Council and its staff are not responsible for any injury, damage or loss to my child or their possessions whilst at the Centre or on an excursion.

Privacy And Storage Of Information
The personal information that Council is collecting from you is for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (“the Act”).
The information you have supplied will be stored at Council while your child is attending care and electronically for Child Care Benefit purposes. This information will then be stored in Council archives for up to 7 years.
The intended recipients of the personal information are:
  • Authorised Officers within Sutherland Shire Council
  • A person otherwise authorised by law to inspect the records.
Council is collecting this information for the purpose of maintaining accurate child-care information and parental contact details. In addition, Council may use this information for time to time in order to contact you to inform you of updated children’s services information.
File Name: / Entered By:
Family Code: / F0 / Date Entered:
Receipt: / Journal:
Booking Conditions
  • Payment will be processed or charged by close of business the day your booking is received
  • Attendance will be refused if parent arrives at service without making payment prior
  • Bookings received after the closing date will be charged the daily fee rate
  • If your enrolment form is not completed your booking will not be processed until a completed enrolment form is received.
  • The enrolment/booking form for the current vacation care period must be completed. Copies of previous forms will not be accepted
  • Booking will not be accepted after 10:00am the day before care

Information For Parents If Your Child Does Not Attend Care On The Scheduled Start Date
Families who give notice of their intention to not start care on the agreed date need to be aware of the following information provided in the Child Care Service Handbook 2014, Section 13. In particular we draw your attention to the area of Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR) which may not be payable to families. The following is an extract from the abovementioned Handbook containing information that is relevant to this service:
“A child who has not yet received care …
CCB will not be paid for absences where fees are charged to reserve a place for a child who has not yet started education and care. CCB will not be paid for absences once a child has ceased education and care.
However, if a child is booked in to start at your service on a particular date, and does not start on that day the family may only receive CCB for the days the child was expected to attend if the child's 42 days absences have been exhausted and the absence is an additional absence. Initial 42 days absences may not be claimed for these days".
Please be aware that Sutherland Shire Council observes the above practice and that in the event your child does not start care on the booked date, CCB is not payable on the outstanding amount.
If you require further clarification of this, please call the Customer Service Team on 9710 0466.
Excursions & Transport
  • I understand that excursions may be cancelled due to low numbers and I will be credited back the excursion cost
  • I understand that due to numbers and staffing my child may be transported to and from another centre if they are not attending an excursion, and I will be notified of this at the centre.

Has your child been immunised in accordance with Department of health guidelines?
Please supply an updated immunisation statement if your child falls into one of the following categories:
  • Child is new to the service
  • Child has been immunised since last supplied immunisation statement

I have agreed to enrol my child/ren
in the Sutherland Council Vacation Care Program. / (Names of children)
I have read and agree to be bound by the abovementioned Terms and Conditions
Print Name: / Date:
Email Address: / Relationship to child/ren:

You must complete all the sections below:

PARENT / GUARDIAN 1 (Parent / Guardian Claiming CCB)
Relationship to Child/ren
First Name / Surname
Home Phone No / Work Phone No
Mobile Phone No / Date of Birth
Country of Birth
Parent’s CRN
Relationship to Child/ren
First Name / Surname
Home Phone No / Work Phone No
Mobile Phone No / Date of Birth
Country of Birth
Medicare Number:
EMERGENCY CONTACTS - If parents unavailable
Emergency Contact / Contact 1 / Contact 2
First Name
Home Phone No
Work Phone No
Mobile Phone No
Relationship To Child
Please tick which permissions you give each contact person
To collect child/ren / To collect child/ren
To authorise medication for child / To authorise medication for child
To authorise excursions for child / To authorise excursions for child


What is the primary language used in your child/ren’s home?

What is the cultural background of your child/ren?

What is the cultural background of you and your partner?

Are there any religious or cultural requirements relating to your child/ren's upbringing that you would like us to honour in caring for your child/ren?

Are you or any of the children listed on this form Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background?


Torres Strait Islander

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander



Decline to advise


Our Shire


Have Used Before

Word Of Mouth

School Newsletter


Other (Please Specify)


At Risk / Referral (e.g. DoCS Referred)

Working / Studying / Maternity Leave / Returning to work / Looking for Work

Respite Care - Not Working and Not Looking for Work

Are there any Court Orders or Custody Arrangements Relating to your Child/ren?

If Yes a certified copy needs to be supplied prior to the start of care

Child 1 / Child 2
First Name
Date Of Birth
Child’s School
Country of Birth
Child’s CRN
Special Needs
Medical Conditions*
Child 3 / Child 4
First Name
Date Of Birth
Child’s School
Country of Birth
Child’s CRN
Special Needs
Medical Conditions*

*If your child has a medical condition, you will be required to provide a current medical management plan at the time of enrolling. Bookings will not be accepted until this documentation is provided. Plans will need to be updated annually from the date on the medical documentation or as changes occur to the child's condition for children returning to care and resubmitted.

# If your child has an allergy that requires medication if exposed you will be required to complete the Medical Management Plan


  • Adhesive Dressing Tape
  • Plastic Bag For Amputation
  • Non-Adhesive Dressing Pad
  • Sterile Eye Pad
  • Conforming Gauze Bandage
  • Conforming Gauze Bandage
  • Disposable Latex Gloves
  • Thermo Accident Blanket
  • Safety Pins - Assorted
  • Scissors - Sharp/Blunt Splinter Forceps
  • Sterile Eyewash
  • Antiseptic Swabs
  • Triangular Bandage
  • Band-Aids/Elastoplasts
  • Sterile Wound Dressing
  • First Aid Guide Forehead Thermometer
  • Rapaid First Aid Spray
  • Rapaid Itch Relief Sachet
  • Disposable Resuscitation Face Shield
  • First Aid Tool Box (11090)

Authorisation / Details
Cancer Council Sunscreen 30+ / Active:- Octyl Methoxycinamate 60mg/g
- Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane 20mg/g
Other:- Phenoxyethanol 3mg/g
- Hydroxybenzoate 4mg/g
- Methylbenzylidene Camphor 30mg/g
Rid Cream Repellent / Active: - 160b LN, N-diethyl m Tuoluamide (DEET)
- 20g/1 N-Octyl Dicycloheptene Dicarboximide
- 10g/1 Di-N-Propylisocinchomeronate
- 1g/1 Tricolsan
Panadol Colour-Free / - 5ml contains 120 mg paracetamol
- Free from asprin, sugar and alcohol
Ventolin - (in the event of a suspect Asthma Attack) / - 100mg Salbutamol
- HFA - 134a propellant
Photography & Video / Use
For developmental, educational, publication or communication, purposes at the Centre
Student Documentation / Use
For TAFE and / or University Students to observe and document information about my child for the purpose of Early Childhood Studies. I am aware that all documentation will remain confidential and only first names will be used.
I give permission for all of the above items to be used on my child/ren
Children’s Names:
I give permission for the above items to be used on my child/ren EXCEPT the items listed below
Child’s Name / Items to not be used
Yes / No
I authorise staff at the service to seek emergency treatment for my child from a registered medical practitioner including medical, hospital, dental and ambulance service (including ambulance transportation) should this be considered necessary.
Completed By: / Date:
Signature: / Date:

Monday 16th April 2018 - Monday 30th April 2018

Please complete the sections below:

BOOKING OF DAY/S:(Please cross in the appropriate box the days you require)

 Denotes Compulsory excursion/activity days  Denotes Optional excursion/activity days


Name / Age / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
16thApril / 17thApril / 18thApril / 19thApril / 20thApril
 /   /  / 
Week 2 / Description / No. Children / Excursion Fee / Total Payable
Tuesday 17th April / Future Park @ Powerhouse Museum All ages optional excursion / X / $25.00 / = / $
Wednesday 18th April / Giant Games All ages compulsory incursion / X / $7.00 / = / $
Wednesday 18th April / Archie Brothers Cirque Electric10-14 year olds optional excursion / X / $35.00 / = / $
Thursday 19th April / Jollybops Science Show All ages compulsory incursion / X / $10.00 / = / $
20th April / Princess & Prince Show All ages optional excursion / X / $20.00 / = / $
20th April / Bundeena Ferry & Picnic 10-14 year olds optional excursion / X / $10.00 / = / $
Total Fee for Excursions Week 2 = $
Yes / No
If the optional excursions/incursion are unavailable I would still like to be booked in for the days at the centre

You will be advised if any excursions/incursions are unavailable

** The Early Bird Rate is $52.00 plus excursion / activity costs on bookings received before the closing date **

** The Daily Rate is $57.00 plus excursion / activity costs on bookings received after the closing date **

Early Bird closing date is Sunday 8th April 2017 at Midnight.

BOOKING OF DAY/S:(Please cross in the appropriate box the days you require)

 Denotes Compulsory excursion/activity days  Denotes Optional excursion/activity days


Name / Age / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
23rdApril / 24thApril / 25thApril / 26thApril / 27thApril
 /  / 
Week 2 / Description / No. Children / Excursion Fee / Total Payable
23rd April / Mini Olympics All ages compulsory incursion / X / $10.00 / = / $
Tuesday 24th April / Lollipops Play Centre 5-9 year olds optional excursion / X / $22.00 / = / $
Tuesday 24th April / Ninja Warehouse 101 9-14 year olds optional excursion / X / $30.00 / = / $
Thursday 26th April / Paper Pilots All ages compulsory incursion / X / $14.00 / = / $
Total Fee for Excursions Week 2 = $
Yes / No
If the optional excursions/incursion are unavailable I would still like to be booked in for the days at the centre

You will be advised if any excursions/incursions are unavailable

** The Early Bird Rate is $52.00 plus excursion / activity costs on bookings received before the closing date **

** The Daily Rate is $57.00 plus excursion / activity costs on bookings received after the closing date **

Early Bird closing date is Sunday 8th April 2017 at Midnight.

BOOKING OF DAY/S:(Please cross in the appropriate box the days you require)

 Denotes Compulsory excursion/activity days  Denotes Optional excursion/activity days


Name / Age / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
30thApril / 1st May / 2nd May / 3rd May / 4th May
Week 3 / Description / No. Children / Excursion Fee / Total Payable
No Excursions

You will be advised if any excursions/incursions are unavailable

** The Early Bird Rate is $52.00 plus excursion / activity costs on bookings received before the closing date **

** The Daily Rate is $57.00 plus excursion / activity costs on bookings received after the closing date **

Early Bird closing date is Sunday 8th April 2017 at Midnight.


Children’s Names:
I give permission for my child/ren (mentioned above) to participate in the following excursion/s:
to Miranda Public School playground throughout the Vacation Care period.
The children will routinely visit the Miranda Public School playground for various activities including sport, games, nature experiences and incursions. I understand they will be walking to the school via the gates accessible from the Miranda Vacation Care Centre play area and there will be a 1:15 ratio.
to Future Park at Powerhouse Museum on Tuesday 17th April 2018.
The activities will include exploring interactive installations in the exhibition. I understand they will travelling by bus to the Powerhouse Museum at Ultimo and will be away from the service for approximately 7 hours.
to Archie Brothers Alexandria Wednesday 18th April 2018.
The activities will include arcade games and activities. I understand they will be travelling by bus to Alexandria and will be away from the service for approximately 5 hours.
To Princess and Princes show Casula Powerhouse Friday 20th April 2018.
The activity will include watching a performance presented by LOUD Theatre Company. I understand they will be travelling by bus to Casula Powerhouseand will be away from the service for approximately 5 hours.
to Bundeena for a picnic and play at park and beach Friday 20th April 2018
The activities will include catching ferry to Bundeena, having a picnic and time to play at the park and beach. I understand they will be travelling by Family Day Care bus to and from Cronulla then catching the ferry to Bundeena and will be away from the service for approximately 5 hours.
to Lollipops Play Centre Tuesday 24th April 2018
The activities will include free play on the play equipment. I understand they will be travelling by bus to Menai and will be away from the service for approximately 5 hours.
to Ninja Warehouse 101 Tuesday 24th April 2018
The activities will include various obstacle courses for the children to complete. I understand they will be travelling by bus to Wetherill Park and will be away from the service for approximately 7 hours.

A risk assessment has been finalised for all excursions and is available. There will be a 1:8 ratio on the excursion.

I understand and agree that whilst every care will be taken, Sutherland Shire Council and its Staff will not be liable for injury or loss to my child/ren or their belongings.

Parent Name: / Date:
Completed By:

PLEASE NOTE: The excursions must also be included on the booking sheets.


CREDIT CARD- a merchant fee is applicable on all credit card payments - See details below

Cardholder’s Name:
Card Type: / Visa / MasterCard / American Express
Card No:
Expiry Date: / /

Payments will automatically be deducted and an email sent advising the amount to be deducted

DIRECT DEBIT - this option is only available in advance of care date

Please use my existing Direct Debit set up for Vacation Care

Please use set up a Direct Debit for Vacation Care using the details below

Financial Institution:
Name on account:
BSB Number:
Account Number:
Note - Name of account is not the type of account, i.e. Savings, Home loan; it is the name the account is under, i.e. Mr John Citizen, Mrs J. D. Citizen.

Payments will automatically be deducted and an email sent advising the amount to be deducted

Direct Debit Conditions

I understand that if my Direct Debit is dishonoured by the above Institution, I will incur a fee. (see current Schedule of Fees & Charges)

I understand if my account details change I must inform Sutherland Shire Council Children’s Services in writing.

Completed By: / Date:

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