EUSOLA – European Solidarity in Action- a Comenius school partnership

Minutes of the meeting in Denmark, Hadsten

SATURDAY, 6th November 2010

·  Programme presentation by the headmaster of Ostervangskolen

·  Guided tour of the school in two groups by Rene Guldbrandsen and the principal Anne Margarethe Lisby

·  Presentation of the Danish school system by the principal Anne Margrethe Lisby

·  Grazia Trevisiol from Italy was chosen as the chairman of the day.

·  Gamze from Turkiye and Marta from Slovenia were decided to be the writers of the minutes

·  Introduction of the each participant briefly

·  Some problems were mentioned about BSCW to be solved by the help of Ulrich Besirske from Germany

·  Some more info about the BSCW platform such as putting a bookmark, opening new files, folders , etc.. by Uli.

·  Some decisions such as ; goal of the projects , logo contest and mobilities were made:

Mobilities :


HU 1st-5th Feb. 2011 5 2

FR 23rd-27th May 2011 2-3 2

IT 10th-14th Oct.2011 2 2

PT 9th-13th Jan. 2012 2 2

SI 18th-22nd April 2012 4 2

FI (optional) 2nd-5th May 2012 2 2


It was decided to vote for the best rated logos by the students on the platform and to end the logo process

Finally ,the Portuguese logo, created by Eduardo Bento, was the winner of the EUSOLA Logo Contest

Description of the logo was read loudly by Marta from Slovenia. The logo and its description will be posted on the BSCW platform by Uli.

·  SKYPE COMMUNICATION- The Hungarians shared their experience with Skype conferences. A Skype communication list was made with the exact dates and the topics were decided by the countries in pairs

COUNTRIES / 1st in November 2010 / 2nd in December 2010 / 3rd in January 2011
Portugal / Lithuania / Germany / Finland
Hungary / Germany / Finland / Denmark
Italy / Finland / Denmark / Czech Republic
Turkey / Czech Republic / Cyprus / Lithuania
France / Denmark / Czech Republic / Cyprus
Slovenia / Cyprus / Lithuania / Germany
Lithuania / Portugal / Slovenia / Turkey
Germany / Hungary / Portugal / Slovenia
Finland / Italy / Hungary / Portugal
Czech Republic / Turkey / France / Italy
Denmark / France / Italy / Hungary
Cyprus / Slovenia / Turkey / France

Students will be encouraged by their teachers to communicate by e-mail first to introduce themselves and prepare 2 or 3 questions talk about different ways to help, just as an ice breaker. Later the students can communicate by Skype or other ways of communication tools (Facebook, MSN, ..)

SUNDAY, 7th November 2010

·  Zoltan gave info about the next meeting in Budapest .The partners agreed the students will stay in host families so Zoltan said he would ask how many students they could accept in host families and give the information later.

·  It was decided to put some rules for the Project proposal on the platform and 15 criteria were defined in details by all the participant countries. Criteria agreed at the end, were to put on the BSCW platform by Gabriella from Hungary later on.

·  The Portuguese team told that would be able to host only 2 students instead of five, the Slovenian team offered to host 4 students instead of the proposed 2.

·  Before the lunch The Lord Mayor Borring and the School Director Lars Kjems from Favrskov Municipality came and joined us to give information about Favrskov and the Education System in Denmark.

·  After the traditional lunch with The Lord Mayor Borring and the School Director Lars Kjems from Favrskov Municipality, a photo was taken with them in the school-yard .

·  In the afternoon Ulrich and some other participants proposed different voting systems for selecting the Humanitarian Aid Project in Budapest . They were discussed in details.

MONDAY, 08th November 2010

·  The school choir sang a few songs for the Comenius group in the morning.

·  A representative, Jonna Bang, from “SOS Children’s Villages” came and gave some information about their organisation and their projects.

·  A group of Danish students involved in the “EUSOLA” Project made a presentation about their school and their school-life.

·  In the end, one common proposal was agreed to be held for the selection of the project in Budapest:

-  All schools are going to present their Humanitarian Aid Project and then one of them will be selected by voting in two steps:
1. by the participant students, in groups of 5 for each country, to choose top three/five projects,
2. by the votes of all students and teachers - two for each country, to choose the winning project.

Some rules about the presentation of the Project proposals:

-  Duration: max. 10 minutes for presentation , max. 5 minutes for answering the questions.

-  Format: It can be either in PPP, VDC or any other chosen way.

-  Sessions: two hours in the morning , two hours in the afternoon ; three presentations per hour then a break.

-  All the countries’ presentations are to be enumerated randomly by a lottery.

-  students choose chair board

-  students are divided into 5 groups consisting of one member from each partner school, they talk about the presentations and choose the 3 best ones.

-  Final choice is made by teachers (2 votes per country) and students voting (1 vote per person).

-  An additional hour should be spent for discussion in each national group of students and teachers (or used for Skype communication with students at home)

Final criteria were reduced from 15 to 12 and are :
















-The Slovenian and the Finnish teams are responsible for the 2–month report of the students’ work. The two teams will agree on how to get information from the students and write the reports.


-  some participants said it was necessary to solve communication problems also by simplifying the BSCW platform. It was agreed students can add their Facebook profiles on the platform to connect more easily.


-  participants agreed to write and publish some articles for local newspapers, set up a notice board and document the whole process on BSCW


-  the Italian and Portuguese team have prepared an evaluation questionnaire to be filled at the end of each meeting.


-  the teams from CZ and CY will prepare a numeric questionnaire to monitor the students’ knowledge twice a year.


-  the Danish and Turkish teams will work on the use of the chosen logo in all the documents.

·  All participants answered the questions for the Evaluation questionnaire prepared by Italy.

·  Certification of participation for each member of the Comenius group were given.

·  The meeting ended by the farewell speech of the Principal Anne M. Lisby

15th November 2010

Written by: Gamze, Fadime and Marta