Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday01 April 2014.

Present; Cllrs; T.Mycock (Chairman), G.Castle (Vice Chairman), G.Brown,

V.Forster, V.Goodall-Fawcus, D.Gibbins, R.Myers and D.Ramsey.

Ward Councillor; A.Castle.

Others; 4members of the public were in attendance for parts of the meeting.

1.Apologies Action

Cllr.D.Johnston by

2.Ethical Code

No interests were disclosed.


Members were addressed by residents concerning their planning application

14/00960/FU, they wished to clarify certain points on the application such as that

it was for retirement living and had been sensitively designed.

Members were addressed by representatives from the Quarry Hill Quarry Working

Party, who had recently held a meeting which concluded that a conditional survey

should be undertaken; the group were seeking funding from the Parish Council

towards the cost. Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr R Myers and

seconded by Cllr D Ramsey, that subject to the cost of the quotation, to agree in

principle to the proposal. Members agreed.

There was no comment received form the Ward Councillor on items on the Agenda.


There were no items requiring exclusion of the press or public.

My mother in law died 18 months ago and is buried in crofton church. My father in law visits her grave everyday he is 82 years old. They were married for over 60 years and have lived in crofton for most of their lives.
I am enquiring if we could pay for a bench with a memorial plaque in her memory to be placed in the church yard as his Christmas present?
Kind regar


The Clerk received a crime report for February to March. There were 4 recorded crimes involving burglary also thefts from a vehicle and number plates stolen.

There were 5 endorsable speeding tickets issued along with 9 warnings.

There were no incidents of Anti-social behaviour (ASB).

Cllr G Brown had noticed an unknown youth posting items through letterboxes, the officer in attendance duly noted the comment


The minutes of the meeting held on 01 April2014,were approved and signed by

the Chairman Cllr T.Mycock.

7.Planning applications

No objectionswere raised against application 14/00960/FU (see item 3).

Having discussed application 14/01070/FU/NE, the Clerk was asked to submit BR

an objection against permission being given as it was considered an over-development of the site.

Members were in agreement with works to be carried out on trees at Kirklands.

Members asked the Clerk to lodge an objection to application 14/01017/FU, as BR

the wall/fencing/railings were not in keeping with street scene.

The Clerk asked members to clarify the procedure concerning pre-planning application drawings being received, it was agreed that all enquiries should be referred to the Village Design Statement for guidance and to submit an application which would then be considered.

8.Update from the Clerk

The payment of income tax for the Clerk would be paid on a quarterly basis, the

first payment would be due in July 2014.

A payment booklet would be issued, to avoid an electronic payment being made

(see minute 12.1 March 2014).

9.Financial Matters

9.1The accounts for payment were approved.

9.2 Members were informed that there had been more Garden Tenancy payments received, it was noted that the payment of £3 was for the first three months from a tenant who had now given up their garden.

9.3 The report on receipts, payments and bank reconciliation for the previous month were approved. It was noted that unallocated amounts for VAT would be added by the Clerk now that he had received the invoices.

10.To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary;

10.1 Littlemoor Buffer Zone –Comment was made that the Beech hedge was getting larger, the Clerk would contact the Letting Agent to have the hedge reduced, and also contact LCC Planning Enforcement about the lack of enforcement for the last two years concerning care and compliance by the owner over garden planting. BR

10.2 Old Telephone Exchange – LCC Planning Enforcement had been contacted

about the present condition, the Clerk was awaiting a response.

10.3 Benches–Information was now available on the web site.

10.4 Grass Cutting – Members noted that grass cutting of public footpaths would

only occur once per year instead of the present twice a year. Cllr D.Ramsey requested a copy of the letter.

10.5 Stead Lane Plots – They were due for planting.

10.6 Snow Clearing – Nothing to report.

10.7 Dog Fouling – This was still an ongoing problem.

10.8 Gardens - Cllr D.Gibbins informed members that a garden tenancy had

been relinquished but left in a poor condition. The plot would be tidied and

allocated to the next person on the waiting list. BR

10.9 Boules Shelter – Cllr T.Mycock was due to buy paint for the floorTM

10.10 Ford – Permission had now been received from Leeds CC to proceed with

placing the mill stone. Cllr T.Mycock had met with the contractor to discuss how

the stone would be positioned, following discussion, it was decided that the Parish Council would produce a specification for the contractor to work with, the Clerk BR

would forward this to the contractor and obtain an expected start date.

10.11 Sam Sykes Ginnel – The pump was due to be positioned soon.

10.12 Playground - A report had now been received on the toggle entrapment which

confirmed that there is a possible entrapment to one side, but was considered

suitable for continued use, if the Parish Council wanted work to be carried out it

would cost £370. Following discussion, it was agreed to proceed with the work. BR

Cllr R.Myers would arrange the purchase of chippings for the ground base. RM

10.13 Highways–Cllr G.Brown was now being given the weekly reports from LCC.

Cllr G.Brown had contacted the Clerk prior to the meeting to ensure that action

would be taken to repair the path on Church Hill which had been a problem since January. Ward Cllr A.Castle had also been asked for her support regarding this.

10.14 Sub Station – Members were reminded that payment to the Solicitors in

respect of the Landlords costs was to be made to progress the lease agreement.

Cllr G.Castle was still awaiting an Engineers report on structural loading for the GC

new internal door.

10.15 Flood Defences – Some of the remaining sandbags at the Bowling Club would be moved and stored at the Sub Station.

10.16 Church Hill Quarry – This was discussed at agenda item 3; Representations.

11.Neighbourhood PlanBR.

The Clerk informed members that Mike Dando of Planning Aid had been contacted about arranging a meeting to discuss an Area Action Plan as an alternative to the Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk would arrange a meeting in May.

12.To consider new correspondence received and decide action where necessary

Members duly noted the content of the information received, of particular note was;

12.1 Members were in agreement that the support of the Parish Council should be given to LCC Traffic Management to enforce the traffic restrictions outside Thorner Primary School.

13.To receive reports from outside bodies

The Clerk had attended a meeting of the Outer North East Area Committee on 17 March, which was also attended by Ward Councillor A Castle. The meeting was more relevant to the District Council than to the Parish Council.

Cllr G.Brown agreed to attend the Outer North East Parish and Town Council Forum, 3 April 7:30pm, at the Treetops Community Centre.

14.To receive a report from the Clerk on any new or ongoing minor matters BR

The March report was circulated to members;

The Police had now made a visit to the person responsible for throwing the banana

skin out of the car whilst driving on Main Street.

The rubbish on Mangrill Lane had now been removed.

The Clerk reported that LCC Planning Enforcement had been contacted about the

Grass track on Carr Lanenot being used for the intended purpose, LCC had sought clarification on what activity was taking place and had been informed that the use of motorised vehicles (Segways), was being planned.

15.To consider progress on items on the Action Plan and approve appropriate action.

The schedule was distributed to members during the meeting.

Note 3; Cllr T.Mycock would make further enquiries regarding this.TM

16.Notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the Agenda for the next meeting

Members were reminded to send any items for inclusion into the Newsletter during

the next couple of weeks.

The use of the web site by members to submit information was to be discussed. BR

17. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 13 May 2014 at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Thorner.

Signed………………………………Date…………………..Chairman Chairman Thorner Parish Council

Barry Riley, Clerk to the Council

19 Kennerleigh Crescent, Crossgates, Leeds LS15 8RS

0113 2640865