Minutes of the Provost S Council Meeting of November 17, 2009

Minutes of the Provost S Council Meeting of November 17, 2009

Minutes of the Provost’s Council Meeting of November 17, 2009

Present: Anantha Babbili, Moustafa Abdelsamad, Arthur Hernandez , Carlos Huerta, Sam Logsdon, Gerry Moreno, Robert Nelsen, Kelly Quintanilla, David Billeaux, Margaret Dechant, Mary Jane Hamilton, Harvey Knull, Margaret Lucero, Larry McKinney, James Needham, Frank Pezold, Christine Shupala

Guests: Erin Sherman, Marshall Collins, Ian Travis, Blanca Ordner

Note taker: Cely Smart

I. Call to Order

Dr. Babbili called the meeting to order, and the minutes of the Council from September 15thwere unanimously approved.

II. Supplemental Pay

Ms. Sherman presented information on federal compliance for supplemental pay. The supplemental pay policy has been approved by the System lawyers. Supplemental pay must be approved before the work begins. Dr. Hernandez moved to endorse the policy, and the Council unanimously voted in approval.

III. Civic Engagement Activities

Dr. Babbili discussed that it has been two years since the last civic engagement inventory, and the time has come to update the university’s activities. Dr. Needham reported that his office is missing information on what student organizations and Student Affairs are doing. Mr. Collins presented documents demonstrating how engagement activities can be published. He also discussed the need for the University to determine if it will publish only long-term permanent activities or if highlights and events should also be included. These activities need to be compiled either online or in print to publicize the University’s community service. Dr. Quintanilla pointed out that Digital Measures can compile a report of the community service activities in which faculty members are engaged. Faculty advisors for student organizations should be reporting what their groups are doing. Dr. Hernandez requested college and department specific reports.

IV. University Web Procedures

Mr. Collins and Mr. Travis presented the revised policy on university web procedures. Mr. Travis reported that the previous policy needed to be modified to reflect current technology on campus. He reviewed the major changes with the Council and the need for the changes. Dr. Nelsen emphasized that the Deans should encourage their faculty to use the templates created by IT to make the website update easier. Mr. Collins added that additional template designs could be crafted if the faculty demand is present. Dr. Hernandez requested that the policy language be amended to a 120 day deadline for website compliance. The Council discussed the policy and provided feedback.

V. Faculty Emeritus (for Dr. Mead)

Dr. Babbili introduced the nomination for the granting of Emeritus Status for Dr. Mead. Dr. Hernandez moved to endorse his nomination, and the Council unanimously approved it.

VI. International SOS Cards

Dr. Nelsen discussed the need for protection of individuals when they go abroad. Faculty and students need to carry SOS cards. Ms. Ordner reviewed the process for obtaining the cards and emphasized that individuals must go to her office to get the official SOS card. The SOS cards are free, provide medical assistance around the world, and do not require a renewal.

VII. HEF Allocations

Dr. Babbili provided the Council members with HEF allocation notices.

VIII. Retention Efforts

Dr. Babbili announced that the University has increased its retention numbers. Dr. Moreno provided a summary of what CASA has done in the past semester. He also reported that new freshmen are now assigned a peer mentor. Dr. Babbili requested that the members of the Council keep retention and recruitment at the forefront of their agendas. He also expressed his gratitude for those who participated in mid-term grade reporting.

IX. Other Issues of the Council

Dr. Nelsen requested feedback on the Digital Measures presentation and both components. He emphasized that no college is forced to use the program. The Deans voted to move forward with purchasing the software.

Dr. Billeaux reported that the Faculty Senate has recommended Awni Zebda for the Piper Award and that the Provost has approved his nomination. Dr. Billeaux also reported that there was an increase in the participation with mid-term grade reporting. At least 95% of students had at least one grade reported. The Deans expressed the need for 100% participation each semester. Dr. Nelsen stated that WebCT8 can report grades beginning in January, but that faculty will not be required to use WebCT8 until next year. Dr. Quintanilla requested that students be required to obtain drop authorization from the faculty member teaching their class. The Council discussed the current drop policy and debated how it could be modified. Dr. Babbili announced that the drop policy will be revisited and brought to the Council for review. Dr. Nelsen suggested sending the policy to the Academic Chairs’ Council for initial review.