7.30 pm – Council Meeting


Chair: The Mayor – Councillor A Willoughby

Councillors: J Batt, A Gallico, M Gallico, T Handley, P Ireland,

P McNamara, C Reid, C Willoughby and A Wright.

Staff present: The Deputy Clerk

Also present: Maggie Gell (The Knaresborough Post) & District Councillors A Jones and I Fox

Late arrivals: None Early Departures: District Councillor A Jones (9 pm)

C11/269 Item 1 – To receive Apologies for Inability to attend the meeting

Apologies were received from Councillors I Avery, P Beardsell, H McNamara,

K Sewell and N Smith.

C11/270 Item 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

All declarations are personal, unless otherwise stated.

Councillor J Batt / Member of NYCC and HBC – will consider any same item at NYCC and HBC in the light of any new information.
Councillor P Ireland / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 9a – Committee member of Harrogate Group of Ramblers
Item 9b – Chair of the Friends of Bebra Gardens.
Councillor A Wright / Item 5a – One of the sites is adjacent to a property owned by Councillor Wright (Prejudicial).

C11/271 Item 3 – To consider and if thought fit approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10th October 2011

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council meeting held 10th October 2011 be approved

as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

C11/272 Item 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session


C11/273 Item 5 – Business Remaining from Previous Meetings

a)  To consider Working Group’s response (on behalf of the Town Council) to LDF proposals.

Members had before them 2 draft responses – one tabled by Councillor Batt,

and one tabled by Councillor A Willoughby from notes provided by Councillor

Ireland and after talking to Councillors C Willoughby and A Wright.

Members went through both documents, paragraph by paragraph and it was

RESOLVED: That the Town Council’s response to the LDF consultation be as per the

document now attached to these Minutes.

(In considering the section on K18 – Hambleton Grove (14 homes), Councillor A Wright declared a prejudicial interest, left the Chamber, and

took no part in the discussion or voting thereon).

In formulating the Town Council’s response, voting took place as to

whether or not to remove the word “not” from the sentence reading

“The Lido site has been mentioned and we would not rule

out development there, should this site become available.”

A proposal to retain the word “not” was carried.

Councillor Ireland requested that his abstention from voting on this proposal

be recorded and Councillor Wright requested that his opposition to retaining

the word “not” also be recorded.

Councillor Batt had also formulated a draft response to the proposal

regarding a Rail Halt and Park and Ride.

FURTHER That a further meeting of the Working Group will be required in order to

RESOLVED: formulate a draft response, on behalf of the Council, to the DPD

(Development Plan Document) part of the consultation covering the

proposed Rail Halt/Park and Ride.

b)  To consider appointing an additional Councillor Representative for the YLCA

Harrogate Branch meetings. (Current reps are Councillor K Sewell and the


The Deputy Clerk reported that whilst the Council was only allowed two

representatives at these meetings it was often difficult for Councillor Sewell

and the Clerk to attend. It was therefore

RESOLVED: That in addition to the Clerk and Councillor Sewell, Councillor P McNamara

be the Town Council’s alternative/reserve representative. (Unanimous)

C11/274 Item 6 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to

Knaresborough and make such observations thereon as may be appropriate

/ Applicant / Details of Application / KTC Comments
11/04087/FULMAJ / Marrtree Limited / Erection of industrial units (Use Class B2 and B8) – Plot K, St James’ Business Park, Grimbald Crag Road. / The Town Council supports this application.

* Item to be determined by HBC Head of Planning or Head of Planning /Chair of Planning Committee.

** Item to be determined by Planning Committee.

C11/275 Item 7 – Planning Correspondence

a)  Planning Enforcements

i)  29 The Avenue, Knaresborough – To note issue of Enforcement Notice to take effect 24th November 2011 (Without planning permission the erection of a close boarded timber fence along the northern boundary with Blind Lane).

RESOLVED: Receive and note (Unanimous).

ii)  Reports of Investigations:-

·  Planning Enforcement Case No: 11/00411/PR15
Location: Riverview Chinese Restaurant, 52 Bond End
Complaint: Erection of extraction unit.
Outcome: A new extraction unit had been fitted to comply with
environmental legislation, and the owner had not realised planning permission was also required. An agent has now been appointed to submit a retrospective planning application seeking to retain the new extraction unit.

·  Planning Enforcement Case No: 11/00414/ADVERT
Location: 16-18 Bond End
Complaint: Siting of a large advertising board (Listed Building)
Outcome: The owner has agreed to reduce the size and relocate the sign to ensure the criteria for deemed consent is met. The site will be monitored to check the agreed actions take place.

·  Planning Enforcement Case No: 11/00397/PR15
Location: 2 Netheredge Close
Complaint: Use of residential property for business purposes – sale of cars (displayed for sale on verge/lay by on Ripley Road).
Outcome: The issue of cars for sale from the grass verge on Ripley Road has been referred to NYCC as the land owners and the authority responsible for Highways. Any action taken by HBC would be against the land owner.

RESOLVED: Receive and note the above reports of investigations. (Unanimous)

C11/276 Item 8 - to note date of the HBC Planning Committee – Tuesday 25th October 2011 (2pm at Crescent Gardens, Harrogate)

a) Planning Application 6.100.2085.F.FULMAJ (11/03419/FULMAJ) – Erection of 14 affordable Dwellings with associated car parking spaces (Site Area 0.28ha) (Revised Scheme) – Former Timber Yard, Hambleton Grove

KTC’s comments: KTC have no objections but would like a clause to be added

which states that they are sold/leased to ensure that the properties go to and

remain with local people. (Unanimous)

HBC Officer recommendation: That the application be DEFERRED and the

Head of Planning Services (HOPS) be authorised to approve the application

subject to the stated conditions and such other conditions HOPS considers to be


(Councillor Wright declared a prejudicial interest in the above item, left the Chamber and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.)

RESOLVED: Councillor J Batt to attend the above meeting and speak on this application on

the Town Council’s behalf.

(Councillor A Wright returned to the Chamber).

C11/277 Item 9 – Correspondence

a)  Footpaths Working Group – Letter dated 5th October 2011 from Mr & Mrs D Tankard.

RESOLVED: That Councillor J Batt investigates the minimum requirements needed for

Knaresborough to retain its “Walkers are Welcome” status and brings such

information back to Council.

Councillor A Wright felt that the above should have been investigated prior to the abolition of the Footpaths Working Group. Members expressed the hope that Councillor Batt would obtain an answer to his enquiries in writing.

(District Councillor Anne Jones left the meeting at this point – 9:00pm)

b)  Surprise View/Bebra Gardens Revised Fencing Design – to consider revised fencing design proposal plan and elevation drawings as drawn up by Building Surveyor, HBC

The revised proposals showed a 17 metre length of fence – 2.5 metres high at

Surprise View and 2.2 metres high at Bebra Gardens.

Members felt that a smaller fence further away from the edge, with deterrent

planting in between, would be far more effective in preventing objects from being

thrown down onto Waterside, and it was

RESOLVED: That the Town Council writes to the Chief Executive of Harrogate Borough

Council (with copies to Pat Kilburn and Yvonne Wilman) stating that the revised

fencing design proposal is not acceptable and is damaging one of Knaresborough’s prime tourist attractions. (Unanimous)

c)  Castle Courtyard, Market Place – Email dated 10th October 2011 from Hinchcliffe’s Property Associates and Email dated 11th October 2011 from Technical Officer, Public Protection Division, HBC.

Councillor Wright reported that culls elsewhere had not solved the problem

and hawks were only effective as long as their use continued – once the hawks

go, the pigeons return.

RESOLVED: That the Town Council write to Hinchcliffe’s Property Associates informing them

that the Town Council does not have a power to deal with pigeons and that this

is a matter for Harrogate Borough Council and the owners of the private

properties concerned. (Unanimous)

d)  Harrogate & Knaresborough Resurfacing Works - Letter dated 13th October 2011 from Acting Area Manager, Highways & Transportation, NYCC.

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

e)  Responses to Supplementary Questions from Parish Consultation Group 1 Meeting – Email dated 13th October 2011 from Member Services Officer, HBC.

RESOLVED: That the Town Council write to Harrogate Borough Council thanking them for

their detailed response but also making HBC aware that Pat Kilburn did assure KTC that he would promote the Bowling Green and that this was to include additional signage. The Town Council have not been informed of any developments with relation to this. The Council have also not had any feedback from HBC regarding its request to use the Bowling Green one evening for a

showcase game to publicise the facility.

C11/278 Item 10 – Reports of Committees/Working Groups

a)  To agree the recommendations made by the Christmas Lights Working Group at the meeting held on 21st October 2011

RESOLVED: That the Recommendations made by the Christmas Lights Working Group at

its meeting held on 21st October 2011 be approved as follows:

i)  That the Town Council approves the agreement between the Contractor and the Council and authorises the Clerk to sign the agreement on behalf of the Council – Agreement not available - Defer to next meeting.

ii)  That subject to confirmation from the service provider that the Snowflake is included in the Schedule, the Town Clerk places an order for the purchase of the Snowflake at £1100.00 following a donation of £1200.00 from Knaresborough Chamber of Trade and Commerce – Approved.

iii)  That the Working Group recommends that KTC agrees the timings for the Switch On:

Road Closure: 4:00pm

Silver Band: 6:45pm

Mayor’s Chaplain: 7:00pm

Switch On: 7:10pm

Father Christmas: 7:20pm

Clock venue opens: 7:20pm

Market Place event ends: 7:30pm

Clock Event ends: 9:30pm

Night Club commences: 10:00pm

2 Marshalls available: 3:45pm – 7:00pm

Town Crier to ring bell and read out what Andrew gives him.

ATC to hand out carol sheets.

Lions to provide Mulled Wine.

Jamie to provide Turkey sandwiches.

Roast Chestnut provider to be sourced – Approved (Unanimous)

iv)  The Christmas Lights Working Group recommends that the Town Council agrees to this being a partnership event between KTC and 3rd Place Knaresborough (Heather Wheeler & Peter Lacey) and agree that our preference would be for: Food being available for sale

Pay bar to be open staffed by Maurice Bardon

Tea/Coffee/Hot Chocolate being available for sale.

Revenue to Maurice Bardon (Knaresborough Chamber of Trade & Commerce) thereby avoiding £20.00 per hour opening charge, albeit KTC willing to contribute up to £40.00 if necessary.

Rock Choir will perform – Approved (Unanimous)

b)  Minutes of the Meeting of Office Services Committee held on Wednesday 21st September 2011

RESOLVED: That the recommendations made by the Office Services Committee at

its meeting held on 21st September 2011 be approved as follows:

i)  The Clerk to ascertain via YLCA answer to points 4, 5, 6 from Agenda Item C11/217 from the meeting held on 31st August 2011 which relates to:

a.  Period of storage of such recordings

b.  Means of storage

c.  How they may be required under the Freedom of Information Act – APPROVED (Unanimous)

ii)  That the Committee recommend to Council that under normal circumstances there will only be one Clerk present at the meeting – APPROVED (Unanimous)

iii)  The Committee will recommend to Council that we move to an “Income and Expenditure” accounting system from the start of the next financial year – APPROVED:

iv) a) That this Committee recommends to Council that we authorise the Clerk

to use Internet Banking and Direct Debits – APPROVED (Unanimous)

b)The Audit group be asked to audit payments every three months.

At the request of Councillor A Wright a recorded vote was taken on b) as he felt that this left the Council with inadequate safeguards against possible theft. His preference would be for audits to be carried out every two months.

For (the recommendation) Against Abstentions

Cllr J Batt Cllr A Willoughby Cllr T Handley

Cllr P Beardsell Cllr C Willoughby Cllr C Reid

Cllr P Ireland Cllr A Wright (2)

Cllr A Gallico (3)

Cllr M Gallico


Recommendation for three-monthly audits by the Audit Group


v) That the Committee recommends to Council they purchase a copy of

Sage Instant Payroll at a current cost of £120.00 per annum for

implementation in April 2012 - APPROVED

vi) The Clerk be asked to reduce the time owed in lieu to less than 40 hours in total by the end of 2011 and report back to Committee when this has been achieved – APPROVED

(The Deputy Clerk reported that lieu hours were already down from those

reported to Office Services, largely due to the efficiency of the newly- appointed Office Assistant).

C11/279 Item 11 – Motions submitted by Members


C11/280 Item 12 – Reports from Clerk

a)  Initial draft of budget document.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk be thanked for her work in producing this document and that it

now go before Office Services Committee for their consideration. (unanimous)

b)  To receive and note Monthly Finance Sheet (September 2011)

Several suggestions were put forward as to how this might be improved and it