Minutes of theParish Council Meeting held in Goods Yard House on 2nd July2018at 7:30pm

Present: Cllr R Nathan, Cllr C Burnett-Dick, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr R Eastwood, Cllr M Colenutt,Cllr S Howard,Cllr J Smith,Cllr C Beare, andCllr G Horner (Chair).

Absent: Cllr R Best,Cllr B Maude, Cllr A Emery and Cllr J Sanders.

  1. Accept apologies for absence.

Cllr R Best, Cllr B Maude, Cllr A Emery and Cllr J Sanders.

  1. Declarations of pecuniary and disc losable interests in respect of matters to be discussed.
    The Chair reminded Cllrs to declare when necessary.
  2. To Approve Minutes from Parish Council meeting held on 5th June 2018.
    One duplication of Cllr Colenutt presence was noted and removed.
    With the amendment unanimously approved and signed by the Chair as a true record.
  3. Matters Arising.
    The new encrypted laptop was installed.
    The emergency plan and clock replacement would feature on a future agenda.
    The Village Hall trough had been repaired.
  4. Correspondence.
    The list had been circulated prior to the meeting.
    The internal auditors report was noted and duly accepted.
    The School correspondence invited Cllrs to visit was reiterated. Cllrs Nathan, Higgins, Smith and Beare showed interest in attending. The Clerk would contact the School to make arrangements.
    The centenary WI tea party on the 12th July was highlighted. Cllrs Higgins and Eastwood would attend – The Clerk would reply to the WI.
    The open spaces invite was considered but no one could attend.
    The Clerk reported CLM were happy to accept the dog bin move.
  5. Finance

(i)To accept account 2018/19
This had been circulated prior to the meeting and was tracking to budget andwas duly accepted.

(ii)To approve expenditure as itemised on the schedule
This had been circulated and expenditure of £6783.79was approved by majority vote with one abstention (Cllr Smith – pecuniary interest).

  1. To report on Highways initiatives – update.

The Clerk reported an SLR meeting would be scheduled and the Clerk was liaising with ESCC and Cllr Colenutt to agree a date.

The Clerk had chased Michael Higgs ESCC about the Holtye speed reduction plan and the longer term accident data the Clerk had requested from him following the last meeting.

The Clerk was attending a SSALC / Police initiative meeting during the week and would report back.

The Clerk was asked to write to the Golf Club again to request a barrier to stop the short crossing on the bend.

  1. To review proposals for WW1 commemorations.

Cllr Burnett Dick reported on the recent meeting of the working party and the plan so far.

An outline plan was presented:

18:55 last Post with names of the fallen from WW1 to be read.

19:00 lighting of the beacon

19:05 Church bells and possibly followed by fireworks. (The Council were keen to see a one off firework to mark the end rather than a display).

The History Group would be invited to record the event.

The following actions were required:

To register the event.

To investigate the locations for the beacon and arrange planning.

To arrange a risk assessment and contact the insurers.

To arrange the order of a permanent beacon and stand.

To arrange a further meeting to review plans and promotion with Rev Julie and Rob McGlew to discuss fireworks and beacon arrangements.

To advertise the event locally as widely as possible.

To highlight the event in the newsletter and request fundraising for the purchase of the beacon.

Cllr Horner proposed that Cllr Burnett Dick should be delegated to progress the project over the summer with the working party up to total expenditure of £1000. Cllr Smith was invited to join the working group. Seconded by Cllr Higgins and unanimously approved.

  1. To consider community initiatives.

It was noted that the Cllr Maude was progressing the community health walks. She had also contacted the Youth Worker to progress the Youth Voice initiative.

The 28th August had been proposedfor the Parish clean. Cllrs liked the idea of a pre-Fete clean but expressed concern that the date was the bank holiday weekend and wondered if the previous weekend might be better supported. Cllrs agreed to leave Cllr Maude to finalise the date.

  1. To consider fun run future and PC involvement.
    After some consideration, the Council agreed that the Council would support Jo Edwarde with the fun run with Cllr Smith taking a lead with other Cllrs helping on the day. The Council would like the 2019 run to raise funds for the playground. The Clerk would write to Jo to confirm this and for her to confirm her date once she had considered the options.
  1. Report on Goods Yard House and to consider proposals and expenditure.
    There was nothing to report or agree – The Clerk was continuing to chase and outlined the current position to Cllrs.
  2. To ratify committee minutes.
    Minutes from the Planning and Town Croft Committees were unanimously ratified.
  3. Items for Reporting or Inclusion in Future Agendas.
    Cllr Colenutt had attended the pavilion dishwasher and the Clerk confirmed the plumber would be reconnecting the dishwasher shortly.

Cllr Burnett Dick reported on the sad news of Martin Donner’s death. The Clerk would write a letter to Mrs Donner expressing condolences.

Cllr Burnett Dick reported on the traveller incursion at Friends Clump.
Cllr Eastwood reported on the persistent issue of noisy helicopters.

Cllr Beare reported on ongoing motorcyclist issue on the A264. This would be raised again at the SLR meeting.

The Clerk reported on the newsletter process.Articles were needed within the next two weeks. The newsletter stuffing would take place at 9:30am on 30th July.

Dates of Next Meetings:

Planning 6th August 9:30am

Parish Council 3rd September 9:30pm

Meeting Closed 9:50pm