Minutes of the Meeting held on

Tuesday at Cardinal Square 09:00 am – 12:00md

Present: / Dr Andrew Mott / GP Prescribing Lead (Chair)
Slak Dhadli / Specialist Commissioning Pharmacist
Steve Hulme / Assistant Director of Medicines Management
Dr Callum McLean / General Practitioner (Locality Lead DAC)
Linda Hunter / Assistant Director Finance (Commissioning)
Morag Cameron / Lead Pharmacist Medicines Management
Kara Lindley / Lead Pharmacist Medicines Management
Jenson Leung / RDH
Debbie Dodge / Practice Pharmacist (Locality Lead SD)
Dr Markus Henn / GP Erewash
Dr Ian Tooley / General Practitioner (Locality Lead AVSD )
Apologies: / Andrea Smith / LPC Representative
In attendance: / Dawn Perkins / P.A to Steve Hulme A.D Medicines Management
David Gerrett / NHS CB
1 / The meeting started with Introductions round the table for the benefit of David Gerrett
2 / Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 2012
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record. Debbie Dodge did question if all GP practices were aware of the ABPM monitors and if funding was available. Dr Mott said that some practices may not have knowledge as there was no direct funding scheme yet.
Matters Arising
·  LHRH – Slak Dhadli had taken this to Burton D&T and they were supportive of it.
·  PRACTICe study – nothing to report, to be added to agenda for next meeting.
·  Action: Morag to draft a summary/key messages document
·  Not Dispensed scheme – this has been rolled out to City and also links to the Community Pharmacy multi-disciplinary audit on medicines waste which is imminent.
·  Gluten free – The meeting asked to be kept informed on this from Kate Needham. / Morag
3 / Finance
Linda Hunter distributed the figures for month 12 year end and the position had further improved.
Local methodology to set prescribing budget will be used as per previous year. Adjustments to list size changes and practice mergers will be taken into account using latest information available. The CCG prescribing budget will be based on out turn plus 5% (net 2%) on a fair share/equity basis. From the 5% there is a QIPP plan reduction of 2% and 1% will be held as a contingency fund to allow for in year cost pressures. The 1% contingency fund will be reflected in the overall prescribing position during the course of 2012/13 and any remaining fund will be allocated to prescribing budgets on a fair share basis at year end.
Linda was asked for a summary of the methodology and she reminded the meeting that she had brought one to a previous meeting but would circulate that document
again for information.
The meeting approved the equitable methodology used. / Linda
4 / Medicines Safety – David Gerrett NHSCB
David Gerrett gave a brief introduction as to his role within the newly formed NHSCB and then showed a presentation.
After the presentation there was a time for questions.
David stated that the NHSCB held the reporting of Severe Harm or Death from medications as high priority. (Severe harm = Permanent harm from medications). David has provided a summary of the discussions and this is appended.
Action: David’s presentation to be circulated.
It was decided that David Gerrett should be invited to a meeting once a quarter and would send feedback to Steve Hulme after each meeting he attends.
Dawn to send meeting dates to David and add to agenda each time. / Dawn
David Gerrett
5 / New Drs Pack – Checklist for Prescribing
Steve Hulme spoke about the new Drs Pack and suggested it was given to new starters and discussed with the practice pharmacist with the agreement of the practice.
The group suggested that practices may use this as a resource and for any new GPs or NMPs to the practice including both newly qualified and experienced. The Locality Leads were asked to raise awareness.
Action: Steve Hulme to add to the CCG fortnightly newsletter / Steve
6 / Rebates and Incentives
Information was shared on the DH advice regarding rebate schemes and incentive schemes. The advice was noted and the group determined that these schemes were appropriate to be administered at a CCG level. While it was felt that due process has been followed across Derbyshire when developing rebate schemes, on-going work at SHA level to provide a framework was welcomed.
7 / Avastin/Lucentis
Discussion was held on this agenda item. The group confirmed that Avastin as an unlicensed treatment was appropriate if the patient consented to participate in a clinical trial.
Clinicians should encourage patients to participate in the trial being launched June/July and held at Nottingham. The inclusion criteria is required for clarification for the GPs to decide on which patients could participate.
Action: decision to be fed back to DHFT D&T / Dr Leung/Dr Mott
8 / Pill Dispenser Project (W.Mids)
The West Midlands have done a big project on this electronic pill dispensing and have provided a report.
Shabnum Aslam has looked at this with the local authorities and they are not interested in funding locally.
A discussion on the usefulness of the dispenser/project was held and it was deemed that it had very limited use, careful patient selection would be required. This to be fed back to Shabnum and should any future opportunities arise then careful patient selection would be paramount. / Steve
9 / Sponsorship Policy (Board update)
Dr Mott took this PCT policy to the board last week and it has been approved for CCG staff which includes PMS practices . Dr Mott had volunteered to rewrite this, alongside Steve Hulme, to make more relevant to the CCG and GP constituents.
Action: Dr Mott and Steve Hulme / Dr Mott &
Steve Hulme
10 / Prescribing Data Information, Prescribing QP final position qtr 4, QIPP prescribing data qtr 4
These documents were added for information and the Locality leads are to feedback to the practices. / Prescribing Leads
11 / JAPC Update
Bulletin – this was reviewed.
Medicines Management Newsletter – this was reviewed.
JAPC Notes – These were reviewed. Slak gave an overview of the JAPC meeting outcomes.
12 / Drug Safety Update
For information
13 / Sponsorship Requests
None received
14 / Locality and Contractor/Provider update
·  Debbie Dodge mentioned that a Lipids Policy had been asked for, and said they were currently recruiting for a pharmacist.
No other updates from the members.
15 / North Prescribing Sub-Group Notes
None received
16 / RDH & MHT (DHFT) D&T notes
The notes were shared and noted for information.
17 / Items for the CCG Website
Nothing suggested
18 / Key Messages to the Clinical Commissioning Subgroup
Ø  Year-end figures – A methodology and budget has been agreed for 2012/13
Ø  The meeting has met with NHSCB Patient Safety representative David Gerrett
Ø  A DCN Rep has been appointed – Dr Helen Hill
Ø  Insulin Analogues???
·  ART Team – Kara Lindley spoke on the issues around the old AIR team that transferred over to the hospital prior to the provider split and have since had an issue with one of the old city employed staff members being able to prescribe on a FP10 and allocate to the GPs cost centre, when they have to use the system of notes to the doctor. They are asking that all the NMPs in the team can prescribe from primary care budgets.
Kara has discussed this with them on numerous occasions and suggested they sort out their own cost centre but this still hasn’t happened and they have brought the issue back to her again. Kara asked the meeting for a decision on how to proceed.
The meeting suggested that Kara inform them they need to make up a business case and source their own cost code as suggested in Kara’s document sent out to the meeting members.
Action: Kara to feedback the meetings decision to the AIR team.
·  Eclipse – Kara spoke on how time consuming Eclipse had been as it was not providing the outcomes that had been expected at the onset.
As a user Kara had found that the data the system held was not complete and had to complete this herself. The contract with Eclipse runs out in September and the meeting discussed the validity of staying with them. It was felt that the outcomes of eclipse could be very useful once these glitches had been ironed out so there was value in staying with them but maybe to suggest some free time of usage as it has not been working as promised in the first 3 months of use. Kara and Steve will meet with Dr Julian Brown from Eclipse.
The meeting suggested that the reports when produced go to the practice pharmacist to go over with the GPs .
The meeting thanked Kara and Sue Allen for their hard work on this project.
Action: Kara to send a list of what they may require as information / Kara
Date of next meeting
Date: Tuesday 17th July 2012
Time: 9.00pm – 12:00m/d
Venue: Cardinal Square, Meeting room 2

Agenda items to be sent to Steve Hulme cc Dawn Perkins by 6th July 2012