Tina Newton (Group C) – in the Chair

Ms Gill Hammond-Evans / Mr Lat Blaylock / Miss Christine Moody
Mrs Denise Hardy / Ralph Wood / Mrs Tina Newton
Mr Jasmohan Singh Obhi / Amanda McKenzie
Adele Hillier
Mr J Catt / Jo Horton / Mr A Hardy
Item / Action
1. / Welcome and apologies
TN welcomed everyone to the meeting and in particular to RW from the Leicester Diocese as it was RW’s first meeting with the group today.
Apologies were received from Councillor Kaufman, Councillor Lewis, Councillor Rhodes, Jonathan Brown, Karen McQuillin and Amanda Moxon.
TN spoke about the sad loss of Ken Bayliss (KB) who was a long time NAHT member of the group and who had passed away recently. TN led a few moments silence in respect of KB. It was noted that a card has been sent to his wife from SACRE and that LA reps had attended the funeral service. KB’s daughter is running the Race for Life and JH had circulated the information prior to the meeting.
AH entered the meeting at 4.35 pm
2. / Membership Vacancies and New Membership
TN reported that Martin Turnham, Headteacher of Desford Community Primary School will be a new member of Group C. JH offered to make contact and provide the relevant information to MT.
It was agreed to remove the vacant ATL position in Group C. A discussion was held regarding NUT not being represented but LB informed the group that previously they did not want to be represented. LB agreed to raise the matter with his trade union. / JH
3. / Minutes of meeting held on 10 March 2016
The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
4. / Matters arising from the minutes
TN asked the group for a new treasurer. As no one came forward JH offered to pick up the role in the interim.
TN read out an email received from a member of the LCC web team. JH confirmed that the syllabus is now available on the webpage and that JC’s email request to put a link to the Humanist website is complete. JC thanked the group. LB suggested a trawl of other websites to look at their content.
5. / Syllabus Launch / Follow Up(report to be tabled at the meeting)
LB circulated a summary report of where the group are at currently with the syllabus and which also contained information of the launch.
LB expressed his thanks to the Leicester Diocese for their hospitality at the launch.
The group was overwhelmed as to the amount of syllabus’ sold to academies. LB confirmed that when all costs have been met SACRE will have a healthy surplus of approximately £4,000.
LB spoke about the comments received on the evaluation sheets from the event. The group were pleased to see such great feedback from attendees.
TN reported back on her networking at the event and commented that teachers present were overwhelmingly positive.
RW noticed the excitement at the launch and felt that the it would be viable to put on further training from the surplus monies. RW suggested that the group do everything possible to promote the syllabus and that school’s will need support in rolling out the same.
LB read out a letter from Lesley Hagger (LH) who was present at the launch. JH commented that LH was leaving the authority shortly.
LB confirmed that a copy of the syllabus will be sent to schools which did not attend the launch by JB. It was suggested a letter be included to gently remind schools that it is a statutory obligation to teach RE. CM commented on who to direct the letter to and it was agreed to the Head Teacher and Head of RE.
LB suggested a discussion be held today on the options for spending the surplus monies. All agreed proposals would have to be reported back at the next meeting due to today’s meeting not being quorate.
Following a general discussion proposals agreed were:
A new website
Training Event
AH suggested making links with Leicester and Loughborough Universities.
AM entered the meeting at 5.10 pm
AM reported back on the meeting with the RE Teachers Group which was hosted at Brockington College. AM stated that it was an extremely positive meeting with a further meeting planned and to be held at a school in Birstall. JC suggested Secondary Heads linking in to SACRE.
TN concluded by reporting the launch was an overwhelmingly positive event to which everyone agreed.
6. / Budget Update (standard item)
LB reported that there are some funds left over from the launch at held at the Diocese which we are able to access easily. However LB confirmed that we are able to move the funds should the group wish to. JC suggested merging the funds with the monies/budget held at Brookvale High School.
It was agreed that once the launch costs have been paid a more detailed account of costs will be available. All agreed to review the same then.
In the meantime it was agreed that the NASACRE invoice for £95 be paid. / JH
7. / Determinations Received (standard item)
There were no determinations received.
8. / Any Other Business
LB reported that not all SACRE members had forwarded a photograph as requested previously.
A discussion was held regarding non attendance of members at the meeting.
JC suggested asking new members for a photograph and short biography from now on.
AH suggested work on the proposed website be progressed in readiness for reporting on at the next meeting as a decision will be required there. It was agreed that JC drafts a brief and TN creates a mock up website. LB suggested contacting NASACRE for examples of other websites.
TN thanked everyone for their attendance.
The meeting closed at 5.45 pm / JC & TN
9. / Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 6 October 2016 – 4.15 pm
Future Meeting Dates for 2017 tbc

Signed ……………………………………. (Chairman)

Dated ………………………………………