Minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd October 2014 at BrynOffaSchool, Pant.
PRESENT Cllr Mrs. Dilys Gaskill, Chairman. Councillors Peter Roberts, Mike Melling, Peter McConville, Adam Brown, Terry Mason, Ian Pollitt, Barry Robinson, Robin Hitch.
14/108 APOLOGIES Cllrs, Ken Allcock (Holiday), Mrs. Janet Smith (Hospital), these reasons were approved.
14/111 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT Cllr Walpole began by mentioning the Future Fit concerning NHS provision of health services in the future. They have also had seminars on mental health care and preventative measures, and also because of the Rotherham cases, they are making sure all the establishments in the County are taking measures to ensure they are operating correctly. Adult Social Care criteria is changing and they are awaiting final information on this to know what the cost implications are. National Grid are due to begin their final consultation. Tregarthen Lane grass cutting, and Bronwylfa/Red Lane hedge improvement are two issues he is still progressing, also the rear of Wall Court a high hedge. Cllr Walpole was asked about the Hillside Barn planning permission being granted under delegated powers. He explained the process for deciding delegated power planning permissions, which involved two planning officers and two councillors, but if the Councillor had any interest he/she would have to leave the room. The Clerk asked about approval notices being sent out, as they used to in the past, as the process of checking the planning website was very time consuming. He responded that some Clerks obtained a list for their Parish, so to contact one of them. The Clerk also read out a notice sent to neighbours of Inglewood, Pant informing them of the groundworks due to take place. Cllr Walpole asked for a copy of the letter to be sent to him.
14/112 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Mrs. Gaskill declared a pecuniary interest in the account payment for the website and signed accordingly.
14/113 ROADS Report of the meeting held with Owen Paterson, MP and attended by Cllrs Mrs. Gaskill, Ken Allcock and Ian Pollitt. He had told them the bypass scheme is still alive, but dormant and he said he would see Glyn Davies MP and would also talk to Glyn Jones, the Secretary of State for Wales. Owen suggested the Parish carry on with recording bumps and shunts etc. and that we write to him asking what was the outcome of his meetings and said that the village will get the bypass one day. Jane Dodds had spoken to Ian Pollitt asking him about the bypass. Cllr Robinson had learnt of the EU Commission’s report on cities breaking the limits on air quality. It was suggested that this was included in the letter to Owen Paterson asking why the measuring equipment was removed from Pant and the result of the data collection.
14/114 CORRESPONDENCE Thank you letter from the Llanynmynech Brownies and Guides for the Council’s donation. Contact from Shaun Fisher, requesting Council information for his website on Pant. Agreed to reply that a link to Llanymynech.org where all the Council information is held is approved.
14/115 WIND FARMS AND PYLONS The latest Bulletin was noted and will be displayed in the notice boards.
14/116 STREET LIGHTING Report on postponed site meeting for the light in Rectory Lane, Llanymynech due to the hurricane, which will now be arranged sometime in week commencing 3.11.14. Report of a light day burning in Briggs Lane near Walnut House, which had been worked on last week. The Clerk reported this would be SPower responding to the burnt cut out.
14/117 BURIAL BOARD Report on the last meeting and the work on the war memorial, with research on the names of the fallen, which will be published on the Llanymynech website.
14/118 ACCOUNTS The accounts for payment totalling £2,741.54 were proposed by Cllr Terry Mason and 2nd by Cllr Robinson with all in favour, except Cllr Mrs. Gaskill who abstained.
14/119 AUDIT The Annual Return was noted and the comment that the Council Tax support grant, should be shown as a grant funding not part of the Precept. Variances between years to be commented upon. Proposed the Report be accepted by Cllr Roberts and 2nd Cllr Melling with all in favour.
14/120 RIGHTS OF WAY None to report.
14/121 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY As this will be the Centenary Year for WW1 it was suggested that the Parish Council purchase and lay a wreath on the War Memorial at the service on Remembrance Sunday, 9th November 2014. It was Proposed by Cllr Hitch and 2nd by Cllr Robinson that a wreath be purchased and laid on behalf of the Council by the Chairman, Cllr Mrs. Gaskill. Resolved unanimously.
14/122 VILLAGE MAINTENANCE The Clerk detailed some of the small jobs required in the playing fields – replacement seat slats, fence rail and gate catch. It was agreed to ask Chris Catling to carry out these small jobs.
The conifer by the pedestrian crossing is obscuring the stop light for traffic travelling south, agreed to write to the owner to ask for it to be trimmed back.
The Clerk updated Councillors on the arrangements for putting Council Minutes and Agendas on the website, and asked that these could be put on in real time instead. The Agenda in advance of the meeting and the Minutes after they had been confirmed. This was agreed.
Meeting concluded at 8.40pm
1250 / RPS / 992.00 / Grounds Maintenance. Paid1251 / Highline Electrical / 148.56 / Lighting Maintenance
1252 / V E Byrne / 463.20 / Salary Oct.
1253 / Mazars / 240.00 / Audit fee
1254 / HMRC / 115.80 / Tax & NI
1255 / Scottish Power / 173.47 / Lighting energy Sep
1256 / G. Gaskill / 318.51 / Fasthost website & gratuity
1257 / RPS / 290.00 / Rolling and reseeding work.