Minutes of The Smithy Surgery PPG Meeting
31st March 2016 5.30pm @The Smithy Surgery
Attendees: Kay Phillips, Mary Jessop, Sharon Battersby , Mai Spencer, Mary Fitton, Sharon France,
David Collins
Apologies: Jan Wright, Jeff Barlow, Pat Ralls
1. Minutes of the February Meeting
Minutes accepted
2. Matters Arising
The surgery has updated the fees for private work eg insurance forms. Sharon F has included this in the Welcome Pack for new patients.
Action: Mary F to send a copy of the complete Welcome Pack to Jan
Newsletter: Pat and Jeff do not wish to take this on, so the Newsletter will be suspended for the time being
Speakers: David has contacted Sanctuary and is awaiting a reply about their attending the PPG meeting in April. If Sanctuary cannot attend, David will try Dementia Friends Training or Asthma for April. April August and November are the provisionally designated months for speakers.
Mai mentioned that the CCG Diversity officer had given a talk at the Glossop Patient Locality meeting.
3. Standing Items
GP and Practice Update
Kay noted that March had been a quiet month in the surgery.
31st March is the last day of QOF (Quality and Outcomes Framework). This is a list of targets that the surgery must try to achieve every year eg ensure that all diabetics have had certain health checks and have certain health markers such as blood pressure at defined target levels. The targets to be met in all areas of QOF seem to get harder to achieve year on year. The practice is paid on a pro rata basis for achieving % levels of the targets. It is possible to exclude some patients from the target cohorts if they are not medically suitable or if they refuse to comply with the surgery requests to see them.
Re blood pressure targets for illnesses, Noshad the practice pharmacist has just finished some hypertension training and it is planned that he will be able to help with this in the 2016/17 year.
The first submission for the PCQS (Primary Care Quality Scheme)is due at the end of April. The surgery has begun to change the way the medical staff review chronic conditions. If possible, they now review the patient holistically at one appointment for all conditions that they have, rather than reviewing the patient sequentially for each condition. This requires quite a bit of administrative input to collate and invite patients for review.
The new GP has declined the post offered. This may mean there is an opportunity to employ a triage nurse or similar, although the availability of such personnel in the local area has not yet been investigated. The partners will talk about the vacancy at their next meeting.
Currently, Rob, a recently qualified locum GP, is working at the surgery as well as locum Emma who has been at the surgery for a while.
There was discussion about the usefulness of the Pneumovax vaccine for the over 65s and the Shingles vaccine for the over 70s. Kay noted that if they are offered then patients should take up the offer.
Suggestion Box
There were three suggestions:
Anonymous: disatisfaction with the time the patient had been waiting to see the GP
Phone No: Electronic scripts are a waste of time (sic) as they get lost and are not at the chemist
Phone No: A water drinking machine for the waiting room
Action: David will ring the two patients who have left a phone no. to ascertain the exact problem about their electronic scripts and to say that the surgery is investigating a water machine.
Mary F to find out the cost of a water machine.
Sharon F has started keeping a log of all suggestions from the box.
Action: Consider in the future a noticeboard display about suggestions and what has been done about them.
Glossop Patient Locality Group
The Lambgates youth project had been suggested by one of the GPs. Longedendale school has expressed an interest, the other school (?) has not. Lambgates will let the Smithy PPG know how they are going to proceed.
Boots Hadfield is still having problems with electronic scripts. Lambgates is having a meeting about this with the regional manager of Boots.
A Lambgates GP gave a presentation on Diabetes. All pre diabetics were invited and 25 atended.
The next presentation meeting to patients will be a Dietician talking about healthy eating and how to read food labels etc.
Kay outlined The Smithy plans to call in patients with high BMIs (body mass index) who may be prone to developing diabetes.
Hyde Patient Locality Group
Tracy Turley and Celia Poole (CCG) gave a presentation about the Patient Online program and how PPGs may be able to help their own surgeries to help patients access their records.
Tracy is finding out about any duplication of monies for the Over 75s and the LCCT (Local Community Care Teams) projects
Tracy noted that she and Celia had been impressed by The Smithy Annual Report. PPG Annual Reports are an agenda item on the Patient Network meeting in April.
CCG Meeting
Sharon B had not gone to this but had attended a public meeting about the Local Community Care Team project. Sharon had distributed her notes to the meeting.
Action: Kay to feedback on the social worker attendance at the next Smithy clinical meeting
4. Noticeboards
PPG Board: A display on what the PPG does and has done so far. Ideas such as a Kitchener-type poster
“Your PPG Needs YOU” ? Outline the skills we need in the PPG eg someone to do a newsletter? Any new ideas welcome?
Action: Pat and Jeff to renew the PPG board
Information Board – see item 5
5. Online Records Access Feedback
Two members (Mary x 2) of the PPG had accessed their records. They reported no problems with the process of obtaining access and no problems with the data displayed and the content. Sharon B has the paperwork to begin.
Sharon F noted that another non PPG patient has asked for access
Action: Mai and David will organise access before the next meeting and report back.
Mary F to do a display on the Information Board , maybe in 2 months, after patient feedback on records access
Mary F to send a link of the you tube video on records access
Mary J to remind Tracy to send out the CCG presentation on records access
6. Patient Survey
Programmed for May. Maybe include some of the ideas from item 7* and item 9 DNAs~.
Action: David Mai and Mary F to meet to draw up ideas for a survey – content and distribution -and agenda at the April meeting
Resurvey re confidentiality at reception to see if the work done has made a difference
7. PPG Membership
Mai and David had met and drawn up some good ideas to increase membership. *Maybe particular groups could be targeted in the patient survey.
It was suggested that the PPG might speak about the group at a Friends of Hollingworth meeting.
Sharon F volunteered to take PPG flyers to Hollingworth Primary School to be handed out to the children
Action: Members to email Mary F with any other suggestions about increasing or diversifying membership
David & Mai to let Sharon F know what message to put on prescriptions for a couple of months and on the booking in screen
The content of the information leaflet is ok. The PPG logo can be added
Action: MF to produce as an A5 booklet so that it can be included in the Welcome Pack a well as being displayed as a leaflet
9. AOB
~DNAs were discussed. There is no routine system of contacting patients when they have DNA’d and no sanctions for persistent offenders. Kay noted that there are a variety of reasons why patients DNA and it is not always a wilful action.
Action: Kay agreed that Wendy could do a 3 month analysis of DNAs , looking at these as a percentage of all appointments /GP & Nurse appointments and equating these to the number of sessions lost
Next Meeting Thursday April 28th 5.30pm @ The Smithy Surgery