Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Bird Island City Council
August 8, 2005 at 7:30 PM
All members present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Heyl.
A motion was made by Woelfel and seconded by Schneider to authorize payment of the claims, except the Bolton & Menk invoice, and to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting and land use permits for Kathryn Hagen (storage shed) and Todd Manderscheid (storage shed). Passed unanimously.
Street A petition was submitted requesting pavement on Birch Avenue from 2nd Petition to 0 Street. Those owners with property between 1st and 0 Street are requesting pavement no wider that 33 feet with no curb and gutter. They would like this project to be bid with the sewer separation project. Since these are not the street specifications recommended by our Engineer, it was felt that adjacent land owners should be assessed for any maintenance/repairs to the road. There would also be no parking allowed on the road. A motion was made by Engelmann and seconded by Woelfel to add pavement, curb & gutter between 2nd and 1st Streets and to request Engineer estimates on a paved road from 1st to 0 Street without curb & gutter. Passed unanimously.
Easements Jim Jacobs and Bob Ryan were present to discuss their concerns with the easements needed to install an outlet pipe to Ditch 66. The location of the pipe could be a problem should they choose to sell lots for housing development. The planned location is directly north of the County Ditch 66 tile line. The issue will be discussed with our Engineer.
Cooperative The City is still negotiating terms of the Cooperative Agreement with Agreement MnDOT. MnDOT has agreed to a 65% MnDOT/35% City share of the cost of the storm water retention pond and outlet pipe. The City still needs to find a way to fund MnDOT’s part of the project before their appropriation becomes available after July 2006.
BOLD The Council discussed several locations for the in-town section of the Trail proposed BOLD bike trail. Crossing the railroad tracks at 10th Street, then south to the school and on to the City’s municipal park was a popular suggestion. It was felt that the cost of restrooms at the park could be included in the project cost.
Council According to law, an Ordinance may be adopted now to increase
Wages Council/Mayor wages and to allow for compensation for meetings held outside of official meeting dates; however, those new salaries would not be effective until after the next election. An Ordinance will be drafted for the Council’s consideration.
2006 The Council reviewed and discussed the proposed 2006 budget and levy. Budget/Levy If approved as presented, there would be an increase in the levy.
Part-time A motion was made by Woelfel and seconded by Welsh to approve the Police hiring of Breanna Knutson as a part-time police officer. Passed unanimously.
Hazardous A new owner has purchased the trailer home at 210 South 4th Street, which Building is in the process of being condemned. The owner will be requesting an amendment to the City’s mobile home ordinance to allow for another trailer home to be placed on the property.
Meeting adjourned.
Deb Ling, City Administrator