Minutes of the Librarians’ Meeting of June 1st , 2017
Present: Don Brown (DB), Analu Josephides (AJ), Mary McMillan (MM), Noreth Men (NM), Claudia Striepe (CS), Director Russel (RR) arrived at 3pm.
Absent: Gary Medina (GM),
The meeting was chaired by NM and CS took minutes.
1.Approval of Minutes.
The minutes of the meetings of 4th May and 25th May were approved with revisions. Minutes will be sent on by AJ to MS. Baldwin to distribute to the LLR staff and to post online.
2. Projects/Programs/Events from the Reference Desk for Fall Semester 2017
AJ reported that he had 4 project/program proposals from part-time librarians. Part-time librarians are asked to submit proposals for an upcoming semester so that programs and projects can be approved by consensus, and incorporated into the calendar.
Mr. Gan proposed creating some instructional videos, and made a demo JSTOR video. The librarians responded that this seemed a good idea and felt he could partner with MM and CS for additional collaboration on style and content.
Ms. Bueno submitted a project “Wayfinding Improvement” with the aim of improving library signage. It was recommended that Ms. Bueno partner with Mr. Medina and Public Access staff on this project.
Mr. Robles submitted a proposal to continue his series of providing a library tour and orientation in Spanish for Spanish speaking students/classes, and continuing the workshop series in collaboration with the campus police department. Mr. Robles had collected data on the number of participants and student comments – all of which showed a positive trend, and this data could also be used for reports, Program Review, and SAO initiatives. AJ will work with Mr. Robles on the projects.
Ms. Linderman proposed updating the FAQs on the library website. It was suggested that she put her suggestions in a word document and the new Systems librarian can update the section when she is settled in. AJ will oversee this project.
Action Item: Assigned librarians to follow through with p/t librarians on approved projects in Fall semester
3. Reference Desk Schedule Fall 2017
It was agreed that it was not practical to regularly have three librarians at the Reference desk, so we are reverting to two. In the Fall semester we may have 3 in the early morning while the new systems librarian is trained at the desk, and also to make up numbers if one of the librarians is conducting an orientation. This is a special, temporary situation. It was noted that Ms. Jenkin and Mr. Gan will be rotating Fridays. The schedule was approved by all and will be forwarded to Director Russell.
4. Library Student Award Update
AJ had composed a letter thanking Mr. Vidal for his suggestion. This letter had been approved by all at the last meeting and will be sent to Director Russell for signature and then passed on to Mr. Vidal. It was further agreed that a rotating committee of 1 access desk staff person and 2 librarians (to be staggered so that there is always one “experienced” committee member on the panel) would be convened. MM and AJ will be the librarian judges on the first panel. We will ask Director Russell to approve 2 awards of $150. each.
Action Item:AJ to send letter for Mr. Vidal to RR for signature. MM and AJ will meet in Fall to plan for the Spring 2018 roll-out of the award, and invite a classified staff member to join the panel
5. Academic Senate Update and Vacancy
CS and MM gave an update on the last Senate meeting of the year held on the 30th May. VP Nishime and Curriculum Chair Carr were both given Resolutions of Appreciation for service. Retiring senators, including our own Noreth Men, were also thanked for service. DEAC was approved as a subcommittee of the Senate, and Senators will be asked to vote on amendments to the Academic Senate constitution that notes this and other minor changes.
With NM leaving, the Library Learning Resources has a vacancy on Senate and AJ was appointed to be our third Library Learning Resources Academic Senate member.
Action Item:CS to inform the Academic Senate Secretary that AJ is to replace NM on the AS beginning Fall 2017
6. Library Privacy Policy
CS has begun gathering materials re: a library Privacy Policy that might also be able to be amended and used in other areas of the Library Learning Resources. CS will share these materials ahead of our next discussion of this topic in the 2nd or 3rd librarians meeting in spring.
Action Item:CS to continue gathering and sharing Privacy/Confidentiality materials in preparation for discussion next semester
7. Microfilm Weeding and Suggestions.
This was tabled for the next meeting as Mr. Medina was not present to lead the discussion.
8. Office Swap
CS will take NM’s office and the new Systems librarian will move into CS’s vacated office.
9. Copy/Vendor Change/Printing
RR had an update on the vendor change: the contract with Ricoh has been renegotiated and ECC/LLR will be leasing the equipment. We will have 12 printer/copies at $2,500 per month and we/ECC will get any profits over and above.
QCI will remove their remaining equipment in the week we are closed (12 and 13th June), and Ricoh will install their equipment on the 14th June, and are prepared to give 13 hours of training. Both staff and casuals will be trained on the new system first, and student staff will be trained later when they return to work. Per the negotiated Service Agreement, Ricoh will come within 4 hours of a call to provide support and services.
Carla will be handling the operation.
RR was thanked for the update.
Currently students using the printers downstairs MUST use the account systems as those are “no cash” machines. As re: refunds for students with monies on the current system – QCI has been requested to furnish a list of balances when they leave. Janice Ely will put money aside to refund students who request a refund. This will be handled from the business/cashiers office. The librarians requested there not be a print station at the Reference desk.
10. Evaluation Forms and Processes Finalization
DB brought copies of the forms as amended per discussion in the previous meeting. It was clarified that an Evaluation committee chair could be the Director OR a librarian, and that the role of the chair would normally be to oversee the evaluation process, gather the evaluations, and read/convey the information contained in the combined report.
Action Item:DB to further amend the Student Evaluation form and send to all for finalization. RR to liaise with Human Resources and Institutional Research on proposed forms and timelines for evaluation
a. Reference Question Assessment Pilot – this will begin in June and the forms will be put onto the Reference desk computer and be available via Googledocs. AJ and MM will create a form for Summer 2017.
Action Item:MM and AJ to prepare and install Googledocs form for Summer 2017 Reference Question Assessment
b. It was noted that the systems librarian (NM) sits on the Web Task Force and the Academic and Campus Technology Committees – librarian replacements will have to be found for the last mentioned. Additionally, Mr. Story, DB and NM comprised the Conference Committee, so this will have to be entirely restructured for next semester.
Action Item: Replace vacant Committee spots to ensure librarian representation on committees.
Action items are included on all minutes going forward. Revisit list once a month (second librarian meeting of the month) to note progress/completion.
Action Item: Assigned librarians to follow through with p/t librarians on approved projects in Fall semester
Action Item:AJ to send letter for Mr. Vidal to RR for signature. MM and AJ will meet in Fall to plan for the Spring 2018 roll-out of the award, and invite a classified staff member to join the panel
Action Item:CS to inform the Academic Senate Secretary that AJ is to replace NM on the AS beginning Fall 2017
Action Item:CS to continue gathering and sharing Privacy/Confidentiality materials in preparation for discussion next semester
Action Item:DB to further amend the Student Evaluation form and send to all for finalization. RR to liaise with Human Resources and Institutional Research on proposed forms and timelines for evaluation
Action Item:MM and AJ to prepare and install Googledocs form for Summer 2017 Reference Question Assessment
Action Item: Replace vacant Committee spots to ensure librarian representation on committees.