Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th February at BrynOffaSchool, Pant.

PRESENT: Chairman, Cllr Mrs. D. Gaskill, Cllrs.K. Allcock,R. Hitch T. Mason, B. Robinson, P. McConville, M. Melling, P. Roberts and Mrs. J. L. Smith, the Clerk Mrs. V. E. Byrne and Shropshire Cllr Arthur Walpole.

The meeting commenced with a discussion with John Fairchild of Amey concerning the widening of the footways in Pant, also mentioned was the safety audit for a dropped kerb at Red Lane. It was suggested that a walk of the village to produce a prioritised plan of the needs and the locations where the footway can be widened to 2m. Also the situation at Pant shop where cars park on the footway and reports were given of other problems in the road and footway. It was agreed that clearance of overgrowth on the footway was a high priority.

14/015 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Received from Cllr. Adam Brown (ill) I. Pollitt (hol). These reasons were approved.

14/016 POLICE REPORTPC Pete Dale reported on the period Jan to Feb 2014. Crimes were – burglary of a garage on Rockwell Lane, Pant, theft of £75 from the Co-op Shop, Pant by deception, theft of garden ornaments in Rhiew Revel and two domestic incidents were the notable crimes. Also anti social behaviour at Llanymynech village hall with two 11 year olds identified, whose parents are co-operating with the police. Figures were as a result up by 5 from last year’s 37. There had been incidents in neighbouring counties of vulnerable people being tricked into giving details of their debit cards over the phone. The criminals impersonate police or banks saying that the card has been compromised. The cards are then collected by a bogus courier and the money withdrawn. PACT meetings are continuing, concentrating on youth, holding them between 6pm and 8pm via online meetings. Also tweeting is used on #oscops. A neighbourhood watch scheme has been set up at Heritage Way. Items raised were A483 Maesbury Road junction speed limit being monitored and parking on the footway near the shop.


14/018 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT. Cllr Walpole said the submission has been made to the wind farm enquiry covering the financial impact and the traffic on the A483 and goes into some detail on this matter, and he will forward a copy of this. Full council had been held that day and had agreed a zero increase for their budget. The Police portion would increase by 2%, and Fire & Rescue by 2% with the Parish Councils averaging just under 5%. The SAMdev was agreed and now goes out for further consultation for 6 weeks, starting from the 14th March which is the final stage before it goes for formal inspection by the Secretary of State. Financial savings were agreed at £80million over 3 years and £40million in the first year. A lady in Walnut Close had been helped regarding the matter of a car, Red Lane improvement had been taken forward, with the knowledge that the Parish Council are not interesting in taking over the land, taking the hedge out will go ahead as the trees which came down in the storms having to be cleared will give the opportunity for this. The Llanymynech Broadplace need for 3 desk top computers may be able to be met from SC surplus. The complaint at Boldwela had been investigated and found to be just waste from the renovation of the building – agreed to inform Dave Tomley. Cllr Mason raised the matter of Fairholme ceasing day centre and respite care and the uncertainty of future arrangements. Cllr Walpole was asked to make enquiries, which he promised to report back to Cllr Mason.


14/019 PLANNING Application 14/00201/FUL – Malt Kiln Cottage, Crickheath – Change of Use of agricultural land to hardstanding in association with existing business. Comments - request that the existing hedge surrounding this land is retained and protected. Further that there should be no new entrance formed onto Penygarreg Lane from this site. Application 14/00293/VAR – Tramway Farm, Crickheath – variation of conditions attached to earlier planning application. No comments. Application 14/00317/FUL - Bank Cottage erection of two dwellings adjacent Council objects to this application as the access to the site is totally unsuitable. The site is approached along unsurfaced tracks which are Rights of Way on the Definitive Map as footpaths only. Construction traffic would create immense problems on these very narrow tracks. The dwellings would be not accessible to emergency vehicles or utility service vehicles. The unsuitability of the site is not apparent on a map, so it is requested that the Council hold a site visit prior to making their decision on this application.

Application on land adjacent to Shirley Gorse still awaiting decision, due to the recent storms it was agreed to comment on a tree on the site subject to a TPO - Council are concerned about the safety of the tree on this site. In the recent storms, the tree was dropping branches onto vehicles on the highway and no longer looks to be in a sound condition.

SAMDev – Pant development boundary letter from Adrian Cooper stating that SC decided not to re-align the development boundary at Tregarthen, but the decision would be open to appeal in the consultation period.

The imposition of the National Planning Policy Framework due to SC being unable to confirm 5 year land supply was noted and agreed to support efforts to change this..

Response from SC on Badgers Green s106 and CIL monies giving amounts and probable payment date - £27,781.22 for the provision of play equipment in the parish, and £55,689.33 for the future maintenance of the equipment; payable on completion of sale and occupation of 75% of open market dwellings expected to be achieved in December 2014..

14/020 MINUTESof the meeting held on the 23rdJanuary 2014 Proposed by Cllr Roberts, 2nd Cllr Melling, all in favour.

Resolved the Minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd January 2013 be approved.

Theplaque had been affixedto the railings at the Pant QE11 Playing Field by Cllr Brown and thanks to him be recorded in the Minutes.

14/021 LIGHTING quotation received from Highline. Clerk to check comparative prices for next meeting in order to decide on contract.

14/022 ROADS AND FOOTWAYS. The VAS data has ceased to be received from Shropshire Council.

14/023 NOTICE BOARD REPAIR. The Notice Board in the Heritage Area required repair and re-erection. Price for this from Mr. Catling was £60, acceptance of this price was proposed by Cllr Hitch and 2nd by Cllr Mason with all in favour.

Resolved that repairs to the Heritage Area Notice Board be authorised at a cost of £60.

14/024 WINDFARMAND PYLONS. Copy of letter from the Protest Group concerning the pylons sent by Anne Roberts, it was agreed to endorse these views with a letter of support.

14/025 FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. Accounts for payment as list Proposed by Cllr Mason and 2nd by Cllr Robinson, with all in favour.

Resolved the accounts totalling £2,277.75 be paid.

14/026 VILLAGE MAINTENANCE The QE11 Plaque for the village green was discussed. Cllr Roberts had received a quotation from Metalworld for the provision of a metal plinth for the plaque to be mounted upon at a cost of approximately £160. Agreed Cllrs Roberts and Robinson would liaise on this matter.

Agreed to ask RPS to include the verge in front of the Village Green in the grass cutting schedule which will be in place of maintaining the hedge on the playing field.

Report of the hedge hanging over the footway at Kenilworth Villa, Station Road, Llanymynech. Agreed owner to be asked to cut the hedge back.

14/027 RIGHTS OF WAYThe track to the car park at Underhill Lanehas large potholes, The owners Llynclys Quarry company to be asked to lay more stone on the path.


1192 / SALC / 20.00 / Planning Training
1193 / S. Power / 352.34 / Dec & Feb Lights elec.
1194 / Lawrences & Sons / 14.78 / Stationery.
1195 / Public Works L.B. / 935.63 / Loan repayment
1196 / V E Byrne / 447.20 / Salary Feb.
1197 / HMRC / 111.80 / Tax NI Jan
1198 / V E Byrne / 240.00 / PC office exp.
1199 / V & W Electrics / 156.00 / Lighting