Minutes of the Policy & Resources Committee


A meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee of Heighington Parish Council was held on Monday 9th January 2017 in the Clarke Avenue Communal Lounge, Clarke Avenue, Heighington and commenced at 19:30. There were no members of the public in attendance.

Present Cllr G. Ellis – Committee Chairman

Cllr R. Burgess

Cllr J. Dunning

Cllr D. Chantler

Mrs W. Skelton (Facilities Manager)

Mr N. Eyre (Clerk)

The Chairman welcomed those present.

22/R/16 Apologies for absence, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.

An apology for absence had been received from Councillor Briscoe and was agreed. There were no other apologies for absence, no declarations of interest and no requests for dispensations.

23/R/16 To Approve the Clerk’s notes as minutes from the last meeting of the committee.

It was resolved that the Clerk’s notes from the Policy and Resources Committee Meeting of 5th December 2016 be accepted as minutes and signed as a true record by the Chairman. In respect of the proposed extraordinary meeting of this committee, to approve staff role definition recommendations for the Council, Members agreed to meet at 16:00 on Thursday 9th February 2017 in the Jubilee Hall (minute 7/R/16 refers).

24/R/16 Clerk’s Report.

The Clerk also reported as follows:

·  Lincolnshire County Council has confirmed that funding for the bulk of amenity grass cutting will cease from 1st April 2017. Whilst the Parish Council has not previously funded such grass cutting there will clearly be some pressure to address this issue as some areas are likely to look particularly untidy. This matter will need to be considered by Council. The Clerk will also mention the issue in the local newspaper, the Sheepwash Times.

·  We have received correspondence from Avant Homes proposing that the strip of land adjacent to Station Road near to Curtis Drive (which might form a footpath to properties near to the railway bridge) may be available for purchase at a cost of around £1500. The Clerk intends to pass this information to the residents involved and to Lincolnshire County Council.

·  We have received confirmation that the Council Tax Support Grant is likely to reduce by 46%. The grant applicable to this Council in 2017/2018 is therefore likely to be £1012.73.

·  The new computerised accounting system continues to operate in parallel with the existing accounts system. Both are currently updated to 31st December 2016.

25/R/16 To consider the document Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities in England 2016, including the supporting information and practical examples.

In respect of risk management Members reviewed the Council’s existing risk management documents against the proposal set out in Section 5 of the Governance and Accountability documentation. It was resolved that Councillor Ellis work with the Clerk and the Facilities Manager to consider whether to adjust the existing documentation to incorporate scoring for likelihood and impact. A proposal should be made in time for the Council meeting on 30th January 2017.

In respect of a proper assessment of counterparty risk associated with Short Term Investments, it was resolved that the Clerk is to investigate the matter in respect of the accounts currently used by the Council (i.e. The Cooperative Bank, Unity Trust Bank and the Public Sector Deposit Fund) and to report findings to the next ordinary meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee.

Members noted that the information set out in Section 5 of the Governance and Accountability documentation could usefully be incorporated within in-house Councillor training. Members agreed that the matter of risk management ought to attract a higher profile within the Council as a whole.

26/R/16 Closed session

Whilst there were no members of the public or press in attendance, the Chairman moved that the remainder of the business is held in ‘committee’ and that the public and press be excluded there from for reason that the business to be transacted or advice tendered is that of a confidential nature, which could be prejudicial to the public interest to publicise. Members resolved to proceed on that basis, ‘in committee’.

27/R/16 To review an updated budget proposal for 2017/2018.

Members noted an updated budget proposal, which had been produced by the Clerk. This now incorporates draft information from North Kesteven District Council in respect of the Council Tax Support Grant (now likely to be £1012.73) and the Tax Base (now likely to be 1017.24 band D equivalent properties). Proposed cost information for each cost centre, including all staff costs, has been used to develop the detailed budget proposal. Subject to minor adjustments to some cost centres, Members resolved to recommend that the precept for 2017/2018 should be £79,589.27, which will represent a 2.00% increase over the demand for 2016/2017. On the assumption that the Council Tax Support Grant and the Tax Base are subsequently confirmed by the District Council, this recommendation will be presented at the Council meeting on 30th January 2017 for approval.

28/R/16 Clerk’s report on confidential matters (for information only).

The Clerk highlighted recent correspondence in respect of the lease and sub-lease of the Village Hall. Members noted that a surveyor of George Bateman and Son Ltd is to visit the Village Hall on Wednesday 11th January to undertake a survey of the premises.

Following interviews and subject to receipt of positive references and the approval of Council on 30th January 2017, the Clerk highlighted that a suitable candidate for the role of Finance Officer had been identified and could be appointed to serve from 6th February 2017.

29/R/16 To consider any feedback/progress in respect of the Council Development Action Plan.

The questionnaire circulated to Councillors had generated seven responses. These are to be collated by Councillors Burgess and Ellis, with a report compiled for a subsequent Council meeting. It was noted that there is significant interest in some in-house training courses (e.g. in respect of Finance and VAT). Staff opinions still need to be captured. It was agreed that some work should also be undertaken to identify indicators of ongoing improvement and success (e.g. the proportion of the Council’s planning comments, which are actually seen to influence the planning decision).

The meeting ended at approximately 20:40.

Signed ______Dated ______