

Present:Eric Murch, Director of Partnerships and Commissioning (Chair)

Sharon Lawson, PS/Chief Executive (Minutes)

Tom Fox, Head of Corporate Affairs

Dan Gunn, Interim Director of Operations

Harry McGuigan, Non-Executive Director

Jane Martin, Non-Executive Director

Willie Pretswell, Director of Finance and Business Services

Ruth Sutherland, Business Manager

Catherine Topley, Interim Director of Human Resources

In Attendance:Brigadier Hugh MonroCBE, HMChief Inspector of Prisons

Gordon Allan, Head of Audit and Assurance

Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence

  1. In the absence of MrMcConnell, MrMurch welcomed colleagues to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from MrBurns, MrMcConnell, MsMatheson,MsRichardson and Msvan Zwanenberg.

Declaration of Interests

  1. There were no new declarations of interest.

Governance Statement2012-13

  1. This paper providedthe Board with an insight into risk management and an overview of the 2012-13Governance Statement including its function, preparation and content. It also underpinned evidence to support compliance with the UKCode of Corporate Governance, Best Value and alignment with National Audit Office questions on the preparation of Governance Statements.
  1. SPS' Risk Management and Audit Committee(RMAC) had met on 21May and agreed that the 2012-13Governance Statement (which is part of the 2012-13Annual Accounts)should be considered by the Board and thereafter approved by the Chief Executive(as Accountable Officer).
  1. In MrMcConnell's absence, the Board were content to approve the Statement, and thanked MrAllan for his comprehensive papers and attendance at the meeting.

[MrAllan left the meeting at this juncture.]

Directorate Structure and Financial Management Approach of Finance and Business Services(FABS) (PB(JUN)01/13)

  1. Further to the Board’s consideration of paperPB(APR)04/13 at the April meeting, this paper provided the requested overview of the Finance and Business Services(FABS) Directorate structure, and outlined the financial management approach operated on behalf of the SPSAgency Accountable Officer.
  1. A wide ranging and lengthy discussion followed. The increased use of the Non-Executive Directors in an advisory capacity over recent months was noted favourably and it was deemed important that this continue.
  1. The Board thanked MrPretswell for his paper which they agreed was useful in setting out the processes and framework within his Directorate. It was noted that Graeme Hutton, Head of Finance, would be leaving his post at the end of June, and the Board wished him well for his future endeavours.

Innovative Work Being Undertaken by SPS: Update (PB(JUN)02/13)

  1. This paper provided an update on the innovative work currently being undertaken by SPS and its partners to effectively contribute to reducing re-offending in Scotland.
  1. A number of key activities are set out in the2012-13 Delivery Plan in relation to caring for prisoners and providing them with a range of opportunitiesto develop life skills; and equip them for their return to the community as positive citizens. Corporate priorities include:

providing opportunities to reduce re-offending- the Interventions Strategy;

making a difference to specific groups such as young people and women in custody;

developing a comprehensive Relationships policy;

effectively contributing to public protection;

improving health outcomes and tackling substance misuse; and

evidencing the effectiveness of our interventions.

  1. There was concern that the paper mentioned violence against women only and should be amended to reflect other factors.

Action: MrsRichardson

  1. On her return from leave, MrsRichardson would be asked to share her work with women offenders with the Board; MrMurch also agreed to circulate DrAndrew Fraser's previous paper on health care post-transfer to the NHS.

Action: MrsRichardson/MrMurch

  1. MrGunn advised that he had recently visited HMPGrampian and met with Colin McKenzie, Chief Executive of Aberdeen Council (and previous SPS Non-Executive Director) and both were optimistic about what has and can be achieved there. The perception was that HMPLow Moss "had got it right" and it was agreed to speak with them regarding the approaches to external agencies they had made.

Action: MrGunn

  1. The Board thanked MrGunn and MsRichardson (in her absence) for their informative paper.

SPS' Approach to Employing Young People and Modern Apprentices (PB(JUN)03/13)

  1. Youth employment has been identified as a significant priority on SPS' agenda. In order to advocate youth employment, SPS is in the final stages of developing a framework which outlines a 2pronged approach:


Trade Apprenticeships(TA)/Modern Apprenticeships(MA).

  1. Due to business needs and the employment/training opportunities offered to young people through this approach, apprenticeships have taken precedence. Following a low level publicity campaign, 91applications had been received and it was hoped to employ 10%of these candidates.
  1. Internships are currently in the early stages of development and will form a key component of SPS' Youth Employment Strategy to attract fresh talent to the organisation, whilst providing valuable and meaningful work experience, knowledge and skills. These will take the form of graduate placements.
  1. The Board thanked MrsTopley for her paper.

Target Setting: Discussion (PB(JUN)04/13

  1. This draft paper built upon paperPB(MAY)02/13 on the Future of Performance Management in SPS.
  1. SPS' approach to performance management was adjusted in2011 to move away from fixed targets towards trend reporting against a suite of more outcome-based performance measures. It was proposed at that time that SPS would move to a performance structure comparable to the NHSHealthcare Quality Strategy (May2010) and that the broad principles of HEAT targets would provide a helpful model for SPS. In broad terms, a 3level model was proposed.
  1. Following discussion by the Board at that time, it was agreed that a "two level" set of measures should be developed over time, but that there should be minimal adjustment (given timeframes) to the KPIs for2011 (only the purposeful activity KPI was introduced). Consequently, the two measure system of KPIs and service measures, set within the SLAs for each establishment, was maintained.
  1. The Organisational Review proposes that the results of the scorecard, quarterly reviews, benchmarking, targeted improvement against new quality standards, and the measurement of targeted contribution to strategic direction at establishment level, will build a much needed emphasis on improvement into SPS' performance management process and provide both direction and impetus to achieving strategic goals.
  1. The Board were asked to:

discuss the emerging recommendations for target setting in the SPS;

agree the broad principles for future target setting; and

agree that SPS should commence the process of formalising the framework and identifying the measures and targets that most significantly contribute to achievement of our mission.

  1. The Board thanked MrMurch for his informative paper.

Financial Report (PB(JUN)05/13)

  1. This paper was tabled at the meeting and was noted by the Board. There hadbeen a small underspend at the end of the last financial year pertaining to the Grampian project.

Minutes of the Last Meeting Held on 15May(PB(MIN)03/13)

  1. Subject to one minor amendment at paragraph14, the minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record of the meeting.

[Brigadier Hugh MonroCBE joined the meeting at this juncture.]

  1. The Board welcomed BrigadierMonro to the meeting. He thanked the Board for inviting him to attend and stated that he wished to reflect on his time in post and offer his outgoing thoughts prior to his retirement from the Scottish Government on 14June.
  1. BrigadierMonro stated that he had compared his first annual report in2009 to his most recent report, and was pleased to note the extraordinary change and improvement in SPS over this time. In particular, he commented positively on the way prisons staff had embraced the reducing re-offending policy and were now engaging more comprehensively with others.
  1. The Board thanked Brigadier Monro for attending the meeting and offered him their very best wishes for a long and happy retirement.

Any Other Business

  1. There was no further business discussed.

Date of Next Meeting

  1. The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 24July in RoomG11, Calton House.

Board Secretariat


BOARD MINUTES (12.06.13)1.