Minutes of Winkleigh Parish Council Meeting
Held on THURSDAY4th February 20167.30pm
Winkleigh Community Centre
1.1.16PRESENT:Cllrs Flockhart (Chair), Jacobs, Kane, Hodgson, Melanie Borrett (Clerk)
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: making presentations;Ros Davies (DCC) & Penny Griffiths
Chair called a point of order for agenda items in relation to Standing Orders clarification and posting of agendas in relation to the cancelled Parish Council meeting of 27thJanuary 2016,due to a procedural issue; addressed under items: 11. d) WPC’s Standing Orders and 12. a) Arrangements for guaranteeing the posting of the agenda.
2.1.16APOLOGIES:Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner, Dist Cllr Boundy, Sandra Brown PCSO D&C Police, Pauline Warner
3.1.16MINUTES - The signing of the minutes of the EPCM held on 16th December 2015
Proposed by Cllr Hodgson, seconded by Cllr Flockhart, and Resolved; that the minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting on 16th December 2015 be approved by the Council, all in favour, motion carried
Cllr Flockhart declared a Personal interest in agenda item 8.b.ii, Planning Application1/1297/2015/FULdue to a sharedboundary
6.1.16P3 OWNERSHIP OF FOOTPATHSPresentation by Ros Davies – Public Rights of Way(PROW)Officerfor Devon County Council.
The P3 scheme is an initiative that encourages Parish and Town Councils to look after theirrights of way. P3 parishes use local volunteers to maintain and improve their paths. Email version ofP3 Partnership leaflet available from Clerk on request or available online at . Winkleigh currently has 26 recorded rights of way, (19 footpaths & 7 bridleways) and 6 unclassified roads (green lanes). The Highway Authority duties include the erection of signposts and waymarks, to bridge natural water courses, undertake works and improve public rights of way. They make grants to farmers and landowners of at least 25% of the cost of maintaining approved stiles and gates. PROW alsohelp to control the growth of surface vegetationto protect the publics use and enjoyment of rights of way, keep definitive map under continuous review, make path diversion orders, temporary diversion and closure orders. Landowners have responsibilities to know where rights of waycross their land and ensure gates and stiles are kept in good order, refrain from obstructing paths, cut back overhanging vegetation, refrain from ploughing a path that forms the headland of a field and ensure that paths across fields are reinstated two weeks after ploughing. P3 ownership works bya P3 coordinator along with volunteers from the Parish, organising a survey of paths each year, in discussions with the Parish Council and deciding on priorities of work for the coming year, to include annual survey. Projects are considered by the Parish Council and DCC based on the amount of grant available. Grants are issued on a mileage basis. WPC have approximately 13 miles of pathways, payable at £30 per mile, this would be a grant of £330- £400 pa taking into consideration green lanes, there is also the potential of small additional one off payments. The P3 grants are issued in the spring, and some successful projects have included replacing stiles for gates to give greater access to the countryside, liaising with landowners to improve the surface of rural paths, adding dog gates with landowner’s permission, signing and way marking routes, organising cutting programmes.
Strimmer courses are available to train group of volunteers for free and any grant can be used to buy a strimmer for the Parish.
Winkleigh Parish Council thankedRos Davies for her very informative presentation and for giving up her time to attend the Parish Council Meeting. Action item - Clerk
TDC have authorised WPC to co-opt the 5 current vacancies.
Proposed By Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Hodgson, and Resolved; that item 12c on the agenda “article for Distinctly Winkleigh” be brought forward for discussion be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, and Resolved; that the agreed article advertising Council vacancies, be placed in the next edition of DW be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
Proposed by Cllr Hodgson, seconded by Cllr Flockhart, and Resolved; that the vacancies on the Parish Council will be permanently advertised in forthcoming issues of DW, Parish notice boards and website, and be a carried forward agenda item until all vacancies are filled, be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
8.1.16PLANNING - Chair
a)Returned from TDC
1/1171/2015/FUL Retention of raised decking submission of 1/0355/2015/FUL, Elmside, Exeter Road, Winkleigh. GRANTED Agenda document 01/16/001/8a
b)New Applications
- 1/1260/2015.FUL Erection of Agricultural building for Grain Storage, Beechlea Farm, Winkleigh,Agenda document 01/16/002/8bi –Cllr Flockhart advised TDC decision already made therefore no further action required by WPC.
- 1/1297/2015/FUL Change of use from B2 to B2 and B8, Beechlea Farm, Winkleigh.Agenda document 01/16/003/8bii
Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Hodgson, and Resolved that; WPC have no objections and application be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
- 1/1326/2015/AGMB Change of use from agricultural building to no.1 dwelling Class Q (a), Bryony Hill Farm, Ingleigh Green, Winkleigh.Agenda document 01/16/004/8biii. Letter of objection addressed to WPC read out by Clerk, Proposed by Cllr Hodgson, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, and Resolved to; refuse on grounds ofinsufficient information to provide a recommendation; there will be major changes to the current structure and; development will be anintrusion into the open countryside,be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
Further Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Hodgson, and Resolved that; if TDC are mindful to approve, WPC would strongly advocate to add a condition or control to provide barn owl roosts and bat habitats as evidenced and advised in the ecology report, be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
- 1/1311/2015/AGMB Change of use from agricultural building to no.1 dwelling Class Q(a), Barn at Park Farm, Winkleigh Agenda document 01/16/005/8biv
Proposed by Cllr Flockhart and seconded by Cllr Kane, and Resolved that; considering the material planning considerations of this application WPC feel the location, construction and materials to be used are suitable for the proposed change of use and would support this application, be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
Further Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Hodgson, and Resolved that; if TDC are mindful to approve, WPC would strongly advocate to add a condition or control to provide barn owl roosts and bat habitats as evidenced and advised in the ecology report, be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
9.1.16VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT – Penny Griffiths
Cllrs to review final draft of Village Design Statement and Principles with a view to approval of the final draft, subject to any amendments agreed,endorse submission of the VDS to TDC. Agenda document 01/16/006/9
Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, and Resolved that; WPC approve the final VDSdraft in principle subject to small modifications, and that any major changes will requirefurther WPC evaluation, be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Hodgson, and Resolved that; WPC move that the final VDS draftdocument be submitted to TDC from the WPC for use in its own planning processes, to be accompanied by a covering letter, be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
Further Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, and Resolved that;WPC use and agree toreference in all planning applications,be approved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried.
WPC wish to give a hugethankyou to Penny Griffiths and Pauline Warner for all of the hard work and dedication they have committed to the Village Design Statement.
WPC also encourage maximum publicity of the VDS document through all village media available, to disseminate the information as widely and inclusively as possible, and place on the PC website when final document approved.
a)TAP Fund 2015-16 Application deadline 29thFebruary 2016 – Cllr Jacobs
Council to consider Project with Sampford Courtenay and Broadwoodkellyto produce updated footpath maps of the local areas, linking the Parishes.
Cllr Jacobs and Cllr Kane attended a meeting with Broadwoodkelly and Sampford Courtenay Parish Councils. Broadwoodkelly will support TAP fund for Winkleigh to produce footpath of local areas.
Proposed by Cllr Jacobs, seconded by Cllr Flockhart, and Resolved that; WPC submit a Tap Fund application to produce an updated footpath map of the Winkleigh area, beapproved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried. Action Item - Cllr Jacobs to complete application form and oversee administration of the footpath mapproject.
b)NatWest Bank Signatories – Clerk
'Unincorporated Club, Society or Other Community Organisation Mandate'signed by 2 existing signatories in order to add additional signatories to the accounts and remove 2 existing signatories. Action Item - Clerk to obtain final signatories at next PCM?
c)Receipts & Payments - Clerk
- Schedule of all receipts and payments since 16thDecember 2015Agenda document 01/16/007/10c (See Appendix A)
Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, and Resolved that; the schedule of paymentsbeapproved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried
- Clerk requested that payment of future basic salary and working from home reimbursements be paid monthly by Standing Order on 28th of each month and any overtime and mileage will be presented to the Council for authorisation and payment by cheque at pcm with effect 28th February 2016
Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Kane, and Resolved that; the clerk will be paid 52 hours salary and the agreed working from home reimbursements by Standing order on the 28th of each month commencing 28th February 2016 and any overtime and mileage will be payable by additional cheque subject to Council approval at each pcm, beapproved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried
d)Bank Reconciliation & Budget to date report – Clerk
Bank reconciliation and budget to date report produced at PCM Agenda document 01/16/008/10d, (See Appendix B) Clerk informed Cllrs that in order to maintain proper financial control over the budget, the procedure required the Council to approve the Vierment indicated on the budget report between budget heads to reflect actual and predicted income and expenditure forthe financial year. All in favour. Clerk reported there were no concerns with the budget.
a)WPCA003/15 Western Power works at Ring O Bells site – Clerk
Email received from Ex-Cllr Stutt enquiring about replacement of slabs at the site.
This work is with approval of WPC as final make good of slabs and bench at Ring O Bells site in full and final settlement with Western Power, WPC Resolution 9.9.15a 23/09/2015
b)WPCA012/15 Cemetery West Hedge Maintenance Tender – Cllr Hodgson
Report on the assessment and presence of specimen trees that may be compromised bycutting/maintenance and whether any works are required or recommended for approval by Council. Roger Hill offering to carry out the hedge maintenance quoting £350 which is permitted to be accepted under Standing Orders for work under £500 without the need to put out to tender recorded under Minutes 15.11.15 b)
Proposed by Cllr Hodgson, seconded by Cllr Flockhart, and Resolved that; WPC will disregard any work to the north boundary, on the west boundary to leave untouched the isolated leylandii trees that haven’t been pruned, the others can be pruned down to 3-4 metres which would be adequate for the purpose of reducing the height and damage to the tree, beapproved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried. Action item – Cllr HodgsonThe logistics will need to be discussed with Mr Hill before the bird nesting season.
c)Auditor appointment–Clerk
- Internal Auditor– Clerk advised that the internal audit is to cover the financial controls, policies, procedures and Legislation compliance of WPC and does not audit the accounts which is the role of the external auditor.
Accounts and Audit Regulations reportAgenda document 01/16/009/11bfor WPC to resolve to:-
- WPC to establish an Internal Audit Plan
- WPC to establish an internal Audit working party
- WPC to agree terms and conditions for Internal Auditor
- WPC to appoint an Internal Auditor and agree engagement letter and fee.
Clerk to make further enquiries and recommendations at next pcmAction item – Clerk
- External Auditor
Auditing procedures for small authorities’ procurement process will change from 2017. Smaller authorities with a turnover of less than £25,000 will be exempt from having to submit an annual financial return, but will still need to have an auditor appointed in case there are questions from electors to be resolved. Under the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015, a new sector-led body has been appointed, namely Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Limited, (SAAA Ltd), who are required to make audit arrangements for all smaller authorities other than those that have given notice that they wish to make their own arrangements, at a proposed fixed price of £100 covering a 5 year period. The SAAA scheme will therefore cover all authorities that have not formally decided to opt out.
Proposed by Cllr Jacobs, seconded by Cllr Kane, and Resolved that; WPC do not opt out of External audit arrangements that Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Limited (SAAA) commencing 1/4/2017, beapproved by the Council, all in favour, Motion Carried
e)Winkleigh Parish Council Standing Orders– Clerk
Legal Advice obtained advising WPC that the “Current” Standing Orders in operation by WPC are the STOs in operation as of February 2015, which are prior to the version amended 7.4.15 d) dated 22nd April 2015 which were never ratified by Full Council and have therefore not been formally adopted. Current Standing Orders are not legally compliant due to changes in Legislation regarding recording of meetings. Clerk to present the amended Standing Orders at next pcm for ratification, to ensure WPC have legal STOs prior to formal review of WPC Standing Orders. Action Item - Clerk
a)Arrangements for guaranteeing the posting of the agenda in notice boards (Winkleigh and Hollocombe) in future – Cllr Flockhart
Current arrangement from minutes 9.7.15 that posting of agendas, minutes and notices to the Parish notice boards to be carried out by Cllr Pearce in the first instance and Cllr Jacobs as backup to minimise costs incurred by Clerk. Clerk requested it be minutedthat it was a Council Administration error that resulted in the pcm for 27th January 2016 being cancelled and the rumours that the cancellation was in any way linked to Margaret Miller were incorrect.
b)Formal Entry into the Burial Register – Clerk
Henry Albert Jones, ashes interment Plot 14 on 16th January 2016 entry 361
c)Training Courses – Clerk
Due to resignation of Cllr Mondy, there is an additional vacancy on the DALC external audit preparation course to be held in Exeter on 22nd March 2016. Clerk and to be appointed internal auditor already booked onto the Course. To be placed on next pcm agenda for discussion after appointment of internal auditor Action item - Clerk
a)Members to volunteer to join/Reshuffle Internal and External Groups - Chair
- FINANCE group – RFO Melanie Borrett, Cllr Jacobs
- CEMETERY GROUNDS Group – Cllr Pearce, Cllr Hodgson
- BUNGALOW Group – Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner
- PLAYING FIELDS Committee – Cllr Jacobs
- CHULMLEIGH PPG – Anne Balcombe
- TAAG – Cllr Flockhart
- TIDY Group – Cllr Jacobs, Cllr Kane
- DEFIBRILLATOR – Mr Andrew Ware
- PLAN REVIEW Group – Cllr Flockhart, Cllr Kane
To be revisited at the next pcm due to Cllr absences. Action item - Clerk
b)Defibrillator– Clerk
Mr Andrew Ware willing to resume responsibility for defibrillator,Clerk has checked insurance and memorandum of understanding which states “the council will appoint a member of the community as the ‘nominated person’”. Any volunteer is covered under WPC insurance if carrying out business on behalf of the Council.
c)Bungalow Group – Clerk
Full survey of bungalow conducted by Edward Vereeker MRICs, Chartered Building Surveyor with Drew Pearce 1748 Ltd, on 20th January 2016, tenants and WPC Proper Officer in attendance. Report to be circulated immediately upon receipt to Cllrs, tenant and placed on WPC website as a public document.Written survey report not due for approximately four weeks, therefore the Cemetery Bungalow will be an agenda item for next pcm in for WPC to consider survey report (if received).
d)Tidy Group- Cllr Jacobs
- Shute Lane - Notices have been placed at either end of Shute Lane regarding ownership and access, John Baker (Rights of Way Officer) will assist Cllr Jacobs on next course of action to make Shute Lane ‘walkable’
- Grass Cutting – Approach to Winkleigh. The owner of the Parsonage has agreed to take on grass cutting on the grassed areas outside of their property after first grass cutting of the year has taken place, which leaves a number of areas of uncut grass in that approach to Winkleigh. The Sports Centre have set up a working party including Cllr Jacobs to obtain tenders for cutting of the remaining areas as detailed on map not covered by TDC grass cutting policy. Action item- Cllr Jacobs to arrange 3 tenders to be sent direct to Clerk
e)TAAG – Cllr Flockhart
Update of meeting attended on 12th January 2016. State of roads, farm vehicles causing damage to verges, drains blocked were items of discussion, the environment agency is trying to work with Defra and farmers regarding return to contour ploughing. Cllr Flockhart wrote to Dist Cllr Julian regarding pot holes and state of our rural roads. The potholes on the Chulmleigh Road have been mostly filled, the remaining potholes and damage are still being chased but they do not have the money to fund all repairs at present and rural communities are therefore low priority.
f)District Councillor Report- Cllr Flockhart
Dist Cllr Boundy had submitted a report, read out by Cllr Flockhart, detailing attendance at the following in the last/forthcoming week; Communities and Resources, Governance & Audit, Health & Wellbeing, Planning Problems within the ward, training for Mental Health.