Minutes of theDorney Parish Meeting of the Council

held at the Dorney Village Hall on Tuesday 10thApril 2018at 8 pm

Present:-CouncillorsA Purdie(chaired the meeting),G Easton,A Foxley and P Smith

In Attendance:- Buck CC Cllr Dev Dhillon, SBDC Cllr D Pepler, SBDC Cllr M Bezzant, 5 members of the public and Sue Moffat (Clerk).

198PUBLIC PARTICIPTION –Bucks CC Report – Cllr Dev Dhillonreported:-(i) He has £9000 of LAF funding for the 3 parishes and he needs to know the projects for Dorney; (ii) Regards Dorney PC request to purchase an alternative make of the Vehicle Activated sign, please send the details to the Highways Officers for approval.

SBDC Report – Cllr Pepler reported that:-(i) The Enforcement Officer has visited 7 Old Marsh Lane regards the development of the outbuilding but neither Cllr Pepler nor Cllr Dhillon had any information of this visit. The Clerk will investigate; (ii) Cllr Pepler went on to say that the main work at District Council at present is responding to the Consultation on Unitary Authority after the Secretary of State was minded to recommend the single Unitary authority rather than the 2 tier model as recommended by the 4 District Council; (iii) Cllr Bezzant reported that there was some development regards the Enforcement on the owners of the waste heaps at Orchard Herbs Farm

199Apologies were received from Cllr L Kittel, Cllr K Harris and Cllr R Ormond.

200Resolved to receive and approve the minutes of the previous meetingCouncil held on the 13th March2018.

201Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda – None.

202Clerk’s Report –Bucks CC and SBDC have this week come forward with proposed meeting dates to discuss ‘Single’ and 2 tiered’ Unitary Authority respectively in order for parish councils to respond to the Consultation from the Secretary of State onthis matter. The nearest locations for Bucks CC is 23rd April at Beaconsfield and for SBDC on 1st May at Capswood Offices.

203Chairman’s Report –None.

204Defibrillator Update –Cllr Foxley reported that the training for volunteers to use the defibrillator has been re-arranged for 24th April, 6.30 to 8.30pm at the Upper Room in the Palmers Arms. Regards the possibility of an additional defibrillator in Dorney Reach, the local electrician is providing quotes for installing electricity to the Phone Box in Harcourt Rd and to the outside wall of the Village Hall and then decide the most suitable location. This defibrillator would bein a locked cabinet.

205Transparency Code – The IT equipment has been installed in the Clerk’s Office. The Clerk thanked Alice Foxley and Chris Vines for all their work in organising this.

206General Data Protection Register – A report on this matter was circulated by the Clerk and this was noted.

207Traffic Calming Measures in Dorney (DTWG) – A solar panel Speed Awareness sign has been sourced from a manufacturer, Evolis Radar Speed sign, at a much lower cost than the one recommended by Bucks CC. Two sites have been identified for these signs as agreed at the site meeting with Cllr Ormond, Cllr Dhillon and the Local Area Technician. Both locations, either end of the Village. already have a post in place to attach the sign. The Clerk will now check with Highways regards the suitability of the sign.

Concern was raised regards the report from Dorney Traffic Working Group in the March edition of Dorney News. Firstly, the traffic movements would appear questionable as the figures in the article relates to about one car every 7 seconds. Cllr Dhillon will find the correct figures and report back. Secondly, concern was raised that the article states the Police report to the Parish meeting on 14th November 2017 was inaccurate. The Police did in fact report what they were able to report at that time before the inquest had taken place. It was also noted that it was a disturbing article to reportin Dorney News regards the details of the inquest.

208Projects to submit to Beeches LAF for funding in 2018-19 – The proposal already suggested was railings to be erected outside the entrance to Eton Rowing Club in Court Lane for preventing parked cars and improve the safety of pedestrians. Cllr Dhillon will provide a picture of the railings. The Something New Group has also asked funding for wild flowers at the back of the Memorial Gardens.

209To consider any updates on the proposed security measures required at Trumpers Field. SBDC will be installing post and rail fence alongside the ditch within the next 2 weeks.

210To respond to the consultation on MODERNISING LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE – To consider submitting representation to Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to provide the views of Gerrards Cross Town Council regarding the decision of the Secretary of Stateminded to’ implement, subject to Parliamentary approval and further discussions, the locally-led proposal to replace the existing five councils across Buckinghamshire with a single council for the area.Feedback to MHCLG (by 25 May).

After much discussion it was agreed to defer the response until councillors had the opportunity to attending the meetings being held by Bucks CC and the District Councils.


  1. To note planning issues, decisions and appeals recently notified by South Bucks District Council – (final notice to be circulated).
  2. To consider and comment upon applications – (to be circulated).

c. 17/00930/FUL, 3 Harcourt Rd, Single Storey Rear extension – Appeal dismissed


a) To authorise payment of Accounts for April 2018 (as circulated).

b) To receive list of income for April 2018 (as circulated).

c) To receive recent bank statements and Chairman to sign reconciliations.

d) To receive the budget for 2017/18.

213.Member’s Reports –Cllr Purdie was unable to attend the SBALC meeting but sent a report.

214. Correspondence-(i) Land at Roots Gardens, Bath Road, Taplow, SL6 0NL – Planning application for a care home within class c2; (ii) Notice of the meetings at Beaconsfield and Capswood on the benefits of Single Unitary Authority and 2 tiered Unitary authority respectively.

215.Resolve any complaints/comments received from residents- (i) Concerns regards the M4SmartMotorway works; (ii) Complaints from residents about the lack of Broadband. Open Reach announced that the new cabinet in Dorney Reach was working and then was out of action for 3 weeks. Cllr Foxley was informed that it should be fixed today but appears not. Complaints should be directed to Openreach.co.uk using the reference C4815744; (iii) Cllr Purdie offered to respond to NALC on the Unauthorised Development and Encampment Consultation being conducted by the Government. NALC is collecting information to respond on behalf of town and parish councils.

216.Highways employee/work–No further updates.

Meeting ended 9.35pm.

Chairman …………………………………………………… Date ………………………………….

Date of next meeting – Annual Parish Council meeting at 8pm on 8th May, 2018 atDorney Village Hall.