Minutes of the Meeting of Kenninghall Parish Council

held on 11th September 2012 at the Memorial Hall Kenninghall


Mr S Gordon (Chairman)

Mr M Halmshaw

Mrs E Dennis

Mr S Mitchell

Mr D Last

Mrs M John

Mrs C Scott-Barber

Mr N Styles

Mr E Wood

Also present were Mr P Kay, Mr B Taylor & Mr M Sharland, Village Hall Committee and Mr W Knight, Mr C Meacock

1.  Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

In advance of the Meeting the Chairman agreed to allow Mr Knight and Mr Meacock to set out the position in respect of the proposal to have two photovoltaic sites in Kenninghall. Mr Knight set out the current position in respect of other sites in Norfolk and said that solar power is a low impact source of power which helps to meet renewable targets. Wind turbines are not popular and the photovoltaic sites have been welcomed. Sheep are able to graze underneath the photovoltaic panels which are approximately 3 meters high and would be surrounded by security/deer fencing. They have spoken with Breckland Council and looked at the local plan. The panels will produce approximately 12 mega watts of power. The scheme only works, because of the reduction in feed-in tariffs, if the site is close to a primary substation which Kenninghall has, and it is possible to connect to it easily. They looked to find agricultural land which is low grade and the land proposed is grade 2 and 3. Other than vehicles at the time of construction there are no other vehicle movements except for occasional maintenance. There is no smell, noise, dust etc. There will be additional hedging and screening from a landscaping point of view.

Mr Knight and Mr Meacock then answered the questions raised and issues were discussed. As a result Mr Gordon requested that Mr Knight and Mr Meacock came and made an exhibition and presentation to the village so that the whole village would understand the proposal and be able to express their views. Mr Knight and Mr Meacock left the meeting.

2.  Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the 3rd July 2012 and the Planning Meeting of the 21st August 2012 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

3. Matters arising:-

a Roads

Mrs Scott-Barber said that she had received a complaint about speeding traffic on Heath Road. The Chairman said that according to NCC Highways traffic calming measures for Heath Road are not an option and it was agreed that speeding is a general problem throughout the village.

The Clerk reported that the North Lopham Road will be closed for five days from the 19th November 2012. There will be a diversion in place. The Clerk reported the letter from Norfolk County Council in respect of the obstruction of Kenninghall Footpaths 9 and 10. It was noted that should be able to be resolved locally.

Mr Last reported a deep pothole on Quidenham Road and said that although he had reported that it had not been repaired.

There is also a water leak again on Heath Road and a pothole on the Banham Road. The Chairman said that he would report all these to Gary Overland at NCC Highways.

b Village Hall Sites

Mr Sharland said that they were waiting to hear on the restrictive by-way. He asked if anything had been heard from Flagship and the Clerk agreed to chase Mr Chapman. It was noted that the garages are now becoming dangerous because of their state of repair.

c Crown Milling

Nothing to report.

d Code of Conduct

The Chairman asked if everyone had read it and was happy to sign up to it. He pointed out that Declarations of Interest cover the declarer’s spouse/partners’ assets. It was agreed to leave this on the Agenda for October.

4.  Planning Matters

a Mrs Kerry Whitaker-Bethel has been given permission for the erection of a brick chimney stack at 36 The Butts.

b Mr & Mrs Jackson have been given permission for a conservatory extension at Woodwell Furlong, East Church Street.

c The Parish Council considered the application by Mr Peter McLuckie to demolish the existing single garage and shed at Fletcher Cottage, The Butts and to erect a double garage and there were no objections to this.

d In respect of the Greenshoots application, the Chairman said that there is an issue of cumulative effect that had not been addressed by the planning officer in his screening opinion. He had drafted a letter in principle for the Clerk to send which he went through with the Parish Council. Mrs Scott-Barber proposed and Mrs John seconded that this be sent and there were six Councillors in favour and one against.

e In respect of the Ashtree Farm planning application the Chairman said the main concern is the route of access and the likely traffic volumes. Mrs Scott-Barber pointed out that the application does not deal satisfactorily with Norfolk County Councils Highway questions. The EIA is not of an acceptable standard and the response in respect of the traffic matters is weak and incoherent. The Clerk was asked to reply to the District Council accordingly.

5.  Financial Matters

There were none.

6.  Correspondence

i)  The Clerk reported the letter from the Post Office on the imminent changes to Kenninghall Post Office.

ii)  The Clerk reported that 20% households across Breckland would receive a Housing Market Assessment Survey to complete and encourage councillors if they receive one to duly complete it.

7.  Any Other Business

The next meeting was arranged for 2nd October 2012 at 7.30 pm at the Memorial Hall.