Minutes of the Meeting of the Natural Environment Committee
of South Luffenham Parish Council
held on
11 April 2018at the Village Hall, South Luffenham
Councillors: Victor Bacon (PC Chair); John Hall (Tree Warden); Susan Sewell, Colin Wright.
Voluntary Parish Members: Peter Hodson; Noel Seymour; Carolyn Welch.
3)Appointment of Chairman
There being no other nominations, Carolyn Welch was appointed NEC Chairman and her offer to continue to address the formal paperwork for the group was accepted.
4)Minutes of Last Meeting
The Minutes of the meeting on the 14 Nov 17 had been circulated to all members and, there being no alterations, were signed as a true record.
4)Matters Arising :-a)Management of the Pond in Pond Close
Carolyn Welch outlined the main points of the project to date :-
- The specialist firm of Aquatic Solutions Ltd surveyed the pond and quoted for the works of removing the reed bed and dredging the silt.
- The application to the Augean Communities Fund through the agency of GrantScape for funds to meet the cost (£8,330.00 plus VAT) was successful; the required contribution of £930.00 was paid from the NEC budget.
- The works were carried out 12-14 Feb 18 and the payments cleared.
- Banners with basic information on the project were placed at both ends of the main footpath through Pond Close; additional notices were put up and tapes were strung across both ends of the perimeter on which the silt had been deposited to warn visitors that the area had not yet settled and was potentially hazardous to negotiate.For safety reasons, all these notices should be left in placed while the site becomes more stable as the silt dries and settles and the vegetation starts to grow through.
- A considerable amount of debris (fabric, glass, metal and ceramics) as brought up with the silt from a previous (unknown) dumping area and the process of clearing this has been undertaken
- A dye which is harmless to wildlife and plants but targets the growth of algae (blanket weed) by cutting out the sunlight has been added to the pond water.This should last about three months until top-up is required.
- Items giving full information on the project have been placed in the relevant editions of the monthly Village newsletter.
b)Proposed Action Plan and Budget for the Financial Year 2018/19
Carolyn Welch confirmed that the proposed NEC Action Plan and Budget had been endorsed by the Parish Council but, in view of the grant and limiting the parish precept, the amount had been reduced by £700.00 to an overall total of £4,100.00 for the financial year 2018/19.
The NEC members noted the report and that the subject of clearing the left hand border of the Recreation Ground would be addressed in that item later in the Agenda. This item is retained for the November meeting and the formation of an Action Plan and Budget for the Financial Year 2019/20.
5)Standing Items
a)Pond Close
i)Volunteer Work
Carolyn Welch reported on work carried out by volunteer groups :-
- Mr Clive Forty, Manager, Trust for Conservation Volunteers,visited on 9 Apr 18 to discuss the schedule for the two days to be scheduled in Oct 18. The following suggestions were put forward for the NEC to discuss :-
NEC members discussed and were in favour of this proposal and agreed that Carolyn Welch should obtain more information and costs for final decision.
b)to make the worn pathway from the lower access point up to the chip footpath along the Pinfold Lane bank more delineated and substantial with wood chippings.
NEC members discussed and were not in favour of this proposal.
c)to install a duck platform and shelter on the pond.
NEC members discussed and were in favour of this proposal and agreed that Carolyn Welch should obtain more information and costs for final decision.
d)to install a bench seat near the well, lightly coppice the surrounding hazels, prune the brambles and introduce some other plants such as ferns, in order to create a pleasant area from which to look out over the pond.
NEC members discussed and were in favour of this proposal and agreed that Carolyn Welch should obtain more information and costs for final decision.
- Mr Peter Graham, leader of Plymouth Brethren Community volunteers called to say thatthe work of clearing the debris was not a task which the team could undertake and this reply to the Chairman’s letter dated 21 Mar 18 was accepted with thanks for their consideration..
NEC members noted the report and that Noel Seymour would ask his son Michael if he could cut up and chip the brash and branches heaped at the top of ‘the ride’ and spread the chippings down the slope.
- .Mr Stuart Kidd, Craig Howat and RCC volunteers from RCCcut back and removed unwantedwillows at south end of pond in 2017 – no plans so far this year..
ii)Shrubs and Plants from NatureScape/ development of the wild-flower plot
Noel Seymour reported that some of the plants in the wild-flower plot on the main bank had established but that further work was required to remove the overgrown grass and impoverish the soil.
NEC members noted the report and accepted Noel Seymour’s offer to address the problem of the grass.
iii)Repair of Ancaster Railings
Will English have suitable equipment and the expertise to make the necessary repairs and Peter Hudsonagreed to assist.
NEC members noted the report and requests Will English to contact Peter Hodson to arrange a mutually convenient time for the work.
iv)Proposed Planting of Spring Bulbs on P Lane Bank / Event for Children
Carolyn Welch proposed that work was done on the first section of Pinfold Lane bank to plant more spring bulbs such as bluebells and snowdrops. If the ground was prepared, a short (2 hours) event could be organised for parents and children to plant the bulbs.
There was a discussion which focussed the hardness of the ground and the underlying roots which would make the planting process difficult in this area, particularly for children.
NEC members decided against the proposal.
i)Tree Assessment Service – First Tree Inspection Report
John Hall (Tree Warden) confirmed thatquotations had been obtained for the work outlined in the first Tree Inspection Report at priority levels 1 and 2. Tommy Plummer Tree Services had been selected and carried out the works in Mar18. The payment of £1,242.00 plus £248.40 VAT therefore went through in the last financial year 2017/18. Works at priority level of 3 will go ahead this year.
The next Inspection Report is due 2020, for which a budgetary allocation should be made.
A crab apple (Mauls Red Sentinel (£78.00 plus £15.60 VAT) was one of the three new trees selected and purchased from Barcham Trees Ltd and has been planted in place of the alder which had not become established.
NEC members noted the report and that tree-work at a priority level 3 will be carried out this financial year 2018/19.
John hall also informed the Committee that Stuart Kidd (RCC Forestry Officer) had arranged a ‘Symposium on Trees’ on 28 May 18for all parish Tree Wardens and that he would be attending with Carolyn Welch.
c)Jubilee Wood / Recreation Ground
i)Planting of new trees
John Hall (Tree Warden) reported that two of the three new trees which had been selected and purchased from Barcham Trees Ltd had been planted in Jubilee Wood :-
- a purple plum (Prunus Cerasifera Nigra) from monies donated in the Queen’s Birthday Celebrations; the cost ££79.80 plus £15.80.
- Amelanchier (Ballerina) privately donated in commemoration.
The condition of the row of diseased chestnuts along the northern perimeter of the Recreation Ground was again discussed at length – there seemed to be no easy solution to the problem, but the general view was that the trees appeared to be less affected by the infestation. Close monitoring of the trees’ condition would continue with the assistance of the RCC Forestry Officer.
.The NEC members noted the report.
ii)Ongoing Maintenance of Jubilee Wood
John Hall reported on the continued growth of many of the saplings in the Wood and that weaker specimens should now be removed this year.
.NEC members noted the above report and agreed to the removal of the weaker specimens which were not growing well.
iii)Clearance of Left Hand Border of the Recreation Ground
There was a discussion about the encroachment of self-set shrubs and saplings (mainly blackthorn) out from the hedgerow, which would eventually overtake the Millennium Path, and desirability of clearing the left hand border of the Recreation Ground back to the hedgerow.
NEC members agreed that Carolyn Welch should gather information on contractors / voluntary assistance and the costs of clearance.
d) Village Green
i)Hornbeam (Betulus Carpinus)
Carolyn Welch commented that the Hornbeam appeared to have come through the winter without any problem and was developing well.
NEC members noted the above report and agreed that Carolyn Welch should ask Mrs Isla Matthews (originator of Friends of The Village Green) if any additional planting of spring bulbs was envisioned.
6)Any other business
i)Parish Council Open Day 29 Apr 18.
In preparation for the Open Day, Carolyn Welch said that she would create a board of photographs (A4 print-outs) of The Village Green, Pond Close and Jubilee Wood with captions at the side.
The NEC Members agreed this proposal.
ii)Sue Sewell – Continued Membership of NEC
Following her move to Oakham last year, Sue Sewell resigned from the NEC. However, regulations allow members to continue for one year after moving from the locality and Sue has agreed to remain a member of the Parish Council and NEC until Nov 18.
NEC Members welcomed this arrangement.
7)Closure of meeting and date of next formal meeting
The meeting was closed at 8.45 pm.
The date of the next formal meeting in November 2018 is yet to be determined. / PH
All to Note
All to Note
NB All Agenda, Minutes and formal Papers for the formal meetings are published in the Parish Council section of the village website at .
The website also contains an informal section for the Natural Environment Committee for news of events, sightings and photographs etc.
Ref : cmwNECMinutes120418.doc