Minutes of the Overhead Line Structural Materials & Hardware Working Group

IEEE TP&C Meeting

Monday, January 8, 2007

Wyndham Resort Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Members Present:

Nelson BingelOsmose Utilities Services

Mike ClodfelderDuke Energy

Len ConsalvoConsultant

Glenn DavidsonPower Engineers

Frank DenbrockD&A Consulting Engineers

Nick DeSantisPowerComm Engineering

Mike DolanPondera Engineers

Bruce FreimarkAEP

Dick HenselConsultant

Magdi IshacHydro One Networks

Brian LacoursiereRS Technologies

Keith LindseyLindsey Manufacturing

Otto LynchPower Line Systems

Tom McCarthyLindsey Manufacturing

Robert MilliesCommonwealth Associates

Roger MontamboGalvan Industries

George NilesBGE

Robert PetersRCP Engineering

Carl TammHubbell Power Systems

Guests Present:

Syed AhmedSouthern CaliforniaEdison

J. M. AsselinAlcan Cable

Gordon BakerGeneral Cable

Tony Baker*K-Line Insulators

Peter CatchpolePower Engineers

John ChanEPRI

Neal ChapmanAmeren

Rob ChristmanFPL

Allen Clapp*Clapp Research Associates

Patrick ClarkConsumers Energy

Rich CollinsCAI

Tony DiGioia*DiGioia, Gray & Associates

Doug DodsonSantee Cooper

Michael Engel*Midwest Energy

Jeff ErdleDuke Energy

Carolyn ErnyBlack & Veatch

Erich Gnandt*T&D High Voltage Consulting

Asim Haldar*Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro

Douglas HarmsCenter Point Energy

Ibrahim Hathout*Hydro One

Randy HaukFirst Energy

Overhead Line Structural Materials & Hardware WGMeeting Minutes, Orlando, January 8, 2007

Guests Present: (Continued)

Dave HavardHavard Engineering

Randy HopkinsPacific Gas & Electric

Weichih HuangBlack & Veatch

Jerry IsaacsonPacificorp

Anton Jachim3M

Doug Jones*Georgia Power

Jacob Joplin*Carteret-Craven

Mark Jurgemeyer*Stanley Consultants

Amir KamarudinHydro One

Norbert KilroeAltalink Management

Herb Lee*Composite Tech Corp

Ming LuManitoba Hydro

Ray McCoy*ACA Conductor Accessories

Colin McCullough3M

Rob MeyersNuon Tecno OHL

Steven Miller*GAI Consultants

May Millies*Salt River Project

Kim NucklesSouthwire

Wes Oliphant

Doug Proctor*Proctor Engineering

Joe RenowdenJDR Engineering

Jack RoughanDulhunty Power

Robert Santarsiero*General Cable

Wade ShultzAlabama Power

Larry SlavinOutside Plant Consulting Services

Rusty SoderbergConsumers Energy

William StrauseRCP Engineering

Lina Tejada-CookFPL

Ridley ThrashSouthwire

Larry Vandergriend*Hughes Bros

Jack VarnerGeorgia Power

Bruce VaughnAlcan Cable

Ed West*Hubbell Power Systems

Bob WhaphamPLP

Nancy ZhuAEP

* indicates new working group member

Standards Status

The following summarizes the action to be taken on standards:

  1. Members should look over the list and determine if any of the standards should be withdrawn. If you see such a standard, send an e-mail to Bob Peters stating that you feel the standard should be withdrawn and the reasons for withdrawal. Bob will then ballot the working group on withdrawal. If no one objects to the withdrawal, the standard will be removed from the list.
  2. Members should review the standards and determine if we can reduce the work load by combining similar standards. Send any suggestions for combining standards to Bob Peters.

Overhead Line Structural Materials & Hardware WGMeeting Minutes, Orlando, January 8, 2007

Standards Status (Continued)

  1. Standards which need action, (reaffirmation, revision or new standard) will be assigned to someone in the working group. This person will be the official representative (OR) for that standard. Bob Peters will send the OR copies (hard and electronic) of the files for that standard. The OR will then submit a PAR to IEEE SA using the web site set up for this. Matthew Ceglia and/or Jerry Reding will assist us in this process.
  2. After SA PAR approval, the OR for the standard will then put the standard in the latest official IEEE template.
  3. The standard will then be sent to the IEEE SA Editor for review.
  4. Bob Peters will issue the standard to the working group for internal ballot.
  5. The OR will incorporate comments from the IEEE SA Editor and the WG internal ballot into the standard and submit the final draft to IEEE for ballot. Bob Peters will assist in preparing the balloter list.
  6. The OR and Bob Peters will work to resolve all negative votes.

Task Group Leader and Standard Official Representative Reports:

The working group has the following active standards which we are working on:

P751Trial Use Design Guide for Wood Structures. This guide was administratively withdrawn by the IEEE SA. The working group decided to revise the latest draft to incorporate the new ANSI 05.1 2002 values. We will reissue the guide as a TP&C Technical Report. Mike Clodfelder has been appointed as the Task Group Leader for a new Design Guide for Wood Structures Task Group. Mike needs help and wants volunteers for the task group. He is putting together a draft document.

P1217Guide for Preservative Treatment of Wood Transmission and Distribution Line Structures This guide has been issued in 2004. Need to revisit in 2008.

P1218Guide for Maintenance of Wood Transmission and Distribution Line Structures. Draft is almost ready for ballot. OR – Nelson Bingel.

C135.1-1999 Zinc Coated steel bolts & nuts. Steve Smith is the OR. This standard needs to be reissued to include shear strength values. A PAR has been issued. Larry Vandergriend handed out copies of the first draft of the revised standard.

C135.2-1999 Threaded Zinc-Coated Ferrous Strand-Eye Anchor Rods and Nuts for Overhead Line Construction. Mike Clodfelder is the OR. This standard needs to be reaffirmed by December 30, 2007.

C135.3-2001 Zinc-Coated Ferrous Lag Screws for Pole and Transmission Line Construction. Mike Clodfelder is the OR. This standard needs a PAR. This standard needs to be reaffirmed by December 30, 2007.

C135.4-1987 Zinc-Coatedferrous eyebolts and nuts for overhead line construction. Steve Smith is the OR. Steve has applied for a PAR.

C135.5-1987 Zinc-Coatedferrous eyenuts andeyelets for overhead line construction. Steve Smith is the OR. Steve has applied for a PAR.

Overhead Line Structural Materials & Hardware WGMeeting Minutes, Orlando, January 8, 2007

Task Group Leader and Standard Official Representative Reports (Continued):

C135.10-1983 PH10-1977 Zinc-Coatedferrous washers for overhead line construction. Steve Smith is the OR. This standard needs a PAR.

C135.11-200X NEMA PH11-1979Galvanizedferrous guy attachments, wrap and formed guy hooks, guy strain plates and pole eye plates. Mike Clodfelder is the OR. A PAR has been issued. Should have standard balloted by December 2010.

C135.14-1979 Staples with Rolled or Slash Points. Bob Peters is the OR. This standard needs a PAR.

C135.17-1979 Zinc-Coatedferrous bolt-type insulator pins with threads used with pin type insulators for overhead line construction. Bob Peters is the OR. This standard needs a PAR.

C135. 20-1998 Zinc-Coatedferrous insulator clevises for overhead line construction. Bob Peters is the OR. This standard needs a PAR.

C135.22-1988 Zinc-Coatedferrous pole-top insulator pins with threads for overhead line construction. Bob Peters is the OR. This standard needs a PAR.

C135.29 Zinc-Coated Ferrous Transformer Cluster Mountings . New standard never issued by NEMA. Need to assign OR and apply for PAR.

C135.30-200X –Old NEMA GR-1 Roger Montambo is OR. PAR has been issued. Draft ready for review. Roger has formed a task group which met on Sunday January 7, 2007. Scheduled completion December, 2008.

C135.36 Zinc-Coatedferrous side mounted insulator pins with threads. Combine with C135.17?

C135.39-1977 Glass fiber reinforced plastic guy strain insulators. This standard has been transferred to ANSI C29 and will be written as a C29.xx Standard for Guy Strains-Composite Type. Waymon Goch is the liaison with ANSI C29 for this standard.

C135.40 Plastic Guy Markers. New standard never issued by NEMA. Need to assign OR and apply for PAR. Combine with C135.41 Plastic Riser U-Guard and C135.42 Plastic U-Guards for ground wire?

C135.61-1997 Standard for the testing of overhead transmission and distribution line hardware. Keith Lindsey is the OR. This standard was approved by the Standards Board in December 2006. It is waiting for printing as a new standard.

C135.62-200X Anchor Shackles. Keith Lindsey is the OR. PAR applied for. The first draft (approved by the working group in 2001) is complete and ready to submit.

C135.63-1998 Shoulder live line extension links for overhead line construction. Keith Lindsey is the OR. This standard was approved by the Standards Board in December 2006. It is waiting for printing as a new standard.

Overhead Line Structural Materials & Hardware WGMeeting Minutes, Orlando, January 8, 2007

Task Group Leader and Standard Official Representative Reports (Continued):

C135.64-200X Guide for Design Testing of Bolted Deadend Strain Clamps. Carl Tamm is the OR. Keith Lindsey noted previously that there were testing requirements in this standard that would significantly impact one manufacturer. This must be resolved before this standard can be approved. We have a PAR for this standard.

Note there are several standards listed on the attached spreadsheet which have not been acted on. These standards and the standards with Bob Peters listed as OR need to have someone from the working group to take ownership. Any volunteers?

It was also suggested by Keith Lindsey that we combine several similar standards as a new standard called;
Pole Line Hardware Standard. We need suggestions on what standards we should include in the combined standard. The galvanizing section of most of these standards are the same.

Liaison Reports

ANSI 05 Report. Nelson Bingel. A letter ballot for a new ANSI O5.1-2006 did not pass as some re-evaluation of the fiber stress height effect formula will bring some adjustments based on actual pole dimension data. Another letter ballot should be issued in 2007.

NESC Frank Denbrock. 2007 NESC is now in effect.

Panel Session Joint Use of overhead structures

The working group sponsored a panel session on the joint use of overhead power structures. Panel participants were Otto Lynch, Mike Dolan, Bob Peters and Randy Hauk. The panel session can be obtained at the TP&C website google ieee_tpc.

Next meeting:

IEEE PES Meeting, 3PMTuesday June 26, 2007, TampaConvention Center or Marriott Waterside, Tampa, Florida.