Minutes of the meeting held on the 23.3.2017 held at BrynOffaSchool, Pant.

17/040 PRESENT: Chairman (Cllr Dilys Gaskill) Councillors Ken Allcock, P. McConville, Peter Roberts, Barry Robinson, Janet Smith,Mark Vickers, Shropshire Councillor, Arthur Walpole and Julian Liddiatt Chair of Bryn Offa Governing Body.

17/041 MEETING VENUE. The Clerk explained the legal situation of Parish Council meeting venues and Julian explained the school’s situation with budgets being very tight. A contribution to the heating costs would help. The Chairman said Pant Memorial Hall could be used at a cost of £20 for a 2 hour meeting. Julian was asked to give this information to the Head and Governors and to ask for a quotation for use of the school, so the Council can discuss this and make a decision.

Julian Liddiatt was thanked and he then left the meeting.

17/042 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Cllr Robin Hitch (family commitment) this reason was accepted.


APOLICE REPORT for the Parish was read out by the Clerk. Discussion on the accident on the pedestrian crossing. Agreed to inform Carreghofa CC that they would have the Parish Council support for any action to improve the crossing.


CSHROPSHIRE COUNCIL. Cllr Arthur Walpole gave his final report as a Shropshire Councillor, and said he was trying to complete all the issues he had been dealing with during his term of office. The weight limit on Station Road bridge was referred to, the approach is to be resurfaced and the signage put in place, he had received an apology because it had not taken place this year. The issues at Badgers Green, adoption of roads and the wildlife area. The sum of money had been paid to account for the land and there is a time limit of 5 years for it’s usage and he had been promised this would be sorted out. Other matters were on the Agenda for discussion. Cllr Walpole was thanked for the report and for his representation for the Parish and the many issues he had addressed during his 8 years service.



17/044 PLANNING. 17/01085/TCA – removal of overhanging branches of horse chestnut at OldRectoryGardens within Llanymynech Conservation Area. No comments.

The Clerk had completed the consultation form on the partial Review of the Local Plan.

17/045 ROADS. The Clerk had circulated her notes taken at the visit of the Minister for Transport, John Hayes, MP and Owen Paterson, MP on the 2.3.17.

Andy Wilson of Keir Highways had asked for a meeting to inform the Council of their plans for work on the A483 in April. Agreed to meet him on the 6th April at Pant Memorial Hall. The FOI for the data collected from the vas had shown that the speed limits were much the same. Cllr Roberts asked for a copy of the data.

17/046 STREET LIGHTING. Report on the unsigned wayleave. The Clerk was in the process of trying to trace the successor to Mr. Crank who had left Bell Ingram, but his work appeared not to have been passed on.

17/047 DEFIBRILLATORS. The fund now stands at over £400. Sharon from Pant shop has planned a table top sale on Monday 10th April from 11am to 2pm and the collecting box in the shop is taking loose change. Cllr Robinson reported on his contact with Matt Lee who mentioned there are free defibrillators for venues where children play football. Agreed to email Matt about this.

17/048 RISK ASSESSMENTS. The review of the Council’s Risk Assessments took place. These were proposed by Cllr Robinson, 2nd by Cllr Pollitt with all in favour.

17/049 VILLAGE MAINTENANCE. Agreed to write to request stone chippings wo be laid on the Underhill track. Update was given on Heritage Way land at Llanymynech. Report on Llanymynech KGV Playing Field gate which Kevin Jones had now fixed a post, agreed to write and thank Kevin Jones.

17/050 MINUTES. To confirm Minutes of the meeting held on the 23.2.2017 were Proposed by Cllr Allcock and 2nd by Cllr Vickers with all in favour.

17/051RIGHTS OF WAY. None to report.

17/052CORRESPONDENCE was noted.

17/053INTERNAL AUDIT. JDH Business Services of Mold was appointed as the Internal Auditor for the 2016/17 accounts.

17/054SRHA DEVELOPMENT. Rectory Lane was the chosen name.

17/055FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. Accounts for payment totalling £1,152.91 were Proposed by Cllr Pollitt and 2nd by Cllr Mason with all in favour. The financial statement of expenditure v budget was circulated and noted. The Clerk’s application to the Transparency Code fund was approved.

17/056WIND FARMS. The Chairman said the Community Benefit Fund advert was going in the CountyTimes and the application forms for grants from the Fund were available from Carol Davies, Clerk to Llandrinio CC. A total of £61,500 was to be distributed with approximately £8k per community available. 31/5/17 is the closing date for this round.

17/057ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. To be heldat Llanymynech Village Hall on the 27th April 2017 with John Dodwell, Chairman of the Montgomery Canal Partnership as the Speaker. Mrs. Ingram to be invited to provide refreshments.


1435 / Marie Curie / 50.00 / Donation.
1436 / AEDdonate / 30.00 / Donation.
1437 / V E Byrne / 558.43 / Mar Salary + cartridges & paper.
1438 / HMRC / 123.40 / Tax & NI
1439 / Scottish Power / 162.12 / Lighting energy Inv 104700629
1440 / Highline Electrical / 228.96 / Lighting maint. Feb + repair