MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 7th January 2008 at 6.45pm at the Mission Rooms off Ben Bank Road, Silkstone Common.
Chairman: Cllr D Liddell
Councillors: Cllr C Bower, Cllr Mrs C Fishpool, Cllr Mrs P Gallamore, Cllr P Handley, Cllr R Leech, Cllr P Smith & Cllr R Stier.
IN ATTENDANCE: 1 resident and Mrs K Canadine – Clerk.
Public Question Time
More lighter fluid cans have been found in the Parish. This item will be discussed further at the Crime and Safety sub-group meeting on 15 Jan 08.
Cllr Bower reported that the Stocks Area project led by Jim Ritchie is going ahead. A request has been made for the Parish Council to consider paying towards the planning fees. This will be discussed on the agenda of the next Parish Council meeting.
It was reported that there is a steep drop at the side of the footpath next to 34 Moorend Lane and that a number of bags of sand are on the road outside 36 Moorend Lane. The Clerk will liaise with the Highways Department of BMBC.
Clerk asked to liaise with Highways regarding the number of accidents on the A628 to ask what action BMBC Highways are taking to reduce the number of accidents.
A request was made by Cllr Mrs C Fishpool on behalf of a resident for a litter bin to be placed on High Street next to the pedestrian entrance to Silkstone School. The Parish Council will consider this on the agenda of their next meeting.
RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Mrs J Johnson.
RESOLVED that all of the items on the agenda should be discussed in the public session.
RESOLVED to note Cllr R Stier’s declaration of a prejudicial interest in agenda item 13 – payment to Colin Waring.
Parish Council Minutes
RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the December 07 Parish Council meeting as a true and accurate record; minutes signed by the chairman.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the following notes/ resolution missed off the minutes is added
Minute No 148 Correspondence for Note
Civic Regalia brochures received form Fattorini, Fabb and Vaughton’s.
RESOLVED that Cllr Bower will e-mail the Silkstone Parish Council crest to the Clerk to enable her to request quotations for a chairman’s chain.
Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party Minutes
RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party held on Monday 10 December 07.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the possible installation of broadband at the Pavilion will be considered along with CCTV installation when the CCTV quotes are received and presented to Parish Council.
RESOLVED to note the Planning decision relating to 4 Whinmoor Way.
a) RESOLVED that the Clerk contacts Neighbourhood Pride to request that Orchard Meadow is cut 4 times a year.
b) RESOLVED that the Clerk writes to BMBC to acknowledge their letter relating to the Martin Croft Play Area and that a request is made for the Parish Council to be consulted prior to any changes taking place to the play area.
c) RESOLVED to note the correspondence relating to grit bins around Martin Croft, the Parish Council will take no further action at this time.
a) RESOLVED that the Clerk obtains quotations for the cost of a security company to act as a key holder for the pavilion.
b) RESOLVED that the Clerk’s summary of the Health and Safety Report prepared by BMBC Health and Safety Officers be noted and that all actions be carried out by liaison with Cllr R Stier and the Clerk. All quotations for works to the Pavilion to be presented to the Parish Council.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk purchases break glass key cupboards for the fire exit doors at the Pavilion.
c) RESOLVED to approve the booking form and terms and conditions for user groups of the Pavilion and Recreation Ground.
The Clerk will contact the Parish Council’s insurers for advice relating to user group insurance requirements.
d) RESOLVED that the Clerk contacts Paul Allen of Fields in Trust to arrange a separate meeting to be held at Silkstone Lodge for members of the Council, Working Party and Public to hear his presentation about the possible route to protecting the Silkstone Recreation Ground for recreation use in perpetuity.
e) RESOLVED that the Parish Council’s Grounds maintenance contractor Colin Waring be asked to progress the building of a housing around the gas valve adjacent to the access road to the Silkstone Pavilion.
RESOLVED that the Clerk contacts Paul Lodge to arrange for him to inspect the floodlights at the back of the Coop in Silkstone. If he is unable to ascertain the problem then the Clerk may contact BMBC to arrange for them to inspect the floodlights.
RESOLVED to note that 28 lighter fluid cans have been found in the Parish which brings a total of over 100 in the last month. The Parish Council will request that the Crime and Safety Sub Group discuss this ongoing problem at their next meeting.
RESOLVED to note that the next Crime and Safety Sub Group meeting will be held on 15 January 08 at 7pm at the Silkstone Pavilion.
RESOLVED to note the correspondence form Sarah Ford of BMBC regarding Footpath 8. Also noted that all objection letters received by Cllr R Stier have been forwarded to Sarah Ford and that BMBC have written to all residents of Hall Royd Walk with the update.
160. DRAFT BUDGET 2008/2009 & PRECEPT
RESOLVED to approve the Draft Budget for 2008/2009.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk issues the Precept notice in the sum of £59,000 to BMBC.
RESOLVED that the invoices for payment schedule dated 7 January 2008 totalling £8,598.66 be approved.
RESOLVED that the Clerk discusses the insurance of the silver shield and silver salver at the next Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party meeting.
RESOLVED that the Internal Audit checklist be approved and noted that the date of the first Internal Audit will take place on 12 January 08.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to the Town Clerk of Penistone Town Council for assurance that the grant to Penistone Paramount will not be lumped in with their amenities committee fund but kept separate. Also request that Parish Council representatives be permitted to vote on agenda items relating to Penistone Paramount.
RESOLVED to note Cllr D Liddell’s personal interest in the correspondence from the YRCC advertising their conference. Parish Cllrs unable to attend.
A lady resident has received an anonymous letter regarding the actions of a Parish Councillor at a Council meeting and immediately brought the letter to the attention of the Councillor.
RESOLVED that the Parish Council will report this letter to the next meeting of the Crime and Safety Sub Group and ask the Clerk to record the date this letter was sent in case reference was needed to it in the future.
RESOLVED to note the letter from the Royal British Legion expressing their thanks for the work the council arranged to the war memorial. The Clerk will copy the letter to the Area Forum Officer since Area Forum also contributed to the cost of the work.
RESOLVED that Cllrs Mrs P Gallamore, C Bower and P Smith will liaise with the CARE group regarding the purchase and positioning of benches on the Heritage trail.
166. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 4th February 2008 at Silkstone Primary School.
No items to discuss.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm.
Chairman’s Signature / DateSPC Minutes 7 Jan 08