Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors s2

Greater Muhlenberg Parks and Recreation System Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors

Tuesday, Feb. 19th , 2013

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A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Greater Muhlenberg Parks & Recreation System, was held this day at 4:30 p.m., CST in the Board Room of Old National Bank, 131 East Main Street in Greenville, Kentucky.

Members Present: Gail Johnson

Ben Van Hooser

Steve Wells, Chair

EA Gentry

Lee Freeman

Cassie Reynolds

Shannon Combs

Shawn Conckwright

Tammy Piper

Staff Present: Tommy Barton, Executive Director

Guests Present: Larry an Carol/ Neighbors of the Park

Members Absent: Matt Perkins, Tracy Hope

A. Welcome & Call to Order

The Chair, Mr. Wells, called the meeting to order. He welcomed all Board Members and guests and thanked them for attending.

B. Public

Larry and Carol asked the board about purchasing park land that is directly behind their house. Steve Wells, Tommy Barton , and Matt Perkins had met with Larry and Dean Rowe earlier in the month to discuss the possibility of residence from the small lake down to the School entrance possibly purchasing a buffer of land behind their houses. The board discussed the possibility of returning a small portion of land back to the school system and then the residence would work out a deal with the school. The board agreed the land should be sold and not leased to residence.

Action: Mr. Ben Van Ooser made the motion to amend the lease to reflect from the school entrance to the home at 2380 St Rt 181 that 50 feet for first 5 homes and 75 ft for other homes up to 2380 St Rt 181 be taken out of the lease and given back to school district. Including the easement at 2380 and the easement south of 2380. Mr. Shawn Conckwright seconded the motion. There being no objections, the Board unanimously approved of the lease amendment.

D. Administrative Business

Approval of the February Meeting Minutes

Mr. Wells called on the Board to approve the minutes from the February 19th meeting of the Board of Directors.

Action: Ms. Gail Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 19th , 2013 meeting. Ms. Tammy Pipper seconded the motion. There being no objections, the Board unanimously approved the minutes.

Mr. Wells called for the board to approve of the accounts and treasurers report

Action: Ms. Gail Johnson made a motion to approve accounts and Treasurer’s report. Ms. EA Gentry seconded the motion. There being no objection, the Board unanimously approved Budget and Treasurer’s report

E. Commissioners Report

Ms. Tammy Pipper reported on the penguin plunge and upcoming events at the CCCC.

F. Director Report

Mr. Tommy Barton reported on the organization of Baseball/softball and the Take a Kid Fishing event.

E. Unfinished business

The 501 C 3 is still waiting for approval from the federal Government.

Pat Hoagland submitted 3 bids for geotechnical drilling. The board looked them over and discussed.

Action: Ms Gail Johnson made the motion to except the bid from SMR&DDI to do the full phase of drilling as soon as possible. Mr. Van Hooser seconded the motion. There being no objection the board unanimously approved the bid from SMR&DDI with Mr. Hope abstaining from a vote

The Board discussed beginning a fundraising subcommittee of board members Tammy Piper, Steve Wells, EA Gentry along with Kathy Jacobi. The board also agreed that locals Jamie Wells and Ken Robinson would be valuable members also. Tommy has discussed this with both of them.

The board made it official welcoming McKenzie Johnson as youth board member and Mr. Perkins stated the other is Katie Skaggs who will attend our next meeting.

Tommy Barton explained the new districting of baseball and the rules on signing up kids. They must sign up in the district they live or the district they played in last year. This is written in the Baseball Agreement. All districts are midway through sign ups with only one complaint so far.

F. New Business

The board discussed the Neighbors of the new park request to buy or lease additional land as a buffer along the back of the park. Since they did not attend the meeting Steve Wells and Tommy Barton will reach out to Dean Rowe and set up a meeting to discuss.

Tommy Barton explained that the County Road Dept. had agreed to build the access road to the park for construction crews for the park and the school, with cost of materials being paid for by the GMPRS.

Tommy Barton asked the board to help him find a couple of summer staff members. One for grounds keeping and one for help in programming. Several board members said they will spread the word and have prospects contact Tommy directly.

G. Adjourn

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn.

Action: Mr. Van Hooser made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Freemen seconded the motion. There being no objections, the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be held March 19th , 2013 at 4:30 p.m. at Old National Bank.

Respectfully submitted,

Tommy Barton, Secretary of the Board