Cllrs Cheesman; Greenhead; Weeks; Pearson; Carmichael; Cllr Gary Cooke (KCC); Cllr Gordon Newton (MBC); 7 Members of the Public (Diane Thompson, John Everett, Edward Cheesman, Andy Fairhurst, Richard Young, Henry Darley, Atul Kantaria).

The meeting commenced slightly later than the advertised time of 8.00 pm due to the Annual Parish Meeting overrunning.

1APOLOGIES:Cllrs Butler (family commitment); Fincham (holiday); Brooks (work commitment). Cllr Brooks requested that her attendance at the OS Meeting in November is recorded and taken into account.

The apologies and the reasons for absence were noted and accepted.





The meeting was reconvened.

6APPROVE & SIGN MINUTES OF MEETING 7 MARCH 2017: The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of proceedings.

7POLICE REPORT: Not available.

8COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: (A written report wasnot available.)

  • The mini bus service is becoming better used with between 3 and 5 patients a time catching it to the surgery.
  • As a result of the meeting held at KCC, it is hoped that Nu Venture may be able to step into the gaps created by Arriva and offer a more community based service.

9 BOROUGH COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: Cllrs are invited to attend the meeting with Bellway Homes on 6 April at 3 pm in Maidstone House. (Cllr Pearson and Clerk to attend).

Children are thoroughly enjoying the new play area at Mallards.

10MEDICAL CENTRE UPDATE: Cllr Pearson to establish ownership of the building with the Land Registry.

Options were discussed how the building could be used if it was to become a community asset?


It was suggested that it would be better to seek advice from the local GP practices to determine the kind of care they would like in the community, rather than asking residents.

11ARRIVA/BUS SURVEY: Following a discussion,it was RESOLVEDto proceed with a survey. It is believed that the results may help Nu Venture determine what type of service is required.

Options will be given for the survey to be completed online, or a hard copy can be returned via a collection box at the Pharmacy/DCA (subject to agreement with venues).


  • Date for July meeting. Following Cllr Peason’s offer to produce the minutes, it was agreed to retain the original date of 4 July.
  • Display Board – Parish Map. Mr Everett kindly offered to check if he has a key that will fit the board. Item deferred to May’s meeting.


i. Items for payment:

Balance of Current Account £ 1,858.16 credit, after all cheques sent Balance of Investment Account £10,321.18 credit

The council confirmed approval of the following payments (proposed Cllr Weeks, seconded Cllr Carmichael):

To Whom Payable /
/ Amount
KSSAAT / Donation / 250.00
HMRC / PAYE / 208.34
T. Irving / Clerk’s Salary/Exp (March) / 896.43
J. Noyce / Litter Picking (March) / 324.00
KCC Re. Kent Pension Fund / Clerk’s Pension (Employer & Employees Conts March) / 216.52
Cheques received:None

ii) Standing Orders/Financial Regulations Update: It was agreed to follow KALC’s advice and delay updates until NALC produces a new set of SO’s later this year. Consideration will then be given to drafting from the model/comparing how they relate to the Financial Regs.

iii) Consider Membership Renewal: KALC, proposed by Cllr Pearson, seconded Cllr Carmichael, RESOLVED. CPRE:proposed by Cllr Weeks, seconded by Cllr Greenhead, RESOLVED.

iv)Other Matters to Report: The Parish Services Scheme Certificate was agreed and duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


New Applications

TPO 17/501170 – 40 & 41 Foxden Drive


TPO application - 40 Foxden Drive: 1no. Sycamore - Reduce by 40% (the tree is oversized for the area). H: 17m to 13m W: 12m to 8m.
41 Foxden Drive: 1no. Ash Tree - Reduce height and width of large stem & remove one large branch growing towards property H: 19m to 16m W: 9m to 6m. 1no. Cob Nut Tree - reduce to 4ft.

The council is concerned that the application has not been submitted by the owner and would like confirmation that they are in agreement with the proposal. Decision: Object.

17/501341/FULL – 27 Willow Rise.

Erection of two storey side extension incorporating integral garage and rear Juliet balcony.

The council considers that a Juliet balcony is not in keeping with the surrounding area.

Concerns have also been raised in respect of the close proximity of the side extension to the adjacent steps.

Decision: Object.

17/501520/FULL – 48 Longham Copse

Erection of single storey front extension.

Decision: Does not wish to comment.

Awaiting Decision by MBC

17/500537 - 25 Monkdown

Local Plan

Members are thoroughly disheartened by the change of access/egress for site H1(8) from Senacre to Church Road.

Cllr Cooke confirmed that KCC will be making further representations. They are ‘incredibly unhappy with the Inspector’s Report’ and will not be delivering a bus lane for Sutton Road, as they are not bound by the findings in the report.

Land at Bicknor Wood, Otham.

Letter from DHA Planning with the proposed site layout plan was considered.

The Clerk has agreed to participate in a telephone consultation with iESEto review MBC’s Planning Service on 19 April.

Members confirmed that they wish to continue receiving hard copies of planning applications and are not happy with MBC’s proposal to discontinue these next year.

15WEBSITE: To be launched in April.

It was agreed that a gift should be provided to the web designer as a small thank you for all his hard work.

16GARDEN COMPETITION: Cllr Cheesman has made contact with and arranged for Mr Bruce Waldock to judge the short listed gardens after 9 July.


17OLYMPICNIC/DAVID NUTTALL MEMORIAL UPDATE: Cllr Carmichael to discuss Four Jays quotation with his mother in the hope that a discount can be arranged.

John Leaf has confirmed that MPE will be able to run the barbeque and will be getting in touch nearer the time.

Clerk to email all to confirm location of gazebos.

Cllrs Greenhead & Newton to hold site meeting to confirm exact location for the memorial.

18TRAINING: 7 October was agreedfor a KALC Dynamic Training Sessionin Downswood Community Centre. All cllrs will be required to attend at a cost of £36 per head (payable by DPC). Clerk to confirm arrangements with KALC.

Cllr Newton to make enquires with MBC in respect of further planning training.

19 DCA UPDATE: Order to be placed for the selected shed in the sum of £1,502.00. The DCA has advised that the Community Payback Team will be able to build the shed.

A surveyor’s report is still awaited for the attic space.

The next DCA meeting will be held on 19 April.

20EMERGENCY PLAN: It was agreed to put the plan on hold as the rules are currently changing.


  • 09/03/17. Cllr Cheesman & Clerk – KCC Re. Arriva Bus Service
  • 14/03/17. Cllr Cheesman & Clerk - Civic Ceremony, Rochester.
  • 29/04/17. Clerk- PAYE Webinar.
  • 01/04/17. Clerk KALC Workshop: Audit – Best Practice

22COMMITTEE REPORTS: None received.


Various items circulated by email.

  • Following discussion in respect of the concerns expressed by The Spires Pharmacy, it was agreed to request 3 or 4 cllrs to take part in a working group with Atul Kantaria to formulate a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be used to access how the pharmacy can best meet the needs of the community, whilst running a sustainable business.
  • Cllrs Cheesman and Greenhead to attend the Downs Mail 20 year Celebrations.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 2 May – This will be preceded by the Annual General Meeting at 7.45 pm.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.05 pm.


DPC Minutes 04.04.17

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