MINUTES of the Special Council meeting held on Wednesday 2nd November 2011in the Council Chambers, Hutchison Street, Coober Pedy, commencing at 5.15 p.m.


Mayor Steve Baines welcomed Councillors and staff and declared the meeting open


2.1PresentMayor Steve Baines

CouncillorsCr D Bowman, Cr B Rapaic, Cr C Crisa,

Cr R Berry, Cr R Walker and Cr P Athanasiadis

In AttendanceT McLeod, Chief Executive Officer

D Clark, Finance & Administration Manager

T Lauder, Child Community Links Officer

2.2ApologiesCr S Staines and Cr M Maylin


3.1Motions on Notice

Councillor Carmelo Crisa

Moved: Cr C CrisaSeconded: Cr D Bowman


“That Resolution SC28-11 berescinded”


Moved: Cr C CrisaSeconded: Cr R Berry


  1. That Council appoint Viesturs Cielens Design to act as Project Manager, with the authority to engage contractors on Council’s behalf, for the construction of the Family Recreation Hub, on the basis that the works identified in the Tender Evaluation spreadsheet, as presented to Council on 9th August 2011, do not exceed $750,100 (excluding GST), which includes works totalling $261,866, which have been identified in the Tender Evaluation spreadsheet as being undertaken by Council; and
  1. That the works identified in the Tender Evaluation spreadsheet referred to in the report of the Chief Executive Officer, under the column headed ‘Council’, totalling $261,866 be undertaken by Council; and
  1. That in accordance with the Gantt Chart as provided by Viesturs Cielens Design the project completion date will be 13th May 2012; and
  1. That Council investigate the options and costs of including lighting to the area and report back to Council at a later date for consideration.


3.2Family Recreation Hub

Chief Executive Officer’s Report received and noted

3.2Certification of Financial Statements

Moved: Cr D BowmanSeconded: Cr R Berry


That the Council authorise the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to certify the 2011 Annual Financial Statements in their final form and sign the certification statement.


4.CLOSURE – 5.23 pm


2nd November 2011 SCM