Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 3rd March 2015 at Worksop Town Hall

Present:Councillor S A Greaves (Chair),

Councillors A Chambers, J Evans, J A Leigh, S May, J White and G J Wynne.

Assistants:Councillors J Potts and M Richardson.

Advisory Members:Councillors H M Brand and D Challinor.

Liaison Members:Councillors H Burton and A Simpson.

Officers:D Armiger, S Brown, P Clark, J Hamilton, M Hill, L Hull, L Prime, N Taylor, R Theakstone and S Wormald.

Also present:Councillors G Freeman and J M Sanger.

(The meeting opened at 6.30pm.)

(The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting, read out the Fire Evacuation Procedure, and also enquired as to whether any member of the public or press wished to film/record the meeting or any part thereof; however, there was only the Council’s Press Officer present (no public) and this was not taken up.)


Council Procedure Rules were suspended for fifteen minutes to allow questions from the public; however, there wereno members of the public present.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors B Barker, M Gregory and K H Isard.



There were no Declarations of Interest by Members.


D Armiger, S Brown, P Clark, J Hamilton, M Hill, L Hull, L Prime, N Taylor, R Theakstone and S Wormald declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in Agenda Item No. 15 – Referral from the Extraordinary Meeting of the Joint Employee Council held on 2nd March 2015 – Minute No. 34(a) – Car Allowances, Mileage Payments and Staff Car Parking, as they are all in receipt of such payments. They all left the meeting during the consideration of this item.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2015 be approved.


RESOLVED that the Minutes for Action and Implementation be received.


RESOLVED that the Outstanding Minutes List be received.


The Leader confirmed that the meeting scheduled for 21st April 2015, together with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 5th May 2015, has been cancelled, due to a lack of business.

RESOLVED that the Forward Plan be received.


Key Decisions


(a)War Widows, Widowers and War Disabled – Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction (disregard of income) Policy (Key Decision No. 490)

Members were presented with an updated policy for a local scheme for the continued disregard of War Widows/Widowers or War Disablement Pensions when considering claims for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction. The proposed updated policy was appended to the report, and now has no specific end date; however, it will be subject to review if there is a relevant change in legislation or a revised local strategy or funding review.

Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations

Cabinet has the option not to continue with the local scheme for Housing Benefit from April 2015 but this would conflict with the inclusion of this policy within the Council Tax Reduction Scheme agreed by Council in January 2015.

The Council does not have the option of excluding this policy in Council Tax Reduction as this has already been agreed within that scheme for 2015/16.

RESOLVED that the continuation of the Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction (disregard of income) Local Scheme Policy, as appended to the report, be continued until such time as there is a legislative change or policy review in which recommendations will be brought back to a future Cabinet meeting.


(a)Airey Housing, Common Lane, Harworth - Update(Key Decision No. 359)

Members were provided with an update on the delivery of this project and approval was sought for a number of issues that will assist its delivery. A map showing the Common Lane/Styrrup Road site which the report proposed to sell was appended to the report.

The Interim Director of Regeneration added that the proposed recommendations are needed to clarify the way forward. An Advisory Member congratulated the Council on this project which will be a benchmarking project in Nottinghamshire, and the way that all possible consultation avenues had been taken.

Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations

As the existing Airey houses no longer meet decency standards, it is not possible to offer them for occupation. Whilst the site could be left vacant, this is likely to give rise to local concerns and potential misuse of the site and, therefore, it is considered that the most appropriate option is to release the site for sale to generate a capital receipt.


  1. The demolition of the former Airey properties on the Thompson Avenue, Harworth, site be confirmed, once vacant as previously proposed, with the exception of Nos. 28 and 30 Thompson Avenue.
  2. The demolition of the former Airey properties on the Common Lane and Styrrup Road, Harworth, site be confirmed, once vacant as previously proposed, with the exception of Nos. 14 and 16 Common Lane.
  3. The sale of the Common Lane and Styrrup Road, Harworth, site be approved, and the Property Manager be asked to progress this sale.
  4. The exercise of Compulsory Purchase powers to acquire the property at No. 20 Thompson Avenue, Harworth, be confirmed.
  5. The submission of the funding bid which will enable Phase 3 works to be undertaken be approved.
  6. The issuing of Demolition Notices, as appropriate within the project, be approved.

(b)Review of Choice Based Lettings (Key Decision Nos. 437 & 438)

Members were updated on the outcome of the review/consultation of the Choice Based Lettings Scheme and asked to consider policy amendments resulting from the review which were appended to the report.

The review had discussed areas within the policy including local residency, the sub-regional scheme and the loss of waiting list time for owners and private tenants who had received a Disabled Facilities Grant. Members of HM Forces are also included in the local connection category and this was commended by the Deputy Leader and an Assistant Cabinet Member.

Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations

Cabinet is asked to approve the changes to the policy as detailed in Appendix A of the report. The risk to not approving the changes is that A1 Housing will be unable to deliver the Choice Based Lettings Homefinder service in line with existing housing demand.


  1. The changes to the Choice Based Lettings Policy, as detailed in Appendix A of the report, be approved to allow the Council to have a fit-for-purpose allocations policy which allows the Council to utilise its stock to applicants in need.
  2. Thanks be recorded to the Cabinet Member for Housing, other Members and officers, both at Bassetlaw District Council and A1 Housing, who had been involved in the working group looking at this policy.


(a)Amendments to Cemetery Rules and Regulations (Key Decision No. 491)

Members’ approval was sought for proposed changes and updates to the Council’s Rules and Regulations in respect of its Cemeteries, and to implement new schemes in relation to the registration of Memorial Masons with the Council, the placing of plaques on benches and providing the public with a guidance booklet on burials.

The new and updated documents were outlined in the report and had been deposited in the Members’ Room for Members’ information, namely:

  • Cemeteries Rules and Regulations
  • Memorial Safety within Cemeteries
  • Memorial Inspection Procedures
  • Questions people ask about Burial
  • Monumental Masons Registration Scheme

It was noted that the fees and charges, referred to in the report, have all been agreed as part of the Council’s fees and charges scheduled, and these will be updated annually as part of this process.

Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations

Option One - Members agree that the Cemeteries Rules and Regulations are updated and that a new Memorial mason registration scheme is adopted, as well as a new scheme for the placing of memorial plaques on benches in cemeteries. This will provide clarity for the public and those working within the cemeteries as to what is acceptable. The additional guidance will also assist bereaved families. This ensures that everyone is aware of the same information and should help to prevent situations where families and the Council are in dispute over memorials. All policies will be published in the corporate style.

Option Two - Members retain the previous set of regulations and officers deal with enquires and areas of uncertainty as they arise. This could leave the Council open to challenge and to inconsistent application of standards.


  1. The proposed amendments and new schemes, contained within the following publications, be endorsed and referred onto Council for approval and implementation:
  • Cemeteries Rules and Regulations
  • Memorial Safety within Cemeteries
  • Memorial Inspection Procedures
  • Questions people ask about Burial
  • Monumental Masons Registration Scheme
  1. The fees and charges, referred to within the report, be updated annually as part of the Council’s fees and charges schedule.
  2. Once adopted by full Council, the documents be made available on the Council’s website and circulated to all Parish Councils and funeral directors in the District.

Other Decisions


(a)Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 20th January 2015 – Minute No. 105(a) – Report on Review of Council Approach to Welfare Reform

RESOLVED that the recommendations within the report be considered and Cabinet’s response be submitted to the next available meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


(a)Appointment of Honorary Alderman

Members’ approval was sought for the recommendation to full Council of the appointment of ex-Councillor Frank Hart to Honorary Alderman.

The criteria, procedural aspect of conferring the title, and the rights and privileges of an Honorary Alderman were appended to the report; and details of ex-Councillor Hart’s terms of office and serving committees were outlined in the report.

Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations

It is important for the public to recognise the significant time and personal commitments elected Members give to their communities. It is also important that elected Members feel valued for having made significant contributions into their communities. The appointment as an Honorary Alderman provides that opportunity.

RESOLVED that the proposal for ex-Councillor Frank Hart to be appointed as Honorary Alderman be approved and that ratification of the proposal and the conferring of the honour be undertaken at an Extraordinary Meeting of Council immediately following the Council’s AGM on 20th May 2015.

(b)Quarter 3 Performance

Members were presented with the Quarter 3 performance report which provided an update on the delivery of the Corporate Plan and the performance of a suite of key performance indicators.

Performance on the four Ambitions and the Corporate Plan Performance Indicators and Action Exception Reports were appended to the report. The Performance Indicators report and the Full Report for Quarter 3 had been deposited in the Members’ Room.

Cabinet Members gave brief outlines of achievements and areas of concern for their Cabinet Areas in respect of each of the Ambitions.

Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations

In presenting performance reports to Cabinet, the Council ensures that portfolio holders take responsibility for delivery of the Corporate Plan 2014-17 and are committed to ensuring the Council is properly managing corporate performance.

The Council has the option of placing responsibility for performance management back within the scrutiny function but the benefits identified arising from the changes would be lost.


  1. Cabinet notes the Quarter 3 performance report and confirms that they are satisfied with the action that is being taken to address areas of performance that are currently off target, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.
  2. Thanks be recorded to Members and officers for their hard work in the achievements, particularly in respect of the Digital by Default project, the promotion of healthy food options and food hygiene within the District, and the Invest in North Nottinghamshire project.
  3. Further action to be taken by officers to address areas of performance that are currently off target, as outlined in the reports.




RESOLVED that, in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, and after considering the public interest test as set out by the officer in the body of the report, Members agreed that the following items of business involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 3 and 4, and therefore, in accordance with Section 100A of the Act, the press and public be excluded from the meeting:

Agenda Item No. 14(a) – Leisure Management Contract (Key Decision No. 386) – Paragraph 3

Agenda Item No. 14(b) – CCTV Monitoring Contract (Key Decision No. 496) – Paragraph 3

Agenda Item No. 15 – Referral from Extraordinary Meeting of the Joint Employee Council – 2nd March 2015 – Minute No. 34(a) – Car Allowances, Mileage Payments and Staff Car Parking – Paragraph 4

(Councillors G Freeman and J M Sanger, together with the Council’s Press Officer,remained in the meeting with the Chairman’s permission.)

Key Decisions


(a)Leisure Management Contract (Key Decision No. 386)

Members were updated on the outcome of negotiations with Barnsley Premier Leisure (BPL) for the extension of the existing Leisure Management contract to 2020, which had been approved by Cabinet in April 2013. Officers were also tasked to look at incorporating the Living Wage into the new arrangements. This is included as part of Schedule 7 of the contract and a relevant extract from this was appended to the report.

Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations

Option One – Members agree to the extension of the Leisure Management contract with BPL until 31st March 2020. The extension will include a commitment for the introduction of the Living Wage in April 2017.

Option Two – Members agree to the extension of the Leisure Management contract with BPL until 31st March 2020 but do not commit to the introduction of the Living Wage.


  1. The Leisure Management contract be extended with Barnsley Premier Leisure until 31st March 2020, including the agreed utility budgets and a commitment to the introduction of the Living Wage from April 2017.
  2. Budgetary provision be made for the additional costs to fund the Living Wage, as identified in Appendix A of the report.
  3. Thanks be recorded to the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and officers involved in the work and negotiations involved in extending the contract.

(b)CCTV Monitoring Contract (Key Decision No. 496)

Members were asked to consider the future options for the monitoring of the Bassetlaw CCTV contract with the current contract expiring on 1stJune 2015.

It was noted that the employees currently delivering this service are already being paid above the Living Wage rate.

Options, Risks and Reasons for Recommendations

The service can continue to operate on the current basis, or could be re-tendered; however, it is considered that in order to obtain best service value and at the lowest risk, the service should be brought in-house. This will mean that the establishment is increased and additional pension liabilities will be incurred; however, the immediate cost can be contained within the current budget and will provide a saving of 13,800 annually.


  1. The principle of bringing the CCTV Monitoring service in-house be approved, including the transfer of staff in line with TUPE regulations, subject to consultation with affected staff, with any specific issues being reported back to Cabinet.
  2. Subject to approval by the affected staff, delegated authority be given to the Interim Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods to inform the current contract holder that the Council intends to cease the contract at the end of the first contract period on 1st June 2015.

Other Decisions



(a)Referral from Extraordinary Meeting of the Joint Employee Council – 2nd March 2015 – Minute No. 34(a) – Car Allowances, Mileage Payments and Staff Car Parking

(Upon advice of the Monitoring Officer, all officers declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and left the meeting during the consideration of this item.)

RESOLVED that the terms of the collective agreement reached between Management and Employee Representatives, as set out in the report and summarised in Paragraph 3.7 of the report, be noted, and the decision be ratified.

As there was no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting after thanking Members and officers for their work during the last municipal year, which has resulted in the Council moving forward in a number of areas.

(Meeting closed at 7.40pm.)