Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of
Westlake Homeowners Association
March 20, 2017; 6:30 p.m., 4260 Galewood Street, Suite B, Lake Oswego
In attendance: Cynthia Gerwe, Fritz Gerwe, Chris Heuer, Rolland Royce
Also present: Homeowner Gretchen Sabo
Fritz called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
Minutes. The minutes of the February 2017 monthly meeting were approved.
Westlake Neighborhood Association. Gretchen described the status of the Westlake Neighborhood Association (WNA). There consistently is low attendance (9-14 people) at the quarterly despite the significant efforts go into maintaining the WNA (including mailing notices of the meetings to the 1200 residents in the neighborhood). WNA chair Ken Slickers, is unwilling to continue without additional support from the community, both in the form of participation and administrative assistance. On behalf of Ken, Gretchen asked the HOA for input regarding its desire to continue the WNA. The board discussed potential solutions, including possibly combining WNA and HOA meetings. The board decided to put the issue up for discussion at the HOA’s annual meeting in April before responding to Ken and Gretchen regarding any additional input.
Gretchen also made her regular plea for support in convincing the city to allow certain areas, such as the Westlake Park ball fields to be open to dogs with responsible owners. Gretchen then left the meeting.
Treasurer’s report. Rolland led a brief discussion of the February 2017 financial results.
ADRC matters. Cynthia and Fritz reviewed recent ADRC matters, including:
· Approval of a house paint color change.
· A complaint regarding the poor condition of a homeowner’s fence near a path in the neighborhood.
· An extended discussion of the ongoing dispute between neighbors regarding water between neighbors regarding water run-off and drainage. The board formulated a tentative response and will prepare and send a communication to both homeowners.
Landscape/greenspace matters. Fritz reviewed his efforts to update the HOA’s monument on Westlake Drive, including discussions with Stoneridge Custom Development to add stone to the face of the monument and prepare the surface for the addition of etched metal letters. The total cost is expected to be approximately $10,000, The board approved Fritz taking further actions to continue the project.:
Upcoming meetings. The next meeting is as follows:
· Annual Homeowners Meeting: Thursday, April 13, 2017; 7:00 p.m.; tentative location is Lake Grove School Library. Cynthia will confirm the location with Lev so he can publish it on the website; Chris will prepare the announcement and proxy, and Rolland will arrange for printing and mailing.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
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