Present – Councillors Louise Quirke(chairman), Ashley Mills, Ashley Bubb, Peter Wenham, Carmel Hummerstone, Hem Limbu, Andrea Brabham, Ann Davies, Clive Richards, County Councillor Alan Marsh, District Councillor Georgina Glover, District Councillor Heather Taylor, Julie Cronin (Clerk), caretaker Alan Websterand eleven members of the public.
4480. Apologies for absence –apologies were received from Parish Councillor Harradine, and were accepted.
Public Participation
District Councillor Heather Taylor advised the Council that she’d had several calls from residents asking that the bin at Broad Oak agenda item 4493, not be removed from where it is.
A resident spoke about agenda item 4491 (a) and advised that a Community Centre on Park View Sturry was not where the Community wanted one.
A resident spoke about agenda item 4501 d) Planning application on land south of the Golden Lion pub. As a neighbour to the plot the agreed application of one property to be built fronting Mayton Lane was acceptable but now planning was sought to build 3 two-storey homes to the rear will be overlooking his property which he found was unacceptable. He suggested single-storey houses or second-storey to have Velux windows in the roof.
4481. To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests and Voluntary Announcements of Other Interests on any agenda items and a reminder to think of any changes to the DPI register held at CCC, such as change of job or home– NONE
4482. To vote for new Vice-Chairman.
Ashley Bubb proposed Ashley Mills and was seconded by Clive Richards, all agreed.
4483. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 6thSeptember 2017 – Cllr Wenham proposed and Cllr Ashley Mills seconded, agreed.
4484. Chairman and Councillors’ Reports – Cllr Louise Quirke thanked Ashley Mills for Chairing previous meetings which she was unable to attend. She also thanked Alan the caretaker for all his hard work on re-furbishing the Parish Office Louise also gave thanks to all who had attended and helped at the Quiz night that was held.
4485.County and District Councillors’ Reports – DistrictCllr. Heather Taylor told the Parish Council that she had various calls from residents at Broad Oak who did not want the litter bin moved from the Green next to the Golden Lion.
She congratulated Jo, Alan, Ann and Carmel on the coffee morning held at the Parish Office in aid of MacMillan which had a great response from the public and she looks forward to attending more coffee mornings in the future.
Heather also advised there had been a number of vehicle break-ins especially vans being targeted.
County Councillor Alan Marsh asked to defer his report to item 4489 which was agreed.
4486. Community Warden and Police Officers’ Reports - Community Warden Jack Gilbey had sent an email to say his report was attached, but unfortunately it wasn’t.
There was no report from the PCSO.
4487. Village Caretaker’s Report – Alan gave a report on his work.
4488. Clerk’s report –
The Clerk attended a training session at CCC to discuss the precept and how best to work out the precept amount that makes it easy for them to calculate.
She attended the KALC Clerks Conference at Canterbury Cricket ground on the 14th September, which was well attended and had some good speakers.
On 18th September she attended the RAMP meeting, to hear the discussion about the Governance Review with Ann Davies and Peter Wenham.
HM Revenue & Customs have sent a letter to say from 15th December we will no longer be able to make PAYE payments at the post office and that we can arrange a direct debit, online or phone banking to make the payment.
Broad Oak Village Hall asked for a support email in regards to their application to Viridor credits for funding replacement windows and soffits. The clerk wrote a letter of support advising our usage of the hall for Parish Council business and community consultations.
The office BT phone and broadband are up for renewal and the Parish Council would save money by changing to Plusnet Business or Talk business.
The minibus has been used on several occasions by the Hersden Majorettes during August to take them to events.
4489. To discuss use of minibus.
They discussed how the minibus is hired out to groups and organisations, as County Councillor Alan Marsh expects the PC to hire it out to him for the Hersden Majorettes for free. This would not be fair to other groups and organisations that have to pay to hire the bus.
Cllr Clive Richards advised that if we hired out the bus at no cost then this sets a precedent to all hirers.
Cllr Ann Davies said that if there were special circumstances then the PC could take these into consideration.
County Councillor Alan Marsh then spoke up. Firstly telling us that we are still not doing our agendas correctly on how he wants them. The clerk asked him to give her a call to come to the office to discuss. He came back to the table throwing down several examples of other Council’s agendas onto the table telling us they should be like that.
Alan then went onto tell the Councillors that he wants an answer now on having the minibus for free and that he has given away over £83,000 to the Parish over many years and that the Hersden Majorettes are a new group and need supporting. Cllr Marsh was asked how much money he had donated to the Majorettes and how much they have in their bank account. Cllr Brabham told the PC that the Majorettes have about £2,500 in their account.
Cllr Georgina Glover arrived 7.20pm
Cllr Marsh said he expects to be able to go to the Clerk and ask if the minibus is free to use and then he would go to the Chairman to ask for free. He doesn’t want to go through the rig morale of having to get permission from all the Council.
Cllr Bubb proposed to let the Majorettes use for a one off
The Clerk has said that it hasn’t just been a one off occurrence, as he has had the minibus for free already on 5+ occasions.
Cllr Clive Richards doesn’t believe we should be held to ransom by Cllr Marsh.
Alan Marsh then said he would leave us to think over. He then went on to say that he cannot save the closing of Sturry Library a third time and that the Parish Council should think about buying the property and he would help. He told the PC that they should stay away from the Swan Pub as a Community Centre as it is a wreck inside and to slow down and not commit to the building to wait for the library.
Alan congratulated SPC on the Link Road Planning document they sent in to KCC, it was the best document he had ever seen.
Cllr Alan Marsh then left 7.50pm
The Councillors discussed in depth the use of the minibus and Cllr Ann Davies Proposed that the hire conditions stay as they are and organisations that have an emergency can approach the Clerk and does not need to go to full Council. If organisations would like special concessions then they would need to ask the Parish Council for assistance.
4490. To hear from candidates who have applied to be co-opted onto the council–Barry Belsey spoke to the Council regarding his application.
Ken Dekker spoke regarding his application.
4491. To discuss Community Assets.–a) A resident requested a vote be taken on whether a Community Centre would be built on Park View or not.
Cllr Davies said there was still a long way to go with the developer to agree a Community Centre elsewhere. Sturry and Broad Oak are short on open space to be able to find a suitable site. Annadmitted that she never wanted the centre to go on Park View from the start and that other options must be looked at first before making a final decision about the Park View site.
Cllr Brabham said she had thought the Council had already made a definitive decision regarding the Centre and added it was important to get the developers on board in building it.
Cllr Quirke said that it shouldn’t be on Park View as there was not enough open space, parking already a problem on Park View and that the Community Centre on Park View needs to be put to bed.
RESOLVED - Cllr Quirke proposed that a Community Centre must not be built on Park View. There were 5 for this proposal and 2 against.
b) The Swan – Cllr Davies proposed a motion with the backing of Cllr Mills, to look into The Swan pub being purchased to provide a Community Hub. To buy time on carrying out surveys, producing a business plan and consulting with the residents Ann believes the PC should register the Pub as a Community Value Asset which will secure 6 months before the owner can sell to anyone else.
A resident on the Planning Working Group said that they would like to look at the option.
Cllr Bubb did not want to pay any money from the funds to look at the project.
Cllr Richards felt that the PC did need to know if it was feasible.
Caretaker Alan Webster said that parishioners that use the minibus have asked if amenities were put in the High Street as the village High Street area was dead.
A resident remarked that it looked like the Parish Council would never agree.
Cllr Quirke said that a public consultation must be done first.
District Cllr Taylor agreed with Louise and that the Parish Office could be sold now and moved to Hersden Neighbourhood Centre.
Cllr Quirke disagreed to Cllr Davies motion and put forward that a Public Consultation must be carried out first before any formal move is made to register The Swan as a Valuable Asset.
RESOLVED – Agreed by the majority to hold a Public Consultation first.
4492.To discuss Ring of Circles Project Donation. – David Reekie the footpath warden for Sturry and Fordwich, who is also the Chairman of the Canterbury Rings Project spoke to the Council about circular walks around Canterbury made up of 20 mile outer ring that passes through Sturry. They are looking to put in signage for the Circular walk and have had £4,500 donated to it from CCC, KCC and Rambler associations. The signs have gone out for quotes and there are also signs that can have digital info on them for people to use as an App with their Smartphone.
One of the signs would be placed on Library Green in the High Street and a further sign a little way on.
They would like a donation of £450 for 2 basic signs.
KCC will still maintain the pathways.
RESOLVED – Majority in agreement to the £450 donation.
4493.To discuss a ramp access to the park on Park View–Cllr Quirke has said there is no disability ramp access to the park to access the roundabout for wheelchair bound children. She advised that she had spoken to Rebecca Booth at CCC to discuss what could be done and a site meeting has been suggested.
Other Councillors suggested that a ramp access could not be put in on the Link Road side as the bank is far too steep and would cost a lot of money as well as use a lot of land.
Cllr Taylor suggested that a ramp could be put in at the lowest part of the bank on Park View opposite McCarthy Avenue and now that the children’s playground had been moved from that far end then the gate that is currently welded shut could be re-opened to allow for a flatter entrance to the park.
RESOLVED–Cllr Quirke said to set up a site meeting with Rebecca Booth at CCC.
4494.To discuss and resolve plaques for memorial wall in the Cemetery.–Councillors to decide material, size, wording, application and installation costs.
RESOLVED – They all decided the plaques should be made of granite in black or dark grey, 17.7cm W, 12.7cm H and 2cm thick, applications must be made with wording and colours used, plaque allowed for 50 years. Clerk to check with Stonemasons the fees charged to install on the wall.
4495.To discuss and resolve signage regarding dogs in the Churchyard and dog walking area.–
RESOLVED – Clerk to get more quotes.
4496. To discuss the litter bin removal in Broad Oak.–The Councillors discussed the removal of the bin. The Clerk advised that she had received emails and letters from residents who didn’t want the bin to be removed. District Cllr Taylor also mentioned the calls she had received advising that residents did not want it removed.
RESOLVED – The Councillors were in full agreement not to remove the bin and that when it needs replacing in the future a new lidded one would replace it.
4497. To discuss adoption of telephone box at Broad Oak. –A resident requested that SPC look into adopting the telephone box and they would run it as a library.
RESOLVED – The Councillors decided not to adopt it and to suggest the resident ask Broad Oak Village Hall and Broad Oak Preservation Society if they would.
4501. Planning
d) CA/17/02141/FUL Land south of the Golden Lion, Mayton Lane, Broad Oak.
Resolved – There is currently permission for one dwelling this application is for 3 x 2-storey dwellings. There are no comments on the portal site yet. Nearby neighbours explained that they were not happy with the development as the house’s would overlook the privacy of their garden and into their listed home. They would prefer it if they were single-storey homes or the second-storey was in the roof with Velux windows that wouldn’t overlook them.
RESOLVED - all agreed to object to application based on the privacy and vehicles entering the site on a bend with hedging blocking vision of oncoming vehicles.
c) CA/17/002081/FUL Land at Goose Farm.
Resolved – All agreed to object to this application due to the living arrangements on the site of the workers in caravans, with no drinking water, waste removal and cime & disorder from them.
b) CA/17/002078/FUL 55 Cedar Road, Sturry.
RESOLVED – No objection.
a)CA/17/02076/MIN9 Meadow Road, Sturry.
RESOLVED – No objection.
4498. To discuss and resolve SLCC membership.
RESOLVED – All agreed to renew the Clerks membership.
4499. To discuss and agree attendance to NALC Conference.
RESOLVED – No Councillors wanted to attend this year.
4500. Finance
a) To approve payment of accounts presented at this meeting.
RESOLVED –Cllr Quirke Proposed to agree, seconded by Ashley Mills and all agreed.
b) To report on monies received
RESOLVED –Cllr Quirke Proposed to agree, seconded by Ashley Mills and all agreed.
4502.Any other matters of an urgent or special nature –
Arrange date to meet to discuss Christmas Event.
Arrange date to go through Standing Orders.
Exclusion of the press and public pursuant of section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.
4503.To discuss and resolve co-option application.
RESOLVED – All agreed to say no to Barry Belsey and suggest he attends more meetings to get more knowledge.
RESOLVED – a vote on Ken Dekker gave a verdict of 5 against and 3 for. To write to him to re-apply at a later date.
4504.To discuss and resolve staffing committee items.
To discuss employing an HR company to assist in a few issues. The committee has received three quotes now.
RESOLVED – Cllr Ann Davies to do a brief for the HR company, all Councillors agreed to hire the HR Company except Cllr Ashley Bubb.
Cllr Ann Davies also proposed to co-opt Cllr Clive Richards onto the staffing committee.
RESOLVED – All agreed.
Chairman closed the meeting at 22.20 hours.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………