Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting - NO. 2016-08
Municipal Council Chambers, 859 Melrose Road, Shannonville
Monday April 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm
PRESENT: Rick PhillipsReeve
Adam HannafinDeputy Reeve
Heather LangCouncillor
Don McFarlaneCouncillor
Steve Mercer Chief Administrative Officer
ABSENT: Wayne Chadwick – Councillor - vacation
MOVED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
SECONDED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
THAT the agenda of April 4, 2016 be adopted and Meeting be opened at 7:06pm.
MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
THAT the minutes of the March 21, 2016 Regular Meeting be approved as presented.
- None – there was an error on the agenda – the OMPF presentation by Sue Horwood, County of Hastings is scheduled for April 18, not April 11
John Farrell, Roads Supervisor
Provided written report
- Sanding – all roads
- Grading the gravel roads
- Half Load signs are up
- Brushing along Wyman and Belleville Rds.
- Sweeping intersections
- Cold patching on hardtops
- Signage being installed in various areas
- Test holes are being drilled along Old Highway # 2 to confirm depths of asphalt
- Removal of beaver dams on Shannon and Deseronto Rds.
- Brent Pascoe was thanked for his work brushing along Wyman Rd
- There was a discussion regarding the bush hog and the size of trees it was able to cut without having a negative impact on the machinery – John indicated the unit is rated for trees up to 18 inches in diameter
James Oliver – Fire Chief
Provided written report
- There have been eight (8) calls for assistance since the last reporting period
- With the help of the Officers, Jamie has been catching up on Ontario Fire Marshall Reporting and has posted the Senior Fire Prevention Officer and Training Officer Positions for internal competition
- Jamie has communicated with suppliers and other fire personnel that he is now the Interim Chief so that communication does not suffer
- Jamie attended the Junior Firefighter Program on March 23, and all is going very well
Raeanne McGuinness – Recreation Programmer
Provided written report
- Program Registration was held at the Rec Hall on, Wednesday March 23 and Saturday April 3 – our numbers thus
- 148 thus far registered for Soccer
- 123 thus far registered for Baseball
- 7 thus far registered for Adult Three Pitch
- 3 thus far registered for Volleyball
- We are accepting registrations until April 15
- Trash Bash is Saturday April 23 from 9am-2pm
- Seedlings will be available through Hastings Stewardship
- We will also receive electronics and hazardous waste
- BBQ begins at 11am
- Canada Day sponsorship is underway
- The Hastings County / Tyendinaga Township Warden’s Golf Tournament will be held at Briar Fox Golf Course of Saturday May 14 at 1pm with all proceeds going to the Trenton Military Family Resource Centre
- Facilities
- John has been in touch with Coco Paving regarding completion of the walking trail – tentative mid-May
- Benches, Picnic Tables and other final tough beautification items have also been purchased
- Quinte Conservation has identified several species of trees in the forested area and they will be identified
- Raeanne was asked to bring forward some ideas regarding a small tot lot along the trail as use for the Lawson donation in 2015
- There was a discussion/update regarding the electronic scoreboard
- It appears that the Arron Whalen Foundation will be a major supporter of the project
- A meeting is being held shortly with the South Hastings Baseball League to ascertain what their support may be
- Adam and Raeanne will report back to Council as plans unfold
MOVED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
THAT this Council receives the staff report as presented.
MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
THAT the following accounts be approved as presented:
General Government $248,769.51
Waste Disposal $448.80
Roads Department $11,575.65
Recreation Department $1,258.76
Protective Services $0.00
Fire Department $5,340.10
- There were some questions for staff for clarification purposes on certain expenditures.
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Heather Lang
That this Council receives the following correspondence:
- Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus – March 23 – Reaction to Federal Budget
- Hasting County – March 31- Approval of 2016 Budget
- Waste Management - March 30 – Annual Monitoring Report # 29
MOVED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
SECONDED BY:Councillor Heather Lang
That this Council receives the 2016 second draft Municipal Budget and directs the CAO, and makes no changes, and asks the CAO to bring back the Budget for final passage on April 18. 2016
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
WHEREAS Seniors’ Month is an annual province-wide celebration;
WHEREAS seniors have contributed and continue to contribute immensely to the life and vibrancy of this community;
WHEREAS seniors continue to serve as leaders, mentors, volunteers and important and active members of this community;
WHEREAS their contributions past and present warrant appreciation and recognition and their stories deserve to be told;
WHEREAS the health and well-being of seniors is in the interest of all and further adds to the health and well-being of the community;
WHEREAS the knowledge and experience seniors pass on to us continues to benefit all;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township do hereby proclaim June 1-30, 2016 as Seniors’ Month in The Township of Tyendinaga and encourage all citizens to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our seniors.
MOVED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
SECONDED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
That this Council receives the information from the CAO regarding the drainage issues between Queen St and Young St in Shannonville and asks the Roads Supervisor to work with the neighbouring property owners to improve the ditching to the rear of the properties so that there is less pooling in the backyards.
MOVED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
SECONDED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
That this Council receives the information from the CAO regarding the road allowance running north, then east from the 7th Concession, between Lots 10-15, and as a supportive measure advise that if Mr. Sutton is willing to brush out the first section, John can deposit as couple of loads of material that the property owners can then move in, as this road allowance is not maintained by the Township
MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
That this Council approves to write off the taxes for the Lonsdale Women’s Institute for the year 2016
Councillor Heather Lang
- Wanted to thank Raeanne, Donna and Yvonne for all their efforts and extra work to make our two spring/summer registration events a success
- Also conveyed that Bay of Quinte Mutual gave Jim Kennelly a check for $200 for a presentation at a recent insurance providers meeting in the Township regarding the history of the Township
- Jim Kennelly graciously, in turn, donated this money to our Library
Councillor Don McFarlane
- Advised Council that the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity had manty municipal offers of vacant property and at this time would not be taking us up on our offer as there were other more suitable locations to choose from
Reeve Rick Phillips
- Thanked Council and staff on behalf of his extended family for their thoughts and generosity in relation to the passing of his foster father, Newton Demille
MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
That this Council receives the following reports
- Quinte Waste Solutions – Minutes January 19, 2016
MOVED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane
SECONDED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
That this Council hereby approves, pursuant to the Committee of Adjustment review, the Minor Variance application put forward by Justin Mercier to build an accessory building in front of his home due to the original septic configuration.
MOVED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
SECONDED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
That this Council hereby passes Bylaw 2016-10 – Fire Department Officer Pay Pool, to establish rates of honorarium for the Fire Department Officers and support personnel
MOVED BY: Councillor Heather Lang
SECONDED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
THAT Council agreed to continue with the Council Meeting, in camera, as the subject matter deals with personnel and legal matters where confidentiality requires protection.
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Heather Lang
THAT Council has completed the discussion dealing with personnel and legal matters where confidentiality requires protection.
MOVED BY:Councillor Don McFarlane
SECONDED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
THAT this Council confirms the discussion of the in-camera portion of the meeting.
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Heather Lang
THAT this Council approves the in camera minutes from January 2016 to March 2016 as presented.
MOVED BY:Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin
SECONDED BY:Councillor Heather Lang
That this Regular Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:36pm
Rick Phillips, Reeve
Steve Mercer, CAO