Minutes July 7, 2016
NSIP Meeting
Thursday – July 7, 2016
7 p.m. CST
Minutes submitted by Lisa Weeks
Attendees: Matt Beals, Rusty Burgett, John Carlson, Carl Ginapp, Cody Hiemke, Jim Morgan, Reid Redden, Bill Shultz, Lisa Surber, Lisa Weeks
· Secretary Report
o Matt Beals moved to accept as written, John Carlson seconded, motion passed.
· Treasurer Report
o Walt Williams was not able to attend meeting. Rusty Burgett reported that we have paid $4k in data fees but have $20k to be collected. Walt’s complete report is included at the end of the minutes. John Carlson moved to accept the Treasurer Report, Lisa Surber seconded, motion passed.
· Program Director Update – Rusty Burgett – complete report included at the end of the minutes. The ALB has approved the $20k requested for this year to help with the PD salary. New flocks are enrolling and submitting data and the Regional Forums are moving forward. Rusty also urged the board to think about potential recruits for new board members next year.
· New Business –
o Bill Shultz presented the proposed new board structure and moved to accept. John Carlson seconded, motion passed. One point of concern is defining the role of the Executive Committee. Cody Hiemke reported that our By-Laws mainly reference what the committee can’t do. The role needs to be better defined and the By-Laws updated.
§ Executive Committee/Officer Structure – the Chair, 1st Vice Chair, and 2nd Vice Chair are elected positions voted by full membership and limited to two – 2 year terms. The Secretary/Treasurer, Program Director, and Technical Advisor are appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by full board and are non-voting.
§ Breed and Breed Group Directors – Three year terms with maximum of 2 terms. Terms will be staggered to promote new ideas but to maintain consistency. All directors are elected by NSIP membership at the annual meeting.
o Rusty Burgett opened a discussion on managing NSIP ram sales. Dan Morrical will be retiring soon. Income from managing these sales could be used to help fund our program director. Matt Beals motioned to form an NSIP sale committee to oversee the individual NSIP sales committees to help build our brand. John Carlson seconded and motion passed.
· Old Business –
o Jim Morgan is continuing to work on the Dave Notter Retirement Gift. All donations need to be paid to the order of NSIP but sent to Jim who will forward to Larry Kincaid.
o Blood Collection of all NSIP sires with progeny is ready to commence. Jim will need two or three people to help coordinate this effort.
· Committee Reports
o Ultrasound Committee – Chris Schaur is planning a new certification program as many of the currently certified scanners are or will be out of compliance soon. An NCIIC grant is being sought to help fund a school or schools. Todd Taylor and Chris Schaur will be asked to spearhead this movement if possible. Lisa Surber asked to join the committee.
o Technical Committee – Ron Lewis wasn’t able to attend meeting but his full report is included at the end of the minutes. Sheep Genetics is interested in many of the topics our Technical Committee has which is good news for future development efforts. Rusty Burgett will be seeking a Let’s Grow grant to help fund the creation of a searchable database for NSIP members to use.
· Cody Hiemke moved to adjourn.
· Next meeting September 15, 2016 @ 7 p.m. CST
Treasurers Report:
All, You will find Larry Kincaid's monthly/YTD financial reports above. With those, I've separated the P&L into our "Pass Thru" and "Ordinary" operations as shown in the spreadsheet attached below. Our cash balance of only $9.5K is uncommonly low. That is the result of paying a large Data Fee invoice to MLA but we've not yet received most of the money from our members for those fees (per Larry's note above). Also, our expenditures for grant-related activities is about $20k more than we've yet received from NSIIC, ALB and ASI for the grants they awarded. We will be getting those dollars before end of the year. YTD, our total net income (loss) of (-$25.5k) is exclusively due to these 2 factors.... in fact our Ordinary Operations show a YTD net income of $7.1k.
Respectively Submitted,
Walt Williams -- Treasurer.
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