Thursday, 21st April 2016 at 6:30PM

Les Jones / Chair / X
Lucy Campbell / Head of School / X
Sandra Beland / Community / X
Nicky Derham / Parent / X
Teresa Herbert / Staff / X
Keith Robinson / Chair in attendance / X
Eileen Wray / Deputy Head / X
Andrea Lee / Assistant Business Manager / X
Julie Newman / Clerk / X
1. / Apologies – Governors’ Formal Approval of Absence, Declaration of Interest
Pecuniary Interests
All Governors attending the meeting agreed that there had been no changes to their circumstance that would affect the Register of Pecuniary Interests completed and signed at the FGB meeting on 13th October 2015.
Declaration of Interest
Governors attending the meeting confirmed they did not have any business interests in any of the meeting’s agenda items.
2. / Minutes of the last meeting 15th March 2016
The Minutes of the last meeting held on 15th March 2016 were approved as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair.
Action 1: Budget to be reviewed in May by HofS, Andrea Lee, Helena Walbrook and an external consultant. When this is completed it will be emailed to governors.
Action 2: Fire Risk Assessment will be completed in September. The reason for the delay is because Fire Doors will be put in the hall and in 3.2. Governors agreed to the delay in the Fire Risk Assessment due to the new Fire Doors.
Action 3: HofS showed governors a generic Risk Assessment which covered all areas of working at heights. HofS to bring the completed risk assessment to the next FGB.
3. / Pupils Roll – update
Governors asked for numbers on roll and for numbers in September 2016. HofS said there were 409 currently on roll and 10 children in 2-year old provision. For September 2016 we have 34 applications for reception but HofS thinks this should rise to 45 to 50 once all applications are processed.
HofS said Jackie Pizzy is currently off sick and therefore offer letters will be sent out next week and it had also resulted in chasing up non-attendance not being as vigorous. The EWO has now given office staff training on ‘non-attendance’ and chase up texts are being sent out. It has also highlighted to the HofS that there is need for office staff to have more training so job roles can be covered during sick leave. Governors thought this was a positive move for FA and for staff career development.
4. / Cost Centre Update
HofS presented the Cost Centre report. The chair said at this point in the academic year the budget should be around 58% he said governors should not be concerned with any cost centre that has reached 60%to 62%. Governors discussed the following cost centres.
ACAT – Catering – percentage spend 94% - this is a one off invoice payment (same as February’s meeting comment).
ADMIN – Administration – percentage spend at 92% - (same as February’s meeting comment). HofS said she had some extra income and will be transferring some income to this cost centre and CPD.
APRE – HofS said it is likely a post has been attributed twice. This needs to be checked by Finance.
ASCO – Service Contracts – HofS said it is likely an invoice had been posted incorrectly. This needs to be checked by Finance.
CASS – Year 6 assessment tests – percentage spend 73%. (same as February’s meeting comment).
CCON - Curriculum – contingency – this holds the Bulge Class income. HofS has asked for this to be transferred to premises.
CICT – ICT – 101% - This may go over as there is broken equipment that needs to be replaced. Also there is no Wireless in Key Stage 1 and it is essential that this works as soon as possible as teachers use IPADs to monitor pupils and collect data. This cannot be done as there is no wireless. HofS has received one quote for £6k. HofS has requested two more quotes and for speed will email out these for governors’ approval.
CLIT – Literacy – 78% - This will be managed to stay in budget as there will be constraints put on budgets at the end of June.
SEN – 181% budge spent – This has an invoice of £1,054 posted on this cost centre and this needs to be checked by finance as it might be an incorrect posting.
CRY1 – Year 1 – 85% - HofS said they have had an income of £4,600 from the Sunshine Room. £600 will be transferred to Year 1.
CRY6 – Year 6 – 91% - This is high due to the Activity Week. Money has already been spent on the Activity Week. £500 will be transferred to this cost centre from the Sunshine Room income. The Activity Week will happen a week after the SATs as a reward to Year 6 pupils. This has helped improve behaviour which had been a concern. To attend the activity week children need to collect 300 DoJos.
SSUP – Supply agency – 224% - There has been lot of staff sickness and staff cover needed. Have even needed to have a supply TA for two months. HofS said she wanted to note the budget for Staff salaries had to date underspent by about £20k. This roughly covers the overspend on the Supply budget.
SWIM – Swimming – 131% this is over spent and HofS that reluctantly she is going to start to charge for transport this will be £5 a term.
Having reviewed the Cost Centre report governors said they were happy with the overspends explained above and the total spend to date.
HofS said the March GAG, the carry forward and some other income are not included in the Cost Centre report and therefore the balance was actually better than it was currently reporting (Income 47% and expenditure 73%).
Action 1: HofS to email governors the quotes for the new Wireless.
5. / Current and future essential works
HofS said unfortunately we were not awarded the condition improvement fund. We need to get 77% and we got 71%. We should find out at the end of the week if we will be considered a priority for receiving the fund next year.
HofS said because to this she had amended the Summer works schedule. She outlined Plan A and Plan B.
Plan A (not considered priority for the Condition Improvement Fund 2017) – This would be the schedule of works
·  The roof, windows, fascia and gutters from the corridor outside Key Stage 2 hall to Years 3 and 4 Junction and turn right to Year 6 would be new.
·  Complete Year 2 Learning Studio.
·  The Staff Room which has been costed at £62k. HofS said she will now include the renovation of the Foyer in the tender.
·  The fire doors in the hall and 3.2 and new playground doors.
Plan B (if we are a priority for the Condition Improvement Fund 2017). The schedule of works would be as Plan A but the roof would be delayed until 2017 and paid for with the Condition Improvement Fund. The budget allocated to the roof would be spent on Place2be.
Governors agreed with Plan A and B.
Quotes for approval
HofS presented three quotes for the Signing in System.
Company / Work / Cost
SG World / Visit Ed / £3,414
Osborne Technologies / EntrySign System / £3,495
FLR Spectraon / Paxton Door Access Control / £3,682.46
HofS said some of the reasons for choosing SG World are: to meet Health and Safety regulations; it can pre-book visitors; will save time and make us compliant; staff will be able to see who is in and out and depending on cost staff may be able to sign in by Year 4.
Governors approved the estimate from SG World.
6. / Disposal of Stock
There was no stock for disposal.
7. / Current /outstanding works
Governors asked if the water tank replacement work went smoothly. HofS said yes it was all completed on time. This therefore allowed the Easter School to be in the school.
Hall Cupboards – HofS said she was having cupboards put in the hall. She said this would mean the tables and chairs would be able to be put away keeping the hall tidy and safe and will also mean the hall can also be used for learning.
Governors agreed having the cupboard built was a good idea especially helping safety and allowing this area to be used for learning.
8. / Agreeing quotes for future work
Governors asked when we would find out if FA were on the priority list for the Condition Fund. HofS said the website states this will be confirmed by the end of this week.
There were no quotes for approval however it was noted the HofS will be emailing the Wireless quotations to governors.
9. / Personnel update
New Starters since 13th March 2016
Name / Date / Role / Year Group
Adele Boesinger / 11 April 2016 / Assistant Head Teaching Computer / Year 4 (2 days) and Year 6 ( 3 days)
Gailanne Houston / 11 April 2016 / Teacher / Year 5 – full time
Kerry Coombs (return from maternity leave) / 11 April 2016 / Teacher / Year 5 – 3 days
Long term supply
Sofia Dimoupolou / 11 April 2016 / Supply Teacher / Nursery – full time
Claudia Odorog / 11 April 2016 / Supply Teacher / Reception – full time
Name / Date / Role / Year Group
Alessandro Frige / 24 March 2016 / Teacher / Year 4 -full time
Margaret Jones- Quarshie / 10 April 2016 / Temp teacher / EYFS – full time
Rayanne Archer / 10 April 2016 / Teacher / EYFS – full time
Rakhee Shah / 10 April 2016 / Teacher / Year 5 – 2 days
Starters September 2016
Name / Date / Role / Year Group
Racheal Correya / September 2016 / NQT / Year 2 – full time
Christina Flahey / September 2016 / Teacher / Reception – full time
Alexandra Kelland / September 2016 / Teacher – Schools Direct / Year 4 – unsalaried
Vikki Anderson / September 2016 / Teacher – Schools Direct / EYFS – salaried
The HofS is concerned about the amount of teachers who are leaving. She said the Trust has suggested that individual academy’s use budget of up to £10k as a Wellbeing budget. HofS said FA already offer free hot beverages for staff which could cost around £3k a year. She wanted to allocate £3k on top of the beverage budget for staff wellbeing. There would be a volunteer role of a Wellbeing Ambassador who will speak to staff to find out how best to spend the budget. Governors said they would support a wellbeing budget.
Governors suggested conducting exit interviews. HofS said they already do exit interviews.
10. / Staffing 2016 – 17 draft ideas
HofS talked to governors about her staffing plans for 2016-17. She said she was going to advertise for a third Deputy Head position this would support a career path for the assistant heads.
Year 6 – the best team would be Clare Dennis (YGL) for 4 days plus Sue Twidale, Tracey Beyzade and Adele Boesinger (DHT).
Year 5 – will have 60+ pupils. Kerry Coombe (YGL), Gailann Houston and Kirsty Rice.
Year 4 – There would be three classes in this group as there were lots of behaviour problems. There would not be a TA in each class. YGL Brian Byrne, Tolu Boulade and Alex Kelland. HofS said Tolu Boulade would be offered a teaching role provided she passed the course. Eileen Wray and HofS had observed Tolu teaching and graded her as good however the teachers on her course had flagged her as cause for concern.
Governors said they accepted the HofS and Eileen Wray’s judgement and agreed she should be employed if she passed.
Year 3 – YGL Kate Samuels + two TAs.
Year 2 – YGL Justyna Cross and Rachel Correya (NQT).
Year 1 - YGL Rohima Begum (plus another)
EYFS Christina Flahey – Rec 1, Claudia Odorog who is a supply teacher that needs to be interviewed for this position – Rec 2.
Nursery – Schools Direct – Vikki Anderson with Jackie Slaughter (AHT/YGL). Will consider employing an early years’ educator under the supervision of Jackie Slaughter instead of a qualified teacher.
Governors asked about numbers for 2-year old provision. HofS said numbers were not good. There was potential for 12am and 12pm but there were only 10 in total. This provision was running at a loss. Governors asked what initiatives were happening to increase numbers. HofS said Jessie the leader linked up with the Children’s Centre and visited local Mothers to tell them about the provision. HofS said it was £5 a session and there was a facility for children to stay for two sessions and have a packed lunch HofS advised that an alternative provider, Little Squirrels was more popular and was well established in the community. Governors thought they should look at Little Squirrels to find out what they offer and why it is preferred. Governors agreed to continue to monitor the cost of running the provision as it was being subsidised by the academy’s budget.
Action 2: Nicky Derham to contact Little Squirrels.
Action 3: HofS to check the contracts of the 2-year old provision.
11. / ANO Business
Training course
HofS thanked governors for approving the payment of Andrea Lee’s training course. HofS said this would benefit the FA. Governors asked what would happen if Andrea Lee left after completing the course. Governor suggested that AL should pay back the cost of the course if she left within 3 years of completing the course.
Action 4: HofS to ask HW the Trust Business Manager to talk to AL regarding the matter of paying back the course and to put it in writing
Budget 2016-17
There was a discussion on future meeting dates and when the Budget would be reviewed and approved by governors. The Budget will be ready for approval after the Budget setting meeting on 10th May. The Operations Committee decided the Budget should be approved at the FGB meeting on 23rd June.
Action 5: LJ to communicate with the Chair to confirm the 23rd June FGB meeting will go ahead.
12. / Confidential matters
There were no confidential matters.
13. / Date of next meetings
·  FGB – Tuesday, 10th May
·  FGB – Thursday, 23rd June (if needed)
·  Raising Achievements – Thursday, 14th July
The Chair of the Operations Committee confirmed the provisional 7th July Operations meeting would not be required.
The Chair thanked governors for their contribution to the meeting and closed the meeting at 7.55.

Signed ______Date ______