Minutes of the Meeting

Monday 6 March 2017

People who were there today: Melody Mew, Florence Garland, Rachel Barlow, Henry Sims, Debbie Rumble, Ophelia Matthias, Alison Froude, Sandra Bryant, Roy Bryant, Laura Willettt, Michelle Bonnel, Brian Sims, Stuart Palmer, Jonathon Lenaerts, Susan Reeves, Paul Hatt, Sue Windess, Rita 7Albert Kinsey, Sophie from Mencap

Apologies: Simon Cartland, Carole Lloyd and Kym Anderson

Mistakes/corrections from the last meeting


Matters arising:

My Life my Way project: there are now 20 champions going through the p-c-p model. There is face to face training as well.

The group is working with health very closely.

An action plan will be brought to the Partnership Board meeting.

The individualised service fund is an individual contract for service users (personalised guaranteed service). We are looking at commissioning it in a different way in the future. “Think Local Think Personal”.

We know we have not got enough providers to look after people with complex needs. Some providers are very small and very good too. We are working with the National Development for Inclusion.

Sue and Sandra/Roy have been added to the mailing list.

Partnership Board update & Service user involvement

Henry did a presentation. He went to the Mencap (Wellington centre) café.

He found that people want more Safer Place Schemes and more safe social groups.

Transport is expensive (taxi, wheelchair)

Day service can be quite far for some people. It would be good if we could have more local services.

The Mencap on-call system is really good.

Henry’s group likes the idea of a A5 small size LD plan review, easy read. They don’t like too many things on the computer. Some people do not have computers.

Ophelia and Debbie said that the format is OK, they like bigger pictures and smiley faces. Good and positive feedback.

Jonathon said that he would like to see the police more often.

Speaking Space’s group would like more information about relationship and how to keep friendship.


2 service users reps to cover Eastleigh/Romsey (Ophelia) and Andover (Rachel) and 1 parent/carer rep to cover the whole area.

The current reps are Henry (Andover) and Debbie (Eastleigh/Romsey). Jonathon is a co-worker (he helps out).

Sue Windess is our current LIG rep and Brian is deputy.

This is giving all of us in the LIG 2 months to advertise and recruit new members. The deadline for all applications is Thursday 25th May 12 noon. This will include a small statement and a photo to be sent to me via email. Current service users and current carer rep are very welcome to re-apply for the role.

The reps will be voted in for 2 years and need to be able to commit to a minimum of 10 monthly LIG meetings, 4 Partnership Board meetings and other meetings with advocacy support as and when necessary. Service user reps will be supported by advocacy.

The parent/carer rep should have a wide range of contacts and be able to travel.

Anyone interested who does not normally attend LIG meetings should consider coming along in April and May.

Theelections will be publicised in local advocacy groups and day services so anyone could put themselves up for the Rep role as well as current LIG members.

All candidates will give a statement and have a chance to talk about themselves on the 5th June. You must be available on the 5th June. If not, please check with Chair/advocacy/Flo and send a small video in.

All regular members of the LIG can vote.

Voting is confidential and votes will be counted confidentially by the Admin Officer and the LIG Chair.

Changes to Learning Disability Services in Hampshire - Update for LIGs

There are some changes happening in Hampshire’s Learning Disability Teams. These changes are happening from 3rd April 2017. There will be four adults Learning Disability Teams in Hampshire in two localities, North and South.

The new telephone number will be 0300 555 1386 where there will be a duty team, long term and short term teams.

People including professionals should now have been informed of the changes.
Melody said that so far her experience with the contact centre had been efficient. Michelle did not have the same experience.

Alison to check: out of hours, if the email address will remain and if the 0300 number is a local rate (we assume so).

Other things:

Paul Hatt has been trying out the direct payment card. Some teething problems. Currently not rolled out.

Boaz Project has some spaces available.

Michelle said that William is running the Eastleigh 10K. Big achievement. Target was £100 fundraising (he has reached £500 already).

Michelle also said that there is a competition to explain what is Safer Place in Eastleigh.

Kym Anderson will be retiring and replaced by Maria Cook.

Next meeting: 3rd April

10.30 am to 12.30 noon (set up from 10.15 am)

And then 1st Monday of the month except on bank holiday (usually the week after)


8 May (due to b/h), 5 June

3 July, 4 September, 2 October

6 November, 4 December