Minutes of the SCEOT Executive Meeting
Thursday June 6, 2014
SCEOT Office
Executive in attendance: A. Chevis, M. Shillolo, D. Brandon, G. Gunn, M. Schembri, B. Caldwell, S. Michaud, R. Ewert, A. Whitman
1. Call meeting to order – S. Michaud, Chair at 1:08pm
2. Human Rights Statement read by M. Schembri
3. Adoption of the Agenda - Chair
MOTION #1: “To approve the agenda as amended to include Political Acton/Public Relations report.”
MOTION#2: “To approve the minutes of the March 27th, 2014 meeting”
S. Michaud/D. Brandon MOTION CARRIED
4. Treasurer’s Report – presented by M. Shillolo
- next year’s Political Action will be on its own budget line (i.e., not included in Equity/Status)
- expenditures next year may be higher due to a) H&S training for Robyn Ewert and b) Political Action because of next year’s federal election.
- final budget will be determined at our first executive meeting in September
Motion#3: “To pass the Treasurer’s report.”
5. Health & Safety Report – presented by M. Shillolo
-the Joint Committee will no longer be doing inspections; these will be deferred to
-on-site H&S committees in the schools
-Mike Shillolo is stepping down as H&S rep. Robyn Ewert will be the new representative.
-recorded as read
6. CBC Report – presented by B. Caldwell; recorded as read
7. PL report – presented by S. Michaud
-SCEOT will be partnering with ETFO to host the Summer Academy
-recorded as read
8. Equity Report – presented by A. Whitman
-recorded as read
9. Status of Women Report presented by Barb Gunn
-includes an additional section on Women in Politics.
-recorded as read
10. Political Action Report – presented by M. Schembri
-ETFO’s direction to locals is clear; to discourage a Progressive Conservative government. Vulnerable ridings, such as Barrie, are having their Liberal candidates supported.
-recorded as read
11. VP report presented by Doug Brandon; recorded as read
MOTION #4: “To accept the reports as presented.”
R. Ewert/A. Whitman MOTION CARRIED
12. President’s Report presented by A. Chevis; recorded as read
MOTION #5: “To approve the president’s report.”
S. Michaud/M. Schembri MOTION CARRIED
13. New Business:
a) SCEOT MOTIONSJune 6th, 2014
Preamble: as directed by ETFO, all locals have been encouraged and instructed to support local candidates with financial donations of up to $1330.00 as well as to provide paid volunteer service from our members to candidates with a high probability of taking out a conservative. The following motions will help to do just that!
1. BIRT (Be it resolved that) SCEOT allocate $1330.00 for the Ann Hoggarth (Liberal) campaign in the Provincial riding of Barrie.
Moved: Amy Chevis
Second: Mike Shillolo MOTION CARRIED
Rationale: Ann is an ETFO member who has been active in unions for many years and is well aware of the politics involved in education and our profession. She is clearly very outspoken and has a good chance of beating the Conservative incumbent as the Liberals lost by only 2000 votes during the last election.
2. BIRT SCEOT allocate $1330.00 for the Jennifer French (NDP) campaign in the Provincial riding of Oshawa.
Moved: Amy Chevis
Second: Mike Shillolo MOTION CARRIED
Rationale: Jennifer French is an active ETFO member who has a very good chance of beating the Conservative incumbent as she only lost by 500 votes during the last election.
3. BIRT SCEOT allocate $1330.00 for the Fred Larsen (Liberal) campaign in the Provincial riding for Simcoe North.
Moved: Amy Chevis
Second: Mike Shillolo MOTION CARRIED
Rationale: Fred Larsen has been the only candidate who has reached out to SCEOT, voicing his concerns around education and the challenges we face due to Bill 115. He has taken the time to meet with both Mike and myself, on separate occasions, and will ensure OT voices are heard at the legislature and within his own party. He has always taken the government to task through letters to the editor as both an OSSTF member and a retiree.The Liberals were second to the Conservatives in each of the last five elections.
b) An inquiry by a member regarding whether OTs can claim mileage on their tax returns. This is a Revenue Canada issue; SCEOT has no control over this. The issue will be addressed at the AGM in October 2014
c) Setting of executive meeting dates for 2014/2015. Our next meeting will be Sept 4/5, 2014.
14. MOTION #6: “That the meeting be adjourned.” 3:40pm
R. Ewert/S. Michaud MOTION CARRIED