City of Grand Mound

Minutes of the Public Hearing for FY16 Budget Amendment II

Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting

615 Sunnyside St. Grand Mound, IA 52751

May 9th, 2016

Mayor Crosthwaite, called the FY16 Budget Amendment Hearing to order at 6:55 p.m. Council members present were; Warren, Stutt, C. Beuthien, Guy, M. Beuthien. No public comments were received. Mayor Crosthwaite declared the meeting closed at 6:59 p.m.

Mayor Crosthwaite, called the City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were; Warren, Stutt, C. Beuthien, Guy, M. Beuthien.

Motion by Stutt, Second by Guy to accept and approve the Consent Agenda, including the non-recurring item of the building permit at 508 West Street for a garage, and the following detail resolution, Ayes; All.


Alliant EnergyUtilities$2,538.21

AflacEmployee Paid Ins$467.01

Automatic SystemsWater Filter Repairs$1,369.11

Clinton Co. LibraryLibrary Dues$5,392.80

Card CenterPaint & Postage$245.87

Clinton Co. SherriffPolice Contract$1,270.89

Collection ServicesApril payments$16.15

Chad MillerApril Wages: PT Public Works$612.10

Chris BeuthienMileage$11.93

Dewitt Office CenterOffice Supplies$45.88

Davisson Tiling LLCStorm SW Supplies$134.08

EFTPSFederal Tax Payment$1,904.80

Genesis Med CTRPre-Employment Testing$33.00


Gary HintzApril Wages: Seasonal PT help$108.00

HawkinsWater Chemicals$271.78

IPERSApril Payment$1,244.74

JD FinancialSeed, Fence parts, PVC parts$180.73

Kurt CrosthwaiteApril Wages: Mayor$400.00

Kelly SeastrandUB Deposit Refund$37.52

Leanne MicolayUB Deposit Refund$77.19

Melissa BloughInv Overpayment Refund$7.00

MetLifeEmployee Paid Life Insurance$13.22

Melissa ConnerMarch-April Mileage$23.05

Melissa ConnerApril Wages: FT Clerk$2,674.02


Pillers & RichmondLegal Fees$120.74

PS3 EnterprisesOuthouse Rental$74.00

QCAnalyticalSW Testing$87.00

Raynor DoorShop Overhead Door Repairs$181.00

Steve KilburgApril Wages FT Public Works$4,679.11

Timberline LandscapeWelcome Sign Landscaping$8,337.56

U.S. CellularPW Cell Phone$50.09

US HWY 30 CoalitionAnnual Dues$50.00

WGML Garbage contract & Recycling$2,132.50



Road Use$4,721.36$1,870.59

Employee Benefits$12,019.82$982.90


Capital Improvement$0.00$8,981.10

08 Citizen Project$0.00$0.00





No citizen inquiries were presented.

The Clinton County Sheriff’s report showed the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office spent 69.62 hours in the City of Grand Mound fromMarch 26th, 2016 through April 25th, 2016. During that time, deputies issued 1 warning & 1 citation, handled 3 incidents and answered 6 calls in the City of Grand Mound.

City Attorney’s Report: Attorney Pillers reported he will provide responses on a few council inquiries within the next week.

Motion by Guy, Second by C. Beuthien to approve the Campbell Lease Agreement. Ayes; All.

Motion by Stutt, Second by C. Beuthien to approve the City to pay for and remove the tree at 401 Lincoln Street which has damage/chains. Kilburg is to order the tree removal as soon as possible. Ayes: All.

Motion by Guy, Second by Warren to proceed with the abatement of 101 East Street, citing no response from the property owner. Ayes: All.

Motion by M. Beuthien, Second by Stutt, to accept the bid from Needhams and proceed with the sewer separation abatement at 807 & 805 Clinton Street. Ayes: All.

Motion by C. Beuthien, Second by Guy to approve the 5 year agreement for maintenance & repair of primary roads with the Iowa DOT. Ayes; All.

No selection was made for East Street County Pavement markings this year.

Motion by Guy, Second by Warren to apply for the Trees Forever Grant for 7 trees. If no grants are received, the City will move forward with purchasing 3 trees from the Andresen Bid to replace trees removed at the Ballpark. Ayes: All.

City Council requested the City Clerk to apply for grants on behalf of the City and request permission from the DNR’s LWCF to rehab the Tennis Court area at the Ballpark. The rehab, if approved, will include ½ concrete basketball court and ½ concrete pickle ball court, with the fencing to remain. If a grant is not awarded, the City will add the project to the capital improvement plan for future budget years.

City Council requested the Public Works Department to arrange for a street sweeper between the 4th of July & Car Show.

City Council tabled the street maintenance bids, pending additional bids from the Public Works Department for additional sealant options.

Motion by C. Beuthien, Second by M. Beuthien to allow water used to fill swimming pools only, to be taken off of the sewer portion of citizen’s utility bill. Citizens will have the option to purchase a separate outside meter, at their expense, to meter additional water that is not put through the sewer if they would like to request those gallons to be removed from their sewer utility bill. Ayes: All.

ADA Compliance Standards for City Owned sidewalks were discussed. Per the recommendation of City Attorney Pillers, any future City owned sidewalk improvements are required to comply with the ADA Compliance Standards.

Motion by Stutt, Second by Warren to provide a $500.00 utility bill credit to the Home Base Iowa Program for any Veteran who purchases a home within the City of Grand Mound after May 9th, 2016. To receive the credit, the Veteran must be listed as the owner of the home and provide a copy of form DD214 to the City Clerk’s Office. Ayes: All.

Motion by C. Beuthien, Second by Warren to instruct ISG to proceed with preparing a formal proposal for Council to take action on at the June 13th, 2016 City Council meeting; to include the Sunnyside intakes/relief sewer & Hwy 30 Culvert improvements. Ayes: All.

Ordinance No. 276-16 Storm Water “An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Mound, Iowa, by adding provisions pertaining to Storm Water Drainage System District Utility” had the first of three readings introduced by Guy, with a Second by C. Beuthien. Roll Call: Warren- Aye, Stutt- Aye, C. Beuthien- Aye, Guy- Aye, M. Beuthien- Aye. A complete copy of the Ordinance will be published in the Dewitt Observer, and posted at City Hall, First Trust & Savings Bank, & The Post Office in Grand Mound.

Motion by Guy to introduce Resolution No. 16-08 “FY16 Budget Amendment II” with a Second by Stutt. Roll Call: Warren- Aye, Stutt- Aye, C. Beuthien- Aye, Guy- Aye, M. Beuthien- Aye. The Resolution was signed by Mayor Crosthwaite.

Motion by Warren to introduce Resolution No. 16-09 “Approving the Transfer of Funds” with a Second by C. Beuthien. Roll Call: Warren- Aye, Stutt- Aye, C. Beuthien- Aye, Guy- Aye, M. Beuthien- Aye. The Resolution was signed by Mayor Crosthwaite.

City Employee Report: Kilburg reported core samples were taken in all the filters and were found to be in good condition. Sludge testing will be completed after the full discharging of the lagoons, which is set to be completed within the next 30 days.

City Clerk’s Report: Conner reported a $100.00 donation had been received by Casey’s General Stores towards the City Park Restroom renovation. Additional grants have been applied for the project as well. Conner reported $150.00 in donations had been received towards the Behr Memorial Bench Fund. The Bench is scheduled to be installed by Memorial Day.

Mayor Crosthwaite: Mayor Crosthwaite, reported Kenny Geffers Jr., had been hired to fill the part-time public works maintenance position.

Chairperson Warren: Warren asked Kilburg to spray and remove the weeds along the Business areas in town. Warren noted a semi parked on Sunnyside Street and asked Kilburg to reduce the chlorine levels due to the high odor in the water.

Chairperson C. Beuthien: C. Beuthien reported Timberline Landscaping Company would be working on the landscape project for the Welcome signs by the first part of June.

Chairperson Guy: Guy requested the street closing be added to the June Agenda for the Car Show & Children’s Day.

Chairperson M. Beuthien: M. Beuthien requested 2 more tether balls be ordered for the ball park, and the junk vehicle nuisance on Clinton Street to be monitored by Kilburg. M. Beuthien also asked fellow Council Members and the Mayor if they would be in agreement to do at least a yearly City walk through to identify areas of need, etc. Council agreed and will schedule it during the June 13th City Council Meeting.

Chairperson Stutt: No report at this time.

Motion by Guy Second by Warren to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Ayes: All.

The next City Council meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday June 13th, 2016 at the Grand Mound City Hall located at 615 Sunnyside St. in Grand Mound, IA 52751.


Kurt Crosthwaite, Mayor


Melissa Conner, City Clerk

“These minutes are not official minutes until approved by the City Council.”

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