Minutes of the Meeting of Tuxford Town Council held on

Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 7.30pm at The Old Grammar School.

Present: Councillors Anderson (Chairman), Bett, Crow, Moulds, Nicholls, Richards, Sanderson, Silcock, Taylor and Willatt.

Also present: Mrs Lisa Hill (Clerk) and Mrs Nicky Grewcock (Assistant Clerk).

Not Present: Councillors Griffiths, Holland and Mitchell, Student Advisors Amy Parkes and Rose Salter.

C65/1415 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Harris and County Councillor John Ogle and these were accepted.

The Clerk reported that Councillor Witaszczyk had resigned as a Councillor.

C66/1415 Declarations of Interest

There were no new declarations of interest.

C67/1415 Minutes of the previous meeting

Resolved: the minutes of the meeting held on 19 August 2014 were accepted as a true and accurate record with the exception of the following points: Councillor Richards was present at the meeting. The Minutes were signed by the Chairman.

C68/1415 Matters arising from the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 19 August 2014

C68.1 Minute C56.1- the Clerk reported that the new notice board for the public car park on Newark Road had now been installed.

C68.2 Minute C56.2 - the Clerk reported that Bassetlaw District Council (BDC) had installed a new bin outside the cemetery on Newark Road following reports that lorry drivers were disposing of waste in the verges. Councillor Willatt reported that the area on the opposite side of the road was still being littered and required a tidy. The shrubs in this area were overgrown and needed pruning back. Action – Handymen.

C68.3 Minute C60/1415 - the Clerk reported that BDC had been informed that the solar panels at Pump Farm Day Nursery were still not in the position indicated on the planning application. BDC were investigating this. Action – Clerk.

C68.4 Minute C61/1415 - the Clerk reported that the charity event held at The Sun Inn had been a success. The public car park had not been used as part of the event.

C68.5 Minute C64/1415 - the Clerk reported that the fence at Clark Lane play area would be repaired as soon as possible and that additional fencing would be erected to ensure that children could not run out into the road. Action – Handymen.

The Clerk reported that a new bin would be installed outside Binnigs store on Lincoln Road shortly. The one recently installed required painting. Action – Handymen.

The Clerk reported that the litter at the substation on Newark Road had been reported to Western Power and this had now been cleared.

C69/1415 – District Councillor and County Councillor Report

No reports had been received from District Councillor Keith Isard or County Councillor John Ogle.

The meeting was not adjourned as there were no members of the public present.

C70/1415 Financial monitoring and invoices for approval

C70.1 The Clerk circulated copies of the monthly financial monitoring sheet that monitored actual versus budgeted expenditure for each budget head. The sheet covered the first five months of the 2014/15 financial year and showed that total expenditure for the year was under-budget. The Clerk gave reasons for the variances between budget and actual expenditure and answered questions on the financial information.

C70.2 The Clerk circulated copies of the income and expenditure sheet to 31 August 2014.

C70.3 The Clerk reported on invoices approved for payment at the Finance and Services Committee meeting held on 9 September 2014.

C71/1415 Planning Applications

The Clerk reported that the Council had not received any planning applications from BDC this month.

C72/1415 Planning Decisions

The Clerk reported that the Council had not received any planning decisions from BDC this month.

C73/1415 Projects

C73.1 Regeneration and highway matters Lincoln Road, Bus Shelter - the Clerk reported that a date had not yet been received from NCC to demolish the bus shelter on Lincoln Road.

Newark Road, safety concerns and request for clearer signage - the Clerk reported that no further updates had been received from NCC regarding clearer signage on Newark Road. County Councillor John Ogle had provided an alternative contact that may be able to assist further with this issue. The Clerk would follow this up. Action – Clerk.

C73.2 Neighbourhood Plan - the Clerk reported that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had held consultation events at Chilli Petals and at The Sun Inn which were both well attended. The next event was ‘Coffee and Cake’ at Chilli Petals on Thursday 18 September, 5pm to 8pm.

The next meeting of the Steering Group is to be held on Wednesday 17 September 2014, 6pm at The Old Grammar School.

C73.3 Heritage Open Day – the Clerk reported that the Old Lock Up had been opened as part of the Heritage Open Day event, which took place between 11 and 14 September 2014. This was very well attended. It was suggested that the weekend times should be reviewed next year to allow the Lock Up to be opened for a longer period of time. Thanks were expressed to Councillors Griffiths and Taylor for their assistance during this event.

C73.4Gilbert Avenue playing field – the Clerk reported that the water connections for the new changing facilities at Gilbert Avenue playing field had been completed. However complaints had been received with regard to the spoil that had been left on site. The Clerk had requested the contractor to arrange for this to be removed as a matter of urgency. Action – Clerk.

It was also reported that youths had been gathering on the port a cabin roof at Gilbert Avenue. The Clerk requested that if this happens in the future that the incident be reported to the police. The Clerk would make PC Bill Bailey and Tuxford Football Team aware of the situation. Action – Clerk.

C74/1415 Correspondence for action

No correspondence for action had been received.

C75/1415 Tuxford Matters

Councillor Nicholls raised concerns regarding the number of A boards that were currently being used by businesses in Tuxford. The Clerk reported that clarification had been received from NCC regarding the use of A boards.

Advertising on the highway was only permitted in exceptional circumstances. However, it is recognised that many traders use A boards to advertise their business, in most cases in sympathy with the surrounding highway. NCC has produced a guide which strikes a sensible balance between the law and the needs of traders. Provided these guidelines are followed, NCC will not take action against traders using A boards outside their businesses.

Councillor Richards agreed to make a log of the number of A boards currently being used by businesses in Tuxford. Action – Councillor Richards.

Councillor Nicholls reported that the speed camera on Lincoln Road had been turned around, however the flash unit had not. The Clerk would investigate this. Action – Clerk.

Councillor Willatt had received a request that the bench in front of the Old Lock Up be replaced as this was looking tired and was very low to the ground. The Clerk would raise this issue with Mr Martin Pottinger. Action – Clerk.

Councillor Willatt reported that the path opposite Tuxford Primary Academy on Newark Road was covered in conkers and leaves making it very slippery. The Clerk reported that this issue would be raised with the Handymen. Action – Clerk.

Councillor Anderson gave a report on the latest Bassetlaw Parish Forum meeting.

The next Bassetlaw Rural Conference will be held at Retford Town Hall on Friday 3 October between 10am and 1pm where BDC will be presenting the future finances of parish councils. All welcome to attend.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.15pm