Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on

13th January 2014

7pm, Dickleburgh & Rushall Village Centre

PRESENT: Cllrs Keith Ambrose, John Adlam, Terry Clarkson, Chris Davy, Julie Munnings

IN ATTENDANCE: Ann Baker (Clerk)

Members of the Public: Dist. Cllr & Mrs. Wilby

Public Forum: Congratulations were offered to Dickleburgh School for their fantastic achievement – one of 159 hitting their benchmark learning targets; the Upper Vaunces Wind Farm Inquiry finishes on 31st Jan. it is hoped a decision from Inspector will follow shortly; SN Awards will take place at the John Innes Centre – Stuart Filmer, Norman Steer & Rachel Hiller have all been nominated; a collection point for cooking oils & fat has been set up in Harleston, D.Cllr Wilby will enquire as to the possibility for Dickleburgh re-cycling centre

Meeting began at 7.08pm

163. To consider accepting apologies for absence – C.Cllr Spratt, Cllr Blacker, Cllr Mason, Cllr Moore, PCSO. J. Burgess - approved

164.  To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 9th December 2013 - approved

165.  To receive any declarations of pecuniary and other interests from members on any item to be discussed – none

166. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – for information purposes only including:

a.  Update on the re-surfacing of the Village Centre entrance and exit – both were satisfactorily completed by mid- December; Clerk to remind Garrod’s to remove barriers

b.  Response to Hopkins Homes - Clerk sent a response which has been acknowledged by Chris Smith

c.  Anti-litter campaign - Clerk has received an email from SNC (J. Webb) that there will a similar initiative in the Spring, further information awaited

d.  Dickleburgh Surgery Survey - responses have been received by the Clerk and on the Monkey Survey site, several in the shop box; reminder note for the next Parish Magazine that responses will be viewed at the next meeting

e.  Norse Contract - a new contract has been received, signed & returned to Norse; Rob Ransome has recently carried out verti-draining on the pitch; Scole Lads have returned a signed contract and fee for £120.00;

It is hoped that the field will be cut once it has dried out

f.  Neighbourhood Plan - Cllr Moore is preparing a paper for Feb. agenda

g.  PROW - Clerk has sent a mail requesting assistance with funds to C.Cllr. Spratt, D.Cllr Wilby, Gary Overland, David Jacklin and the Village Society; a mail was also sent to CGM to update on progress of the quote; no other quotes received to date; Cllr Blacker may have information for the February meeting; Cllr Ambrose has spoken with Ben Potterton, he will email some details of possible funding

167. To receive the Monthly Financial Report from the RFO including notification of any payments made over the last month :–

·  The last film night was held in Dec., at present no one has stepped forward to continue them

·  On the accounts page it was noted that SNC returned the planning application costs - £500;

·  Cost of repair to the drives has been included in the figures

·  St. Clements Common – an electricity bill has been received from the Daphne Buxton Memorial Committee

·  Insurance to be arranged for Dickleburgh Surgery, from 31st Jan.2014, valuation of £100,000.00, Clerk to contact Came & Co

·  An official response to Burial survey has been requested, Clerk to mail Alistair Wilson to confirm

·  The quarterly reconciliation was signed by Cllr Ambrose

168. To approve the budget for the financial year 2014/2015 & Precept as recommended by the Finance Committee

·  proposition for this meeting is to fix Band D ( £69.83), the same as last year, the budget balanced within few pounds: £32, 541, which £3,270 grant from SN, total £35,811

·  it was resolved that the Precept and budget be approved

·  Cllr Davy was thanked for his diligent work

169. To receive and discuss the Clerk’s Report where appropriate:

§  Received

170. Planning Applications as received from South Norfolk Council, incl:

a.  Planning Application - 2013/1905 - Vincent’s Garage, Harleston Road, Rushall - replacement of garage workshop with modern garage workshop - amendments have been submitted, weather boarding to be used on north & east faces, black plasticol sheeting on roof, south & west faces; comments to SN - draw planners attention to height in close proximity to Church & house, suggest that sympathetic planning/landscaping on land & wall on the north & east faces would soften impact – Clerk to action

b.  Planning Application - 2013/0091/CU - Land West of South View, Harleston Road, Rushall - retrospective permission was granted for the change of keeping pigs to horses. Condition 3 of the permission required a concrete bunded surface be provided for the interim storage of manure, the tenant has suggested that rather than this they are prepared to have the muck removed on a daily basis. SNC has a series of options, the suggestions falls within option 2 and would require a modified enforcement notice. SNC request any comments to be received within 21days (30th Jan.’14). So long as it is regularly collected the SNC recommendations would seem appropriate - Clerk to action

c.  Planning Application - 2013/2301 - Semere Cottage, Semere Green Lane, Dickleburgh - replacement porch -

it was resolved to recommend approval - Clerk to action

171. To receive consultees reports of planning decisions made by SNC:

  1. Planning Application 2013/1339 - 6 Merlewood, Dickleburgh – approved with conditions
  2. Planning Application 2013/1783 - Plot 42, Common Farm, Common Road, Dickleburgh - erection of a fence around Plot 42 - approved with conditions

c.  Planning Application - 2013/2052 - Willow Farm, Harleston Road, Rushall - to demolish part of a building within the curtilage of a listed building – approved with conditions

172. To approve the quote for the installation of the defibrillator - a quote has been received for installation for £195.00 + VAT, date of installation Mon. 20th Jan. 8am; the Clerk has contacted Judi Ingram, Martin (Community Heartbeat Trust) and Andrew Barlow (East Ambulance Trust) - it was resolved that the installation be approved

173. To receive information regarding the progress of the Upper Vaunces Wind Farm Inquiry - the mail sent to TCI was acknowledged by TCI (Hazel Ide), a short reply was sent on behalf of the PC; Cllr Ambrose submitted a statement at the inquiry on the same day that several others presented evidence; Inspector’s response will be received in 6-8 weeks time

174. To consider the repairs necessary to the Village Sign - Gavin MacFarlane has sent a quote for £45.00, Cllr Adlam spoke with Trevor Leeder, arranged for Parish Council to power clean the base of the sign, following which repairs can be carried out; Clerk to action - contact Gavin to arrange order of cleaning and repairs

175. To review the lease to the Bowls Club and consider the repairs to the verandah - Clerk has been in contact with

TC Garrett, Charlie Catchpole, Entire House – Nick - regarding visits & quotes; Clerk agreed to contact Mick Logan in order that Cllrs could look at the problem - Action - Property team – Cllr Ambrose & Davy

176. To approve the response to South Norfolk’s Site Specific Allocations & Policies Consultation - the Clerk had sent a copy of the replies to all Councillors - it was resolved that the response be approved

Wymondham Area Action Plan – it was agreed unnecessary to submit a reply

Development Management Policies Document – it was agreed unnecessary to submit a reply

177. To approve the meeting dates for the next financial year - item for Feb. agenda

178. To receive matters of information from Councillors:-

Cllr Ambrose – had received a request from John Whitelock for a meeting, he will arrange and report back

179. To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the date of the next meeting: as above;

Monday 10th February 2014, 7pm at Dickleburgh & Rushall Village Centre

Monday 10th March 2014, 7pm at Dickleburgh & Rushall Village Centre

There being no further business the meeting ended at 20.55

