Minutes of the Meeting of the
Moresby Parish Council
held on the 4th July 2016
Moresby Rugby Club
1. Attendance: Chairman Cllr Lawson, Cllrs Conway, Coward, Dixon, Horricks, Kelly, McGuirk, Ogilvie, Parke, Troughton, Ward Cllr Barbour, and the Clerk.
2 Apologies and Announcements: There were apologies from Cllr Pritchard and from County Cllr Troughton. Twelve members of the public were present.
3. Approval of the last minutes: The minutes of the June 2016 meeting were agreed.
3a. Declaration of Member’s Interests: It was agreed that a declaration would be made should an item arise on the agenda.
4 Police issues The clerk said that PCSO Dennis had agreed to undertake speed gun training before the meeting but had not arrived. It was noted that she was on sick leave. The clerk said he would contact her with issues that arose in the meeting.
5 The Head teacher Moresby Primary School The chairman welcomed Ross Peacock to the meeting. Mr Peacock provided the latest information about the new classroom which would be ready for occupation in September 2016. He said that this would allow the new library to be in use at the start of the September term. Mr Peacock spoke about the numbers in the school and the accommodation problems which would be seen if more children were to be admitted. He spoke about the fund raising that was underway with the target almost reached. Finally the head teacher commented on the Key stage 2 assessment problems that had been encountered and discussions he and colleagues had held with the local Member of Parliament
6. Public Participation
a) It was agreed to take the School Brow planning application at this point. The clerk said that he had been advised by the planning officer at the district council that the county council development management team had objected to the current proposal on traffic issues and drainage problems. The county council were asking for a traffic assessment and travel plan. The clerk said that the parish council would look at the application when these documents were received. There followed a general discussion on the merits of the application with members of the public raising a number of issues which caused concern. The head teacher of Moresby junior school explained the governor’s unease with the application and he said that they had written to the planning officer. It was proposed that the parish council ask the developer to attend a public meeting and it was agreed that if necessary a meeting of the parish council in August would be arranged.
b) A member of the public addressed the parish council on the traffic problems in Moresby Parks. She said that sight lines were poor when joining the main road through the village because cars were parked up to the junctions and that many drivers were not prepared to abide by the priority arrangements over the old railway line. The chairman thanked the resident for addressing the council and it was agreed that the police would be asked to monitor the area around the old railway bridge and that the safety camera van should be sited near the bridge.
6b Ward and County Councillors Ward Cllr Barbour said that he had no issues to mention other than those on the agenda to which the chairman invited him to join the discussions.
7 Planning Application School Brow The item was taken under public participation.
8. Involvement with the Rugby Club
It was noted that activities continue at the rugby club with a substantial donation been given to the special needs baby unit at the West Cumberland hospital following a recent event It was noted that a “Stars in Eyes” concert was to be held on the 16th July 2016 and that the over 60s club were holding a cake sale later in the month.
9 Drainage Issue Ward Cllr Barbour and Cllr Kelly said that little progress had been made but efforts to obtain reports that were promised earlier would continue.
10. Clerk’s report
a) Howgate Meeting The clerk said that a full discussion had taken place about the Nu gen project when councillors from Lowca Parton and Moresby had all made a number of points concerning the inadequacy of the consultation document and the lack of detail especially surrounding the transport issues. The district council officer had said that all the matters discussed would be included in their response.
b). Planters It was noted that the three planters around Moresby Parks were now filled with flowers ad arrangements for watering had been agreed. The clerk said he would speak to Works 4 You about the three for Low Moresby, Howgate and Scilly Banks to ask when they would be delivered. Councillors said that they would arrange for those when sited to be looked after.
c) Lengthsman The clerk reported provisionally a scheme had been agreed and that he would advise the contractor of work that was required in the parish.
d) Traffic and Highways. The clerk said that he had requested a traffic count as set out in the last minute but no response had been received. He said he had linked the comments made about the priority arrangements at the old railway bridge in Moresby Parks to the parish council Facebook page
e) Broadband Mr Troughton said he would speak to the hub co-ordinator about the problems that had arisen at Moresby Parks
f) Mobile Home Moresby Parks The clerk said that the planning officer was to follow this matter up.
11. Correspondence
a) The employer’s liability certificate had been received.
12 Cheques to be approved for payment
101192 Printpoint (Stationery) £133.61
101193 Parton Village Hall (Play Area) £200.00
101194 Lloyd Ltd (Mower) £55.00
101195 Alan Lawson (Diesel) £134.00
101196 J C Shaw (Salary June 2016) £200.00
101197 J C Shaw (Expenses) £39.17
13 Parish Councillor’s Items
a) The chairman said that the thanks of the parish council for the work undertaken by Mrs Coward in ensuring that the Copeland community fund supported the refurbishment of the rugby club should be recorded.
b) Mr Troughton said that he had spoken to the county councillor for the division about the state of the roads in Moresby Parks especially School Brow where the surface was particularly poor. A number of other councillors made the same point with reference to other roads.
c) Mrs Coward asked that action be taken regarding the van which was obstructing the pavement towards Dent Road
d) Ms Parke said that the goal post bar net attachment bar had been damaged.
e) Ms Parke asked about the “squeezy guts” path. The chairman said he was approaching a resident of the village o clear it.
f) Ms Parke referred to a letter she had received concerning the footpath between Eagles Way and Eden Drive which was now being used by motor cyclists. The clerk said he would speak to the district council and advise the police.
g) Mrs McGuirk asked if another letter could be sent to the county council concerning the Walkmill Park board walks.
The meeting closed at 8.56 pm.
The next meeting was fixed for the 5th September 2016 (Note: A special meeting may be called if required to consider the School Brow development planning application)
Chairman...... Date......