Arthur Township
Town Board Meeting

Minutes ofJanuary 9, 2017 UNAPPROVED

Present were: Fred Sawatzky, Lisa Holcomb, Chuck McGovern, Julie Fore andTeri Bentler.

Visitors present were: Joe Kohlgraf - City of Mora

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

McGovern moved to approve the minutes of December 26, 2016,as presented. Holcombseconded. All were in favor.

Additions were made to the agenda as follows: Add 1. ZA Report A. County Road 12 Property, 2. Road Report C. Any Other Road Issues, Old Business 7. 2016 Flood and Other Discussion – MPCA Public Notice of Intent to Modify. Holcomb moved to approve the agenda with these additions. McGovernseconded. All were in favor.



Fore gave the Treasurer’s report as stated on the agenda. Holcomb moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, general claims 9944-9953 in the amount of $5,967.65, payroll claims 3056-3059in the amount of $1,081.10and recycling payroll claims 3060-3061 in the amount of $603.88. McGovern seconded. All were in favor.


1. ZA Report

A. Holcomb questioned the number of homes on a property on County Road 12. Also need to verify that the new home is being built on the correct property per the warranty deed.

2. Road Report

A. Sawatzky reported that we will be purchasing approximately 50 yards of sand from Bjorklund.

B. The Salt/Sand Agreement was signed from Comfort Township.

C. The mailboxes on 175th Avenue need to be raised due to the blacktopping.

3. Recycling

A. Holcomb questioned whether the recycling center should be accepting fluorescent bulbs from commercial businesses. There was discussion and Sawatzky will check with Environmental Services to see if additional SCORE funds can be received to cover these added costs.

4. Safety Issues – Nothing to discuss.

5. Joe Kohlgraf updated the Board as to the status of the Vasaloppet drilling a new well north of town.

6. There was discussion about the procedure being used to handle unpaid fire call invoices due to the fact that a property we had received an unpaid invoice for has been sold since the fire call occurred. Clerk Bentler will call and talk with the City of Mora regarding possibly changing the procedure to avoid this from happening in the future.

7. Bentler presented paperwork from Minnesota Home and Security Emergency Management regarding the reimbursement of funds for the 2016 flood. Sawatzky signed the forms.


Sawatzky moved to set the Board of Audit Meeting for January 30, 2017, at 5:00 PM and the Annual Budget Meeting for February 9, 2017, at 5:00 PM. Holcomb seconded. All were in favor.



There was discussion regarding a letter received from MPCA regarding Public Notice of Intent to Modify the ECSWC permit.

The next Town Board meeting is January 23, 2017 at 7:00 PM.

The Road Manager’s Meeting is January 25, 2017, at 7:00 PM.

Holcomb moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 PM. McGovern seconded. The meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by: Teri Bentler, Clerk