Minutes of the Meeting of CLAPHAM PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 18th April 2017 at 7.45pm in the Village Hall.
PRESENT:- Parish Councillors Mr. Langley, (Chair), Mrs. Fraser, Mr. Gaskin, Mrs. Hurley (part), Mr. Hurst, Mr. Keech, Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Reid, Mrs. Simms, Mr. Sparrow, Borough Councillor Walker, the Clerk, Mrs. Paice, and 1member of the public
1.APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:- Ms. Ornithari, Mr. Prudham, Ms. Simons, Mr. Tomkins
Resident asked Council to consider fitting sides to the bus shelters as they were very cold particularly for elderly residents. She also suggested that the unused part at the top of the allotment be used for car parking as there was insufficient parking in the Highbury Grove/Knights Avenue/Bents Close area. Council agreed to consider sides for bus shelters but noted that there had to be space for wheelchairs etc. to pass behind them so sides might not be possible. Cllr. Gaskin volunteered to ascertain. Cllr. Walker noted that BPHA would like to remove their Bents Close garages as they were too small for most cars and replace them with parking bays but could not afford to do so at present. Cllr. Sparrow noted that the fences were erected between Bents Close and the allotments to prevent fly tipping and anti-social behaviour so Council would need to consider carefully before suggesting removing them to allow parking.
Resident commented that villagers did not know about Bedford BC services such as bulky waste collection and Council agreed that they should be better advertised. Cllr. Reid commented that the policy for disposing of rubbish at the Barkers Lane centre was unhelpful so many residents used Rushden instead. Cllr. Walker to ascertain whether Bedford BC or Viridor, who run the site, was responsible for the policy.
The minutes of the meeting held on 21st March 2017, which had been circulated, were approved by those present and signed by the Chair.
Maintenance – Clerk was chasing Bedford BC to repair the potholes the length of the High Street, to cut a channel into the Green Lane ditch at the stables and for reflectors on the High Street bollards. Clerk had also asked for drains in Green Land & High Street to be cleared. The overgrown bike track on The Glebe, wetpour needing repair on the play area near no. 101 & the missing “no dogs” sign on the play area gate had been reported to Persimmon. Bins on The Glebe were only being emptied infrequently and Clerk had asked Persimmon to empty more often. Vegetation in Miller Close was damaging a resident’s wall and Highways had been asked to clear the ditch and Persimmon to trim the trees. Resident had agreed to remove his hedge overhanging the footway.
Highbury Grove/Knights Avenue – Bedford BC were writing to residents advising that Anglian Water works would now begin mid-June until the beginning of October and the Borough would then resurface in October.
Litter Bins – Clerk had requested a new bin in Milton Road by the hospital bus stop and awaiting a decision from Bedford BC on whether they would be prepared to empty a bin at this location.
Riverside – tree trunk had been removed from the river
Speeding – Clerk had requested another police Operation Beneke concentrating on speeding. Dates yet to be advised
CIL - Council to receive £4,892.11 CIL for 13A High Street
meeting with parishes 30.03.17.
Chair reported that policing priorities had been discussed and more visible policing was the top priority. Speeding, drugs and problem parking were also issues raised by parishes. Chair had suggested police contact Bedford BC about parking standards for new developments and police agreed. Cllr. Walker noted that the national parking policy that had caused problems in areas such as Great Denham was no longer Bedford Planning Department policy and more parking was now allocated. Police advised that they were considering assistance for average speed cameras whereby the initial cost of the cameras would be paid back to the parish from fines and that Beds Alert had replaced Ringmaster. Next meeting to be held in May.
There were 9 reported crimes in March, 3 common assaults, 1 domestic, 1 harassment, 1 fraud, 1 theft from a vehicle, 1 miscellaneous theft and 1 criminal damage to vehicles. In addition 2 investigations confirmed no crime had been committed. Chair noted that there had recently been a spate of thefts of satnavs from vehicles.
Cllr. Walker reported that she had further details on the Borough’s new digital operating model. The website would be improved so residents could find information more easily. Also if residents applied for benefits they would only have to be assessed once instead of separately, as at present, for each different benefit. Bedford BC would also work more closely with other agencies such as the NHS. Consultation was being undertaken on 3 options to improve the Black Cat roundabout and on the mobile library (see item 17). The draft Local Plan consultation would run from 24.04.17. to 09.06.17. and Cllr. Walker tabled a copy of the proposal for the Thurleigh Airfield site. Developers had advised Bedford BC that they could build 2,000 new homes during the Local Plan period but the Borough had commented that there would still need to be 500 houses built in each of the Group 1 villages. Borough Councillors had suggested that if this option was taken forward a link road to the A1 would be needed. She added that developers for the proposed sites at Twinwood Business Park & Thurleigh Airfield were considering joining together to create a single large settlement of around 10,000 dwellings. Cllr. Walker confirmed that no decision had yet been made on the Wyboston proposal and that planning consents given but not yet built had been included in the figures for the current Local Plan. She added that consideration was being given to reducing the time allowed for building to begin. Cllr. Sparrow suggested a separate meeting to discuss the draft Local Plan and a meeting was agreed for 15.05.17. at 7.30pm.
Committee had met with representatives from Bedford BC and volunteers to discuss the formation of a Flood/Emergency Group, which would meet around 3 times p.a. and report to the Environment Committee. Cllrs. Keech, Reid & Tomkins had volunteered to join and Cllr. Tomkins to chair. Bedford BC would provide training and help the Group complete a Flood Plan. Terms & conditions would need to be agreed as Bedford BC only insured groups for tasks previously agreed. Some equipment would be provided by the Environment Agency and road closure signs by Highways. Group discussed surface water flooding and Bedford BC confirmed that under Riparian Law, householders whose properties abutted a watercourse were responsible for keeping that watercourse clear to the central point. Group suggested that councillors should alert residents in their Areas of Responsibility in the event of an emergency.
The wall at Riverside Gardens needed repair and Committee accepted a quotation of £140 for the work. Opening the burial ground was discussed (see item 14) and requests from residents to level the ashes area. Cllr. Tomkins would inspect the ashes area and advise the Committee. Tree Trust had quoted £108.00 to supply and plant a mulberry tree in the burial ground and Committee had accepted the quotation. Milton Road/George Street fence needed repair and Clerk would obtain quotations.
Applications Decided:
a) 17/00355/FUL – single storey rear extension at 76 Milton Road. Granted 28.03.17.
b) 17/00445/FUL – rear conservatory at 40 Twinwood Road. Granted 06.04.17.
c) 17/00605/FUL – demolition of garage & erection of single storey rear & side extensions at 88 Milton Road. Granted 13.04.17.
d) 17/00606/FUL - erection of single garage in front garden at 88 Milton Road. Granted 13.04.17.
Applications Received:
a) 17/00822/S73 – variation of condition 1 of 11/00581/MAF to replace 3 dwellings with 2 bungalows at 211 High Street No objection
b) 17/00759/FUL – erection of canopy with perspex roof at St. Thomas More School No objection
c) 17/00816/COU – change of use & enclosure of unused land with ditch to residential garden at 36 Bents Close No objection
d) 17/00957/FUL – double garage ancillary to residential & office use, site office with first floor storage & meeting room (revised scheme) at Tuscan House, Woodlands Park. No objection
e) 17/00996/TPO – remove sycamore at Woodlands Manor circulating
a) meetings with developers
Meeting had been arranged with the “north Clapham” option developers on 25.04.17. Hallam had suggested another meeting and awaiting dates. Cllr. Palmer noted that resident had commented that the Hallam plan displayed at the exhibition had not contained 500 new dwellings.
b) Housing White Paper
Council discussed and agreed that Local Planning Authorities should be able to dispose of land for which they had given planning consent if it was brownfield land, only change the green belt boundary if all other options had been examined and have CIL regime in place within 5 years. Widely accepted design standards e.g. Building for Life should be used; Government should reverse lack of affordable housing caused by reduction in contributions to Housing Associations & failure to use empty properties; policy should recognise “intrinsic character & beauty of countryside & supporting thriving rural communities within it” and the sale & sub-letting of starter homes should be restricted. Clerk to advise NALC.
High Street resurfacing & Cody Road roof
Clerk had requested revised quotations for tarmacing the entrance to the High Street garages and roofing the next block of 5 garages at Cody Road. Clerk had asked contractor about condensation on new roof and whether this can be avoided. Awaiting response.
Cllr. Simms reported that articles for the next Village News were due by 03.05.17. Council agreed to include useful information e.g. library timetables periodically and to advertise the Annual Parish Meeting on Facebook.
opening vehicle gate
Environment Committee had discussed unlocking the vehicle gate and putting a sign on the gate post asking residents to close it when leaving the site. No-one had responded to advertisements for a caretaker, parking was not permitted on Milton Road and some residents were unable to walk to the site. Therefore,
proposed by Cllr. Keech, seconded by Cllr. Reid that the gate be left unlocked for a 3 month trial period unless there were immediate problems
Proposed by Chair, seconded by Cllr. Simms, that Clerk be authorised to spend up to £100 for an A5 sign requesting residents to keep the gate closed to be fixed to the outside gate post
Cllr. Reid noted that the sunken grave had yet to be filled. Clerk was chasing funeral directors.
a) new bin at Twinwood Road/Bridle Drive
Bedford BC had advised that Council would need to pay for new bin at Twinwood Road/Bridle Drive and Cllr. Walker had offered to pay from her Ward Fund. Clerk tabled various costs and styles of bin.
Proposed by Cllr. Keech, seconded by Cllr. Hurst that a metal bin with a metal liner bin at a cost of £305.56 + VAT be purchased
b) Bedford BC bypass monitoring report
Bedford BC had produced a 6 month interim report which showed that traffic flows had increased on Clapham Road into/out of Bedford and into/out of Clapham village by 17%. 26% more vehicles were also using the new A6 roundabout and during a 24 hour period 4,785 vehicles entered the roundabout from Clapham village and of these 3,988 (83%) turned south towards Bedford.
Bedford BC had advised that the Inspector will need to be satisfied that highway issues are resolvable before the Local Plan can be considered ‘sound.’ More vehicles were now using Clapham Road flowing the opening of Towers Racquets Club and Council agreed to write to Bedford BC again reinforcing the need to address the wider traffic issues, in particular the entry into Bedford before any new houses were built in North Bedfordshire.
Cllr. Walker noted that Bromham PC had asked Bedford BC to change the markings on the new roundabout where it entered the Great Ouse Way and Council agreed to support and request a yellow box where Clapham Road joined the roundabout from Clapham.
a) Accounts to pay
Proposed by Cllr. Hurst, seconded by Cllr. Gaskin that the April accounts listed below be paid.
Payee Work Carried Out Amount Paid Inc. VAT
J. Burnage Riverside Security & Allotment
Caretaker 104.00
Warners Grass cutting April 944.00 157.33
EonUnmetered Street Lights electricity 801.64 38.17
Herts CCStationery 28.97 4.83
Maskell Removing tree from river 650.00
BATPC2017/18 affiliation fee 876.00
Clapham Village Hall Hire of Hall April 24.50
Mrs. A. E. Paice Salary April 1,748.64
TOTAL 5,177.75 200.33
Accounts already paid
NestEmployer & employee pension
contributions March 39.12
TOTAL 5,216.87 200.33
Statement of Accountat 31.03.17.
Current Account £1,000.00Business Reserve £79,969.99
Balance Brought Forward at 31.03.16.£ 70,994.88
Add Income£ 101,727.37
£ 1,485.00 garage rent
£ 200.00 Village News
£ 138.60 allotment rent
£ 75.00 burial grounds
Less Expenditure£ 92,401.75
Balance at 31.03.17. £ 80,320.50
Neighbourhood Plan monies held by Parish Council
Statement of Account at 31.03.17.
Balance at 28.02.17.£3,055.04
Income£ NIL
Expenditure£ NIL
Balance at 31.03.17.£3,055.04
b) Clerk’s salary review
2016 national salary agreement set scales for 2016 – 2018. A 1% increase was agreed w.e.f. 01.04.17. raising Clerk’s salary for 30 hours per week to £26,340 p.a. (scale point 37)
Proposed by Cllr. Hurst, seconded by Cllr. Reid that Clerk’s salary be increased to £26,340 p.a.
c) pension arrangements’ review
Minimum pension contribution to remain at 2% for 2017/18 of which the employer must pay 1%.
Proposed by Cllr. Sparrow, seconded by Cllr. Hurst that employer contribution be maintained at 1%
d) Clerk’s expenses
Proposed by Cllr. Simms, seconded by Cllr. Hurst that expenses of £77.84 be paid for the period January – March 2017
Bedford BC mobile library & Library Link consultation
Bedford BC was consulting on a new timetable. Proposed changes would increase the service to Folly Park, Peppercorn Park & The Lodge from monthly to fortnightly, therefore Council supported the proposals.
18.DATE OF NEXT MEETING:- Tuesday 16th May 2017 Annual Parish Meeting 7.00pm
AGM 8.00pm