Morpeth Town Council

Minutes of thePlanning and Transport Committee Meeting

held on Wednesday7thNovember 2012 at 6:00 pm

in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, Morpeth

These draft Minutes have been approved for wider circulation by the Chairman of this Committee


Councillors:G Trotter-Chairman

K Brown-arrived at 6:30 pm

D Herne-arrived at 6:45 pm

M Horton-Mayor

D Parker

R Thompson -Deputy Mayor

Clerks:Mrs A Logan

Mrs S Matthews

Absent Dr N Best-Apologies Received

Councillors:L Cassie-Apologies Received

I Lindley-Apologies Received

One member of the Press and Tony Carter, Planning Officer from Northumberland County Council (NCC) also attended from 6:30 pm.

Ms Jan Chisolm, Community Transport Officer for NCC attended to advise on Sustainable Community Transport. (6:00 pm – 6:30 pm)


The Chairman welcomed Ms Chisolm to report on Sustainable Community Transport, outlining criteria, operators included in the provision of the same and confirmed that another round of applications for bids to receive financial support will be introduced shortly.

Ms Chisolm advised that she would be happy to look at community transport scheme proposals and would work with councillors to provide the service. It was noted that although generally the concern of rural areas, residents living outside Morpeth may well require transport facilities to enable travel to and from the town. At present there are schemes such as WATBUS,ADAPT and NEED and also about the car sharing scheme.

The Chairman thanked Ms Chisolm.

262/12CommitteeChairman’s Announcements

(i)The Chairman proposed that the meeting be suspended following receipt of questions from the public, to enable discussion in respect of the Flood Alleviation Scheme for Morpeth (FAS) at which the NCC Planning Officer had attended especially. This was unanimously agreed.

(ii)Members were encouraged to attend the Remembrance Day Parade and Service to be held on Sunday 11th November 2012.

263/12Mayor’s Announcements

TheMayor reported attendance at three events recently:

(i)Inaugural AGM in respect of the Collingwood Society.

A special unveiling ceremony of the Collingwood Bust, now a feature in the Buttermarket of the Town Hall, will be held on 7th March 2013, the anniversary of the admiral’s death. A detailed programme is being prepared and the Lead Partner for the project will be Greater Morpeth Development Trust (GMDT) and supported by MTC.

(ii)Hollon Tea

A very successful afternoon was held on Monday 5th November 2012, and was attended by approximately 80 guests.

(iii)40th Anniversary Dinner of Morpeth Lions Club

The mayor attended the anniversary event and reported congratulations were given to MTC for its’ supportive role in opposing planning applications for a retirement home development at Cottingwood Lane and a private application for Low Wood, Pottery Bank. The representation made by Councillor Les Cassie in respect of the former was especially commended.

264/12Declarations of Interest

TheChairman received Declarations of Interest from:

Councillor D Herne:

Planning application 12/02858/FUL- Orangery construction (Personal and prejudicial – owner of the property)

Councillor M Horton (Mayor):

Consultation on Special Schools (Personal – Mayor’s Charity Appeal)

265/12Public Question Time

A copy of an email and copy letter from the Chairman of the Northumberland and Newcastle Society in respect of the Core Strategy and Issues Document was received. The Organisation recognised the importance of Renewable Energy and the role windfarms have in contributing to the same; however, the down side of using such a resource is the detrimental effect on landscape and especially those areas of outstanding natural beauty.

Agreed:- It was agreed to:

  • Issue a letter to NCC highlighting the comments as an MTC response to the consultation;
  • Letter copied to the Society;
  • Refer the matter to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group for consideration.

Councillor D Herne arrived at this point in the meeting - 6:45 pm

266/12Morpeth Flood Alleviation Scheme

The Chairman suspended the meeting to discuss the above planning application (12/02972/FULES)Mr Tony Carteraddressed members’ questions and it was agreed thatMTC welcomes the Scheme , but would wish the concerns shown at Appendix A of these Minutes be taken into account.

In Matters Arising:

Min.235/12 – Public Question Time

An acknowledgement has been received from Northumberland County Council in respect of a transport query with a local provider: investigations are continuing.

Min.236/12 (Min.210/12) (181/12) (156/12) - Core Strategy

As recorded at Min. 265/12.

Min.236/12 (Min.217/12) – Consultation on Special Schools and Units

A response was received from the Chair of Governors. As the Chair is unable to attend a meeting of this Committee, members accepted the comments receivedand these were considered during the consultation process.(see Min. 273/12)

From Previous Minutes: Planning Application for Scotch Gill Woods

It was requested that a further enquiry be issued to NCC regarding the priority of this resurfacing scheme and why not included in the LTP.

267/12Chairman’s Question Time

No questions from members have been received by the Chairman on this occasion.

268/12Town and Country Planning Act 1990

(i)Planning Lists for the period 8th - 26thOctober 2012, plus plans for which no corresponding lists were received, were considered, and subject to the information available at the time, there were no objections to the following applications:

Morpeth Parish

12/02972/FULES:Flood Alleviation Scheme for Areas along the River Wansbeck and Oldgate, Morpeth (see note Appendix A)

12/02858/FUL:20 Whiteacres, Stobhill Grange, Morpeth: construction of orangery to rear *

12/02930/PRUTPO:Pinewood House, Pinewood Drive, Lancaster Park, Morpeth: Prune and/or reduce crown of 1no. ash tree

12/03187/CCD:KEVI School, Cottingwood Lane, Morpeth: extension to existing school building to create new classroom and ancillary accommodation

12/02912/VARYCO:Land at Staithes Lane and East of Dark Lane: Rationalisation of external materials to the building and car deck area

12/03056/FELTPO8 Norham Drive, Stobhill Manor, Morpeth: Fell 2no. trees (TPO) – to be replanted with an appropriate species

12/03057PRUTPO2 Gean Tree Cottages, Morpeth: Reduce sycamore by 45% and re-shape remaining crown to increase health and stability of the tree (TPO)

Adjacent Parishes

12/03118/CCD:Stobhill roundabout, Hepscott, Morpeth:Advertisement consent for 4

(Hepscott)retrospective free standing signs – RS0046

12/02776/FUL:Longacre, Fairmoor, Morpeth: extension to provide granny annexe


12/03088/FUL:Land within Morpeth Avenue and Hebron Avenue, Pegswood, Morpeth:

(Pegswood)Landscape improvments including whinstone over run strip adjacent highway and 5 seats

* Councillor D Herne Declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in this matter.

With regard to planning application 12/03033/ADE – 1 x new fascia sign and 1 x projecting sign at Greggs, 21-23 Bridge Street, Morpeth. MTC objects to this application as the property is within the conservation area and our policy opposes the use of illuminated signage. MTC understands that illuminated signage is permissible in certain premises where the business operate outside normal accepted opening hours: this is not indicated in the application.

(ii)North Area Planning Committee meeting – 1st November 2012

The Chairman and Councillor L Cassie represented MTC at the above meeting regarding planning applications for Low Wood, Pottery Bank and Cottingwood Lane, respectively. Following a vote both applications were refused, with the Committee voting against Planning Officer recommendations.

(iii)Tree Preservation Order

The confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order for land at Abbey Meadows, Kirkhill, Morpeth, was received.


It was reported that a licence application for Morrisons was scheduled to be heard on 6th November 2012. Both MTC and the NCC Planning Authority had objected to the potential for increased opening hours of the store generally, if the sale of alcohol licence times were extended.An amended application had been submitted, restricting the opening hours, and this was accepted by NCC.

Agreed:- MTC withdrew its objection and formallyexpressed thanks to the Planning Officer for keeping members informed and also supporting the objections raised by them.

270/12Bridge Street/Traffic Lights

It was reported that the postponed Traffic Management Review meeting has been reconvened and will be held on 14th November 2012. Only one MTC place had been allocated, to Councillor D Parker. As Councillor Parker is unable to attend, the Chairman of this Committee, who was also originally nominated as a delegate, will represent MTC.

It was requested that the outcome of the review should be aligned with the Neighbourhood Plan.


(i)Proposed Introduction of a 20mph Speed Limit at Stobhill Farm and Stobhill Manor Estates, Morpeth

Information regarding the above proposals were received and welcomed and it was agreed to support the same. It was requested that NCC be asked that the scheme be extended to encompass other areas of Stobhill and the town.

(ii)Road Closure Notices

Details of an extension to the time for a road closure at Staithes Lane (U6112) to 18th January 2013 were received. Concerns were expressed regarding the length of time for work to be undertaken here, which has resulted in an increase in the number of potholes in the alternative access routes.

Agreed:- It was agreed that a letter be issued to NCC drawing attention to the damaged road surface.

(iii)Proposed Traffic Regulation orders for Morpeth Railway Station and Surrounding

Housing Areas

Details of the above proposals were received and welcomed.

272/12Neighbourhood Planning

The Chairman of the Steering group gave a verbal report on the Neighbourhood Plan Launch:

  • A very positive start had been made, and several drop-in sessions had also been held at Mitford and Pegswood. Feedback to date on the Plan Area indicate that this should remain as it is.
  • 200 replies and expressions of interest have been received so far, requesting to receive information, join a themed group or be an observer.
  • The four main topic groups will be launched next week and will be constituted of persons with expertise in the relevant theme.
  • A champion for cross-cutting themes is required.
  • More youth involvement is required.
  • Disappointment has been expressed that the Launch was not significantly reported by the press.

It was considered that there should be a review of the neighbourhood Plan steering group as there are 9 MTC councillors currently sitting as members.

Agreed:- It was agreed that a Paper be brought to the next meeting of this Committee and subsequently referred to Full Council for approval.


Consultation on Special Schools and Units

Following consideration of the document, comments received from the Headteacher of Collingwood School and previously-circulated information from a NCC councillor, it was agreed that the proposals contained in the consultation were very positive and should be supported. It was recognised that the provisions will be of benefit to all levels of the school age spectrum, and this in turn will increase potential for them and the wider community.

The Mayor reported that he had chosen Collingwood School as his Special Charity for 2012/13 and there will be a press release to this effect shortly.

Councillor M Horton (Mayor) Declared a Personal Interest in this matter.

274/12Items of Information

(i)Bolam Area Group Oil Buying

Details of a local scheme to share the cost of fuel purchase, reducing both cost and carbon footprint by decreasing the number of delivery journeys, were received.

(ii)Update by Tolent

An update on work at Staithes Lane by Tolent Construction was received. It was agreed that this should be linked with, and included in, the letter to NCC in respect of the extended time limits for road closure at Staithes Lane.

275/12Any Other Urgent Business

Members were invited to participate in an online survey in respect of the ADAPT transport provision scheme.

There was no otherurgent business to discuss, and the meeting concluded at 8:12pmwith CouncillorsK Brown, D Herne, M Horton, D Parker, R Thompsonand G Trotter(Chairman)present.

Appendix A

FAS Comments from Morpeth Town Council (MTC)


MTC welcomes the FAS Plans and acknowledges there has been extensive consultation with the comments and concerns of residents having been taken into account before the application was submitted. There are, however, several concerns, which MTC wishes to raise and requests that the NCC Planning Committee consider.

It is appreciated that there will be additional supplementary work to be undertaken in other parts of the town, such as at Cottingburn and Copper Chare, and that special schemes will be re-visited and modified if necessary at the appropriate time.

Traffic Movement

MTC is concerned regarding the increase in construction traffic passing through the town during the building of the defences and the dam at Mitford. The additional traffic may cause road blockages, additional noise and inconvenience for residents and visitors. The applicant should provide a statement to explain how these issues will be managed and mitigated.

MTC is concerned that work due to commence on the SE Northumberland Link Road will also create additional construction traffic and this also needs to be managed to avoid significant construction taking place in all areas of the town if carried out at the same time.

MTC has concerns over the construction work taking place at Mitford Dam and the applicant should provide a statement on how construction traffic will access this location and what measures will be put in place to minimise disruption.

MTC requests that the applicant ensures that ‘bus lanes and major routes through the town are not blocked off to ensure no detrimental effect on business or residents movements around the town.

Noise Disturbance (Public Protection)

MTC is concerned regarding the potential noise disturbance for residents caused by construction vehicles and machinery after acceptable hours. This would also impact on

St Robert’s and St George’s churches on Sundays where there are daytime services.

It is requested that a condition be included whereby work should not be permitted before 6:00 am and after 6:00 pm or on Sundays and Bank Holidays to avoid disruption for residents and churches.

Consultation with other NCC Departments

MTC requests confirmation that the Planning Authority has inter-departmental consultation within NCC to ensure other services are not compromised during the carrying-out of the FAS: for example, consultation with Highways where Temporary Road Closures and traffic management have been requested for special events in the town, such as Morpeth Gathering, Fair Day, Remembrance Day Parade, Christmas Lights switching-on and the VO2 Duathalon on Easter Monday.

Additional Planning Concerns

Some confirmation of materials is still to be determined at Pretoria Avenue, but should match the existing flood walls. The flood walls “could” be constructed of concrete clad with reconstituated stone


MTC would ask that a Site Agents Statement be provided to ensure consideration for residents and visitors to the town during the works to address:

(i)Contractor parking (not to use regular car parks)

(ii)Siting of compounds

(iii)Noise whilst working

(iv) Managing litter and debris