Minutes of the Miles City Council

The Miles City Council held its regular meeting on Monday, February 05, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. in the Miles City Hall with Mayor Sylvester Schwertner presiding. Council members present wereBobby Kasberg, Paul Sklenarik,Jane Jeschke, Juan OrnelasTony Dillon.

There was no public comment.

Cherry Kasberg was here on behalf of the Miles Economic Development Board. The EDC Board approved to purchase a storage sea container, and now she is here asking for final approval from Council and also to determine a place to put it. Juan Ornelas made the motion to approve the request for the Miles EDC to purchase a storage sea container and to place it on City property as discussed. Tony Dillon seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Council discussedordinance enforcement with inspector Joanna Jackson. No action was taken.

Consent agenda items consisted of the January 2, 2018 minutes, monthly finance reports, monthly employee pay reports and current bills. Jane Jeschkemade the motion to approve the consent agenda. Paul Sklenarik seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Under reports:

Cory Petreygave the water superintendent report. The city used 1,580,000 gallons from San Angelo and 1,006,000 gallons from wells. The influent to the waste water treatment plant was 1,095,000 gallons. Irrigated waste water used was 1,240,000 gallons. There were 4 water leaks and 1 sewer backup.

Chief Quentin Watkins gavethe January, 2018police department report. There were 29 calls for service, 4 offense reports, 50 traffic stops,41 citations and 9 warnings.

Amy Fischer gave the Municipal Court report. There were 33cases filed,37 cases disposed,and 10 warrants filed.

There was no City Secretary report.

Mayor Sylvester Schwertner reported that the Runnels Co. Appraisal District made an error and put a City of Winter’s business on the City of Miles property tax roll for 2017. This has been corrected.

There was no ordinance enforcement report.

Council discussed possible changes/amendments/revision to the City’s personnel policy, handbook and job description for City employment positions. No action was taken.

Council discussed the 9th street culvert. Council agreed to get bids on concrete repair to the south side of the culvert.

Council discussed purchasing a new computer for City Hall. Jane Jeschke made the motion to approve the purchase of a new computer for City Hall. Paul Sklenarik seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Council discussed upgrading the front exterior façade of City Hall. Council agreed to have contractors review, advise and bid.

Jane Jeschke made the motion to start the process for applying for the 2019-2020 CDBG program. Juan Ornelas seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Jane Jeschke made the motion to close west 1st street from Robinson to Groves on February 24, 2018 for the Mike Davis Memorial Poker run. Paul Sklenarik seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Council went into executive session for the discussion of .41 acre tract being part of lots 1, 2 & 3 of borders addition.

Council came out of executive session at 9:38.

Next regular meeting is set for Monday, March 5, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.

Juan Ornelas motioned to adjourn. Bobby Kasbergseconded. Motion carried5-0. Council adjourned at 9:39p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

City Secretary Mayor

Amy Fischer Sylvester Schwertner