Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday the 18th May 2004 at 8:30 p.m. in the Village Hall.
Cllr Mr. K. Gamble.
Cllr Mr I. Cartlidge.
Cllr. Mr. R. Smith.
Cllr Mr. M. Thompson.
District Councillor Mr. Peter Fuchs and County Councillor Mr. David Jennings were both present. Apologies had been received from Cllr. Mr. P. Jones who was indisposed. Five members of the electorate were present and the Parish Clerk was in attendance.
Min No.Agenda No.
7371. Election of Chairman: The Clerk called for nominations and Cllr. M. Thompson nominated Cllr. K. Gamble and Cllr. R. Smith seconded this. The Clerk called for any other nominations but there were none. Therefore Cllr. K. Gamble was asked to sign a declaration of acceptance of office which he duly did.
7382. Declarations: There were none.
7393. Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were AGREED as an accurate record. It was NOTED that a copy had previously been circulated to all Councillors. Secondly that a full copy of the Minutes had been placed on the Parish Council’s web site and a resume sent to all parishioners in the Village newsletter. The latter included the amended date/time of the Parish Council Meeting.
740Matters arising.
(a)AMOS: NOTED that difficulties were still being experienced in terms of finding a firm willing to undertake the provision of car parking spaces. NOTED that Mr. Fox of Hubbards Farm was cutting the grass and expressed the Parish Council’s gratitude for this.
(b)PCC: NOTED that Mrs. Withers, Churchwarden, had written to express the thanks of the PCC for the contribution of £200.00 towards the cost of grass cutting in the Parish Churchyard.
( c )Holt Lane/Holt Farm: NOTED the Clerk’s report that the landfill had been given planning permission in 1988, but that his request for the date on which it had been renewed had not been provided. AGREED thatthe Clerk request a copy of the planning application from LCC. Mr. Jennings and Mr. Fuchs both expressed their concern over the amount of mud on the road surface adjoining this site.
Signed: ……………………………….. Chairman
(d)Traffic on Old Forge Road. NOTED that a letter had been received from LCC stating that 30 mph repeater signs, Kill Your Speed signs, and dragon’s teeth were to be provided for Old Forge Road. The Parish Council expressed their delight with this news especially given that the first two measures had already been installed. Mr. David Jennings CC was thanked for his help on this matter. AGREED Clerk to write to LCC expressing the PC’s satisfaction with the measures provided.
(e)Audit of 2003-2004 Accounts. NOTED that the 30th June 2004 had been set as the date for the Annual Audit and that the Accountants were Hacker Young of Nottingham. Also NOTED that a copy of the Notice of Audit had been sent to every household in the form of an entry in the Village Newsletter. AGREED that:
- The Draft accounts for the financial year ending the 31/03/04 be approved and that the Chairman be authorised to sign the Annual Return accordingly.
- That the Statement of Assurance be approved by the Council and the Chairman authorised to sign.
- Mr. John Burton be appointed as the Parish Council’s internal auditor.
7415. Matters raised by Parishioners. There were none.
Highways Agency re proposed widening of M1 between Junctions 21 and 30. Cllr. Mr. R. Smith AGREED to research this on the web address provided and to report any relevant matters to the Parish Council in due course.
NALC Consultation on Burial Law. Cllr. Mr. R. Smith to research this on the web site provided and to report as per the item above.
LCC Waste Management BVR. Cllr. Mr. M. Thompson AGREED to respond to this.
Welland SSP-Audit of Community Transport. AGREED Clerk to respond to this,
HDC Working with Parish Councils. AGREED that the Parish Council would be prepared to explore this in principle whilst noting the restricted scale of activities relative to large PCs such as Broughton Astley.
Allianz Cornhill Insurance. AGREED to renew the Parish Council’s Public Liability Insurance. Cheque No: 000442.
7437. Approval of Clerk’s wages for the period ending the 30th June 2004. AGREED. Cheque No: 000443, £62.50.
7448.Payment of Street Lighting maintenance/energy.AGREED payment of energy invoice number 330304401, dated the 25/03/04 at £94.52.
Signed: ……………………………………(Chairman) .
7459. Planning. NOTED that:
04/00444/LBC listed building consent agreed for demolition of conservatory/erection of single storey extension at Hall Farm.
04/00189/FUL Erection of polytunnel, Gilmorton Road had been refused planning permission by HDC.
04/00141/OUT had been refused planning permission by HDC-Erection of dwelling adjacent to 37 Peveril Road, Ashby Magna.
04/00201/FUL planning permission granted for erection of a garden shed on land opposite 3 Gables, Willoughby Road.
04/00586/FUL Mr. D. Holmwood . Erection of hay loft and formation of pond. Parish Council had registered concern regarding the orientation, height of buildings and the implications for the Scheduled Ancient Monument of diverting spring water to a pond.
04/06640/VAC – Variation of condition to allow use of premises as a livery stable to the rear of former Hubbards Farm. Parish Council had registered concern re access for vehicular traffic as both entrances to AMOS are adjacent to the entrances for this site. Secondly precedent elsewhere (e.g. Gilmorton Road) has been that such use should be for private use only.
746To note the time and date of the next meeting. NOTED as the 12th July at 8:00 p.m. in the Village Hall.
Signed: ……………………………….. (Chairman) 12/07/04.