School District of Mauston

DATE:Monday, May 17, 2010

TIME:7:00 P.M.

PLACE:District Administrative Office

510 Grayside Avenue, Mauston WI 53948

MEMBERS PRESENT: Cauley, Buss, Rogers, McIntire, Kryka, Fox, Zilisch


  1. Board President Jim Cauley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken; all members were present.
  1. Motion by Buss/McIntire to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2010 Regular School Board Meeting. Motion carried 4/0.
  1. Motion by Buss/Rogers to approve the minutes of the April 26, 2010 Special School Board Meeting. Motion carried 7/0.
  1. Motion by Rogers/McIntire to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2010 Special School Board Meeting. Motion carried 5/0 with two abstentions (Absent: Buss, Fox).
  1. Motion by Fox/McIntire to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2010 Special School Board Meeting. Motion carried 7/0.

Public Comments:

  1. The chairperson called for public comments. Isaac Fleming spoke about the Healthy Youth Act. Kelly Murphy spoke in favor of keeping all grades at Lyndon Station. Tricia Demmin spoke regarding potential elementary teacher cuts. Angela Laack spoke in favor of keeping all grades in Lyndon Station. Rusty Shankle spoke regarding budget cutting ideas. Tara Butler spoke in favor of keeping all grades at Lyndon Station. Joseph Gast spoke against cutting a high school English position. Jeff Hoffman spoke in favor of keeping all grades at Lyndon Station.


  1. The newly elected Mauston High School FFA officers introduced themselves: Shaun Laursen, President; Emily Erickson, Treasurer; Krista Postell, Secretary; and Kadi Walsh, Reporter.
  1. School board members reported committee updates, including updates from the negotiations committees. RJ Rogers reported concerning her recent attendance at the Spring Academy of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, which focused on the importance of policy development.
  1. Members of the administrative team updated the board on current building events. Cindy Pfaff described the Spanish Club plans for a student trip to Costa Rica in 2011. Dr. Smolek shared information about the WI Race to the Top Round Two application, and reminded the board and public about the upcoming MHS Construction Class Open House.

Pending Action:

  1. Motion by Rogers/Buss to accept the retirement resignation of Mauston High School art teacher, Bob Dziewior, effective August 5, 2010. The board expressed appreciation to Mr. Dziewior for his 34 years of service to the school district. Following discussion, the motion carried 7/0.
  1. Motion by Buss/McIntire to approve payment for the Shared Services Agreement with the School District of Medford (WI) for two Mauston students to receive educational services from the Rural Virtual Academy (Ref/Exhibit – District File). The parent addressed the board to explain her request to withdraw her children from the district. Following discussion, a roll call vote was taken , and the motion failed 0/7.
  1. Motion by Rogers/Kryka to waive third reading of the following board policies, and approve them, as reviewed and presented: 342.51 – Comparability of Services (Title 1); 342.63 – Educational Services for Homeless and Migrant Students; and 532.R – Procedure for Establishing a Memorandum of Understanding. Following discussion, the motion carried 7/0.
  1. The board conducted a first reading of proposed board policies/rules: 411 – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap or Disability; 411R(1) – Section 504 Procedures for Students; and 411R(2) – Student Nondiscrimination Complaint and Grievance Procedure.
  1. Motion by Buss/Zilisch to approve the elementary, middle school and high school handbooks for 2010-2011. Following discussion, the motion carried 7/0.
  1. The board discussed the remaining recommendations for budget reductions for the 2010-2011 school year. Motion by Buss/Kryka to reduce 1.0 F.T.E. English teacher position at Mauston High School. Following discussion, the motion carried 6/1. (Approved: Buss, Kryka, Zilisch, Fox, McIntire, Cauley; Opposed: Rogers).
  1. Motion by Kryka/McIntire to reduce 1.0 F.T.E. physical education teacher (.5 at OMS and .5 at MHS). Following discussion, the motion failed 1/6. (Approved: Buss; Opposed: Zilisch, Kryka, Rogers, Fox, McIntire, Cauley).
  1. Motion by Buss/McIntire to reduce grade three instructional staff by 1.0 F.T.E. The board discussed recently passed SAGE adjustments which allow a student-teacher ratio of 18:1 (increased from 15:1) for the 2010-11 school year. Following discussion, the motion carried 5/2. (Approved: Kryka, Zilisch, Buss, McIntire, Cauley; Opposed: Fox, Rogers).
  1. Motion by Cauley/Buss to reduce administration costs by a minimum of $40,000 for the 2010-2011 school year. It was noted that $70,097 remains to be cut in order for the budget to be considered balanced for the coming school year. Following discussion, the motion carried 7/0.
  1. Motion by Rogers/Kryka to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for the School District of Mauston to participate in the Wisconsin Race to the Top Round 2 Application (due on May 21, 2010). Following discussion, the motion carried 7/0.
  1. Motion by Buss/Fox to approve three youth options requests, as presented (Exhibit/District File). Motion carried 7/0.
  1. Motion by McIntire/Fox to approve the payment of district vouchers in the amount of $864,042.03. Motion carried 7/0.
  1. Motion by Buss/Zilisch to adjourn to executive/closed session pursuant to Wis. Statutes 19.85 (1)(c) “considering employment, promotion, compensation or evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility; (e) Deliberating or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session…” [(1) Update on ESTM and MEA Negotiations; (2) Discussion re: Principal Hiring Process /Administrative Team 2010-2011]. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried 7/0; the meeting adjourned to closed session at 9:18 p.m.

Recorded by:

Melodye Jones, Recording Secretary