Hedon Town Council

Minutes of the Proceedings of a Meeting of the

Property Committee


11TH APRIL 2013

Present: Cllr. J. Lindop in the Chair

Councillors, A. Marshall, N. Black, J. Dennis, Mrs. B. Goldspink, Mrs. A. Suggit and G. F. Thurston

1.  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors:

M. D. Bryan

T. Goldspink

Miss D. Storr

D. Thompson


2.  Declaration of Interests

(a) It was agreed that any declaration of interest be dealt with at the

time the relevant item is discussed.

(b) There were no dispensations to be noted.

3.  Confirmation of the Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Property Committee of the Hedon Town Council held on 14th March 2013 were agreed as being a correct record of the proceedings thereat subject to:

3)10)  Town Hall Staircase – safety – refer to Town hall uses – Licence – Working Group.


4.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising.

5.  Land at Merryman Garth

(Cllrs. B. Goldspink and J. Lindop declared a prejudicial interest as they are residents of Merryman Garth and left the room).

Cllr. A. Marshall in the Chair

One representative spoke against the erection of fencing and wire to prevent access from land owned by Hedon Town Council on Merryman Garth to Middle Lane.

Following discussion it was RESOLVED that a tidy and proper “cut thro” be reinstated at a suitable location.

Cllr. J. Lindop in the Chair

6.  Allotments – land at Ivy Lane

Following discussion it was RESOLVED that no further consideration be given to land at Ivy Lane for use as allotments.

It was further RESOLVED that land to the rear of the scout hut be pursued as an alternative allotment site.

7.  Town Hall Toilets

(Cllr. B. Goldspink declared a personal interest in this item due to her being the Hedon Town Council representative on the Alexandra Hall Committee).

(Cllr. G. Thurston declared a personal interest in this item due to his association with the Alexandra Hall Committee).

It was RESOLVED that Cllr. B. Goldspink pursue the matter with the Alexandra Hall Committee on behalf of Hedon Town Council.

8.  Elsie Gate Field – management/maintenance plan

A draft maintenance plan as follows having been circulated it was RESOLVED that it be implemented:-


i) the “slope” at Elsie Gate field be levelled

ii) Clear overhanging branches from around edge of field. Clean up

copse at far end and remove briars and thin out self sown

blackthorn – open up the whole copse so as to deter den making.

Cut field maybe twice a year but maintain path running through

similar to Watson Park. Maybe plant occasional trees as and

when. Plant woodland bulbs at top end near Ivy Lane.

9.  Risk Assessments – Council properties

Following discussion it was RESOLVED that:-

following consideration of likely risks concerning Council Properties, Members and Staff are requested to draw any likely risks coming to their attention to the Town Clerk and/or the Property Committee for appropriate consideration/action.

10.  Council car parks - management

It was RESOLVED that an item “Hedon Town Council Car Parks” be on the next agenda.

11.  Land at Chapelry Garth – to consider a request to purchase

It was RESOLVED that the request not be supported.

12.  Tables – Town Hall Council Chamber

Following discussion it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman pursue the procurement of new tables and report back to the next meeting.

13. Town Hall uses – licence - update

Cllr. J. Dennis gave an update on progress thus far. It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk pursue costs for Chair Covers and a meeting be arranged with Mr. P. Baker (photographer) and Mrs. G. McKenzie (florist) to progress matters.


14. Correspondence

There was no correspondence.

15. Information/future business

i) Town Centre Hanging baskets – cost – refer to Finance and

General Purposes Committee.

ii) Cllr. J. Dennis informed members of an enquiry relating to the

safety of trees in the horse field on Ivy Lane – Town clerk to

continue to respond.

Chairman ______
