Minutes of the WPE Development Committee Meeting
September 18, 2009
Number 1
USU 311
In attendance: Rebekha Abbuhl in lieu of Sharlene Sayegh for today (Linguistics), Lori Brown (Business), Colleen Dunagan (Dance), Susan Platt (Testing and Evaluation Services, Linda Sarbo (GWAR Coordinator), Bron Pellissier (Advising Council), Rick Tuveson (Health and Human Services), Tod Fox (WRL), Karin Griffin (University Library), Carol Zeitzer-Comfort (English and Liberal Studies), and Mark Wiley (Faculty Affairs?), and Gary Griswald (English?)
- Approval of Agenda: MSP
- Election of Committee Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary:
- Nominations for Chair – Gary Griswald (accepted). MSP
- Nominations for Vice-Chair – Karin Griffith (accepted), Carol Comfort (accepted)
- Ballots – Karin Griffin elected. MSP
- Nominations for Secretary – Colleen Dunagan (accepted for Fall), Carol Zeitzer-Comfort (accepted for Spring). MSP
- Approval of last meeting’s minutes (5/15/09):
- Postponed until next meeting
- GWAR Coordinator’s Report: Linda Sarbo
- Special circumstances waiver(s) –
- Explanation of waiver – Students submit documentation to demonstrate special circumstances that prevent them from satisfying the GWAR; reasons can be varied. Since providing alternatives to the WPE (i.e. portfolio courses), there have been far fewer waiver requests and/or waivers granted.
- Petition #1- the student entered in 1996 and was enrolled continuously through 2001 (health care and computer science). The student did submit a letter with the petition and has completed the following: WPE prep, English 317 Technical Writing, and 11 WPE attempts. The cover letter attests to the fact that the student completed all lower division requirements for Human Health Care major in 1998 with a cumulative GPA of 2.72 and is proficient in Computer Science. The student’s current job demonstrates evidence of proficiency in writing. The student currently works for a doctor’s office where she is the IT officer. She is seeking a waiver because she has an opportunity to be promoted to Supervisor of IT, but they want her to have a degree.
- Discussion – seems like she has been given increasing responsibilities in her job, has been diligent in her attempts to succeed at the WPE (most recent attempts were in July 2009 and her scores were 8s and 9s), and 301B was piloted in Fall 2005 after she had left the campus.
- Motion to grant waiver. MSP.
- Petition #2 – The student entered in 1982 and was continuously enrolled until 1986 in the industrial technology program. The student completed ALP 124, ALP 125, and a WPE prep course. The student attempted the WPE 10 times between 1985 and 1992 (scores range from 7s to 10s with the last two being 10s). His letter indicates that he was recently laid off and that this is why he seeks the degree (given the current economic climate). He appears to have no other writing classes.
- Discussion – His current pursuit of the waiver is due to his being laid off and needing to find new employment. The committee is concerned that we do not know that he has been doing any writing on the job and are uncertain as to whether or not he had completed all degree requirements prior to leaving enrollment. In addition, there is a concern that he may have a hard time getting the degree, even if we grant the waiver, because his degree program is now only an option within the Electrical Engineer department and may not be able to be recertified.
- Action requested – The committee would like to know whether or not he will need to take more courses to recertify his degree program and if he will need to do so, would like to ask him to take ENG301B. The committee would also like to know if he has been doing any writing as part of his job. Linda will research the degree program issues and report back.
- Motion to postpone decision until we have further information regarding his degree. MSP.
- Enrollment in GWAR courses:
- 5 sections of 301B, capped at 20 (4 at 19 and 1 at 22)
- 1 section 301B for international students (12 wk course) through Extension/Self-Support (only 6 students enrolled now, but extension agreed to run it anyway).
- Offered 1 section 301A for international students through Extension/Self-support but no students enrolled.
- Currently don’t have a 301B section for non-matriculated students, but Linda will talk to English chair
- Engineering 310 is now only a GWAR course, 3 sections (1 at 14, 1 at 15, 1 at 5)
- 1 section of IS301 with 20 students
- 1 section of COTA 300 with 19 students
- 2 sections of Fashion Merchandising 350 with 25 students but most won’t take it to meet the GWAR.
- From time to time students have grievances regarding their portfolios, and if the matter cannot be resolved with instructor, they are entitled to an appeals process. The appeal is made to the GWAR Coordinator. Linda suggests that we make a subcommittee to deal with these appeals.
- Motion to establish subcommittee. MSP
- Discussion – suggesting made that we post materials online in Beachboard in order to protect confidentiality while making materials easily accessible to all members of the subcommittee.
- Volunteers – Gary, Tod, Mark, and Susan
- For each appeal at least three members of the subcommittee will read materials, discuss, and vote.
- Report from the Academic Writing Assessment Task Force as related to GWAR – Gary Griswold:
- Task Force’s charge is to look at how writing is assessed in upper division courses at the University. The Task Force is to determine if we do assess writing at this level, and if so, how we do and how we might do it differently.
- Executive Committee of AS recommended that the Task Force should also look at the revised GWAR policy and other proposed policies to see what sense they can make of the differences and similarities that currently exist within the policies, as well as between the policies in relationship to the findings of the Task Force. After completing these assignments, the Task Force will make a recommendation about the GWAR policy to AS.
- The Task Force has thus far established learning outcomes. They will now look at what assessment tools would be most effective in assessing these outcomes.
- Confirmation of meeting times:
- First and third Friday of each month, 1:30-3:00 PM, ASU 311
- Next meeting October 2, 2009 at 1:30 PM.
- Other:
- Membership question – we need a student representative. Susan volunteered to speak with Chris (ASI President) to see if he will be serving or designating someone.
- We are missing a representative from the College of Engineering. Linda spoke with the Dean about the need. Linda suggested approaching the lecturer (Miriam Kadrat) who teaches their GWAR course to see if she could serve since she would also fill our lecturer slot. The need for a member and any recommendations will need to be submitted to the Nominating Committee.
- Jack retired – the Committee would like Nathan to serve – we need approval for an exception from Praveen.
- Meeting adjourned at 2:40 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Dunagan