PRESENT: / Constable S Crowcroft
Mr G Jennings
Mr N Blake
Mr P Pearce
Mr J Wilding
Rev I MacFirbhisigh
The Very Rev Robert Key (Dean)
APOLOGIES: / Mr P Freeley (Procureur du Bien Public)
IN ATTENDANCE: / Mr C Barton (Procureur du Bien Public)
Mr J Stievenard (Assistant Director of Technical & Environmental Services)
Mr R McKenzie (Town Centre Manager)
OPEN MEETING / Having been previously circulated, the ‘A’ Agenda Minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2011 were agreed.
296/11 - DELIVERY/PARKING ISSUES – SEALE STREET / Previous minute 268/11 refers
No further complaints had been received from residents so it was assumed the delivery new arrangements were in place.
T & E Services agreed to check with TTS if a sign regarding the crossing could be put on the reverse of the no entry sign.
297/11 - MAJOR EVENTS 2012 – PEOPLE’S PARK / Previous minute 272/11 refers
T & E Services advised that letters had been sent to all the event organisers advising them of the increased administration fee and deposit – no adverse comments had been received.
298/11 - SCAFFOLDING – 90-92 HALKETT PLACE / Previous minute 293/11 refers
T & E Services advised that although the owner had been given a deadline of 30 November for the removal of the scaffolding, he had been given some leeway to make the property watertight as this had not been possible due to the recent wet weather.
299/11 - REQUEST FOR ENCROACHMENT – DUHAMEL STREET / The Committee were asked to consider a request for an encroachment over the highway for a property undergoing refurbishment in Duhamel Street. As the encroachment only consisted of a render finish between the first and second floor which did not encroach any further than the existing render band at the base of the property, the Committee agreed to the request.
300/11 - ALFRESCO AREA – ATLANTIQUE SEAFOOD BAR, WEST’S CENTRE / The Committee were asked to consider a request from the proprietor of the Atlantique Seafood Bar to amend their alfresco area slightly to align with their new canopy. As the amendment only involved the “squaring off” of the decking, and their immediate neighbour agreed with the proposal, the Committee agreed to the request.
301/11 - 51 – 55 DON STREET, ST HELIER, JE2 4TR / P/2011/1506
51 – 55 Don Street, St Helier, JE2 4TR
Various external alterations to include replacement mansard roof and install rooflights.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:-
· The applicant produces a refuse storage and collection strategy to the satisfaction of the Refuse Department.
· That the servicing needs and requirements of the first and second floor occupants can be addressed satisfactorily without increasing pressure on on-street parking and unloading arrangements.
302/11 - 19 – 29 COMMERCIAL STREET & 31 – 41 BROAD STREET, ST HELIER / P/2011/0817
19 – 29 Commercial Street & 31 – 41 Broad Street, St Helier
Demolish existing buildings. Construct eight storey building comprising of retail units and offices with basement parking. Remove 33 Broad Street. Restore facades of 35-37 Broad Street and ‘Harbour Wall’ structure. EIA submitted. Model available. REVISED PLANS: Reduce height to six storeys plus roof plant.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comment as follows:-
The Parish’s representation dated 14.07.11 remains relevant.
Les Faitiaux, La Vallée des Vaux, St Helier, JE2 3GB
Operate pet care business.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:-
· There is no intensification of use beyond that described in the application letter.
· That no external kennel forms part of the approval.
· That car parking in connection with the said business is secured wholly from within the site.
304/11 - 1 ELIZABETH LANE, ST HELIER, JE2 3PH / RW/2011/1544
1 Elizabeth Lane, St Helier, JE2 3PH
Replacement windows.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:-
No window opens outward beyond the face of the building.
4 Verulam Villas, Clairvale Road, St Helier, JE2 3YQ
RETROSPECTIVE: Remove roadside wall to create parking.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comment as follows:-
Approval cannot be given as the minimum standard required for a car parking space is 2.40m wide, this cannot be achieved at this site with the likelihood of the vehicle projecting onto the public footpath.
If Planning approve the submission then not withstanding the above
· That the parking area is surfaced with concrete or tarmacadam and all surface water generated on the area is to be disposed of within the site by soakaway or other appropriate means.
· The kerb and footpath must be lowered by the Parish of St Helier at the expense of the applicant.
· That a line of 50mm wide split blocks shall be laid flush at the junction between the private land and the rear of the public footpath for the width of the site.
Samaritans of Jersey, 30 Hue Street, St Helier, JE2 3RE
Display 1 No new projecting sign.
The Parish has no objection to the above submission.
307/11 - LA TURBIE, 3 CLAREMONT ROAD, ST HELIER, JE2 4RT / P/2011/1578
La Turbie, 3 Claremont Road, St Helier, JE2 4RT
Widen vehicular access.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comment as follows:-
The application does not meet the current standards required for visibility splays for both pedestrian and vehicular access. However, as the opening exists and the proposal seeks to improve car parking provision on site, the Parish is prepared to support this application.
308/11 - 102 HALKETT PLACE, ST HELIER, JE2 4WH / P/2011/1575
102 Halkett Place, St Helier, JE2 4WH
Convert existing retail unit into 1 no flat. Various external alterations.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comment as follows:-
The Parish does not support the creation of accommodation units without the provision of private off street parking (except within the core retail sector).
309/11 - THE TOWN HOUSE, 71 ROUGE BOUILLON, ST HELIER, JE2 3ZB / P/2011/1562
The Town House, 71 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier, JE2 3ZB
Convert 4 No bed sits into 2 No flats. Various external alterations.
The Parish has no objection to the above submission.
The Harvest Barn, La Vallée des Vaux, St Helier, JE2 3GB
Convert existing public house and dental laboratory into 1 No dwelling. Convert existing outbuilding into dental laboratory. Construct carport. Convert 1 No staff unit into 1 No flat. Block up 2 No vehicular access.
The Parish has no objection to the above submission.
311/11- ST ELLEN, MANOR PARK ROAD, ST HELIER, JE2 3GH / P/2011/1576
St Ellen, Manor Park Road, St Helier, JE2 3GH
Construct two storey extension to west elevation and single storey extension to south elevation. Various external alterations to include widening of vehicular access.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:-
· The widening of the vehicular access is limited to 1.50m to enable the remaining on street parking space to be retained.
· That the parking area is surfaced with concrete or tarmacadam and all surface water generated on the area is to be disposed of within the site by soakaway or other appropriate means.
· The kerb and footpath must be lowered by the Parish of St Helier at the expense of the applicant.
· That a line of 50mm wide split blocks shall be laid flush at the junction between the private land and the rear of the public footpath for the width of the site.
· That the roadside wall remains at its current height.
312/11 - WEYMOUTH PLACE, 33 AQUILA ROAD, ST HELIER, JE2 3XD / P/2011/1589
Weymouth Place, 33 Aquila Road, St Helier, JE2 3XD
Remove existing extension to west elevation. Construct two storey extension to west elevation. Various external alterations to include creation of vehicular access on to Pomona Lane.
The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comment as follows:-
The applicant has not shown how vehicle visibility lines can be achieved, possibly because the design of the proposed opening would allow nothing but minimal vision in both directions and the fact that the street is very narrow. The Parish would not normally approve such an application, however, the provision of much needed private off street car parking in an area which is stifled of such facilities is welcomed. As Pomona Lane is an 'access only’ road with no through traffic (except cycles) the Parish is prepared, in this instance to waive the requirement for vision lines and support the provision of off street car parking subject to :-
· That the parking area is surfaced with concrete or tarmacadam and all surface water generated on the area is to be disposed of within the site by soakaway or other appropriate means.
· The kerb and footpath must be lowered by the Parish of St Helier at the expense of the applicant.
· That a line of 50mm wide split blocks shall be laid flush at the junction between the private land and the rear of the public footpath for the width of the site.
· That the requirements of the Highway Encroachments (Jersey) Regulations 1957 are strictly complied with.
313/11 - REV I MACFIRBHISIGH / The Constable and the Committee thanked Rev MacFirbhisigh for his work for the Parish on the Roads Committee during the last 12 years as he had decided not to stand for re-election.
Mr Blake thanked Mr Stievenard and Mrs Fraser for all the hard work they did for the Committee.
NEXT MEETING / The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 11 January 2012 at 9.30am in the Committee Room, First Floor, Town Hall.