Minutes of the King's Somborne Village Hall Management Committee
22nd February 2018
Present: John Vanderpump (Chairman), Linda Aucock, Andy Chadwick, Janet Ingleson, John Ingleson, Sue Jackson, Katie Hughes, Chris Kirby, Pollyann Monk , Sarah Pennington, Michael Templeman
1. Apologies: Ian Bradley, Katie Grant, Roger Stephens
2. Minutes of the VHMC meeting of 23rd January 2018
These were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Dog Training
John Vanderpump confirmed that dog training will take place every Monday between 8.30am - 11am, they will then tidy the hall and resume again 3pm -4pm. Allowing the hall to be rented in between sessions if need be.
3.2 Façade Improvement
A lengthy and detailed discussion was led by John Vanderpump and Michael Templeman over the finances of the village hall for the façade improvement and possible community/preschool building. Concerns were raised regarding the cost involved of the new building and it was felt that no commitment could be given to starting the façade improvement, while there were so many unanswered questions and no confirmed quotes/ costings for the new building.
The committee agreed that the design and quotes for the facade were acceptable and would make an improvement to the village hall appearance. The committee voted in agreement to proceed with the plan but no work was to start until the finances and running costs of the new building have been determined.
Michael Templemen has agreed to look into the running costs of the new building and to contact Tony Ward to ask if he had any information on this from the suppliers. There is an initial budget of £25000 to lay the foundation and connect the new building to the main utility supplies. When the details of the building are known quotations will be obtained by the VHDC for the actual costs.
Action MT
Michael Templemen also asked that the lease between the village hall and the parish council have a clause that states that if the village hall is in financial trouble the new building would revert to the Parish Council.
Action JVP
3.3 Changes to the Constitution
John Vanderpump explained that the deeds to the Village Hall building currently cannot be located so there has been a delay but otherwise everything else was ready to go.
Action JVP
3.4 Issuing of keys
John Vanderpump has resolved the issue of the extra key that was copied without approval and he now has this key.
4. Booking Secretary's Report
Sarah explained that bookings for 2018 were going well, she has had a booking enquiry for toddler dance therapy sessions that would be in the Jubilee room every Tuesday and is waiting to hear back when they would start.
The KSSA table top sale has been cancelled and due to an email not being delivered it was agreed the KSSA would not get charged a cancellation fee.
Sarah has agreed to share some professional development training she has had on the new Data Protection changes coming in soon. Ian Bradley is aware of these.
Action SP
5. Invoice Secretary's Report
Linda reported that everything is going well.
It was noted that the new dog training hours have not been updated on the website.
Action IB
6. Treasurer's Report:
Management account: £21,657.71
Development Account : £54,993 the increase was from the clay pigeon shoot money being received.
Michael Templeman wanted to express his thanks to John Vanderpump for obtaining grants from HCC and TVBC totaling £1500 for help towards the legal fees for the changes to the constitution.
Item 10 Insurance renewal costs were discussed during this report and it was agreed that the committee would increase the public liability insurance from £5,000,000 to £10,000,000 for an additional £89.60, the total figure of £2383.77 was agreed and that we would renew this year.
Michael Templemen suggested that as we have been with the same provider for 8 years that next year we should look at getting quotes from other companies.
Action MT
7. Health and Safety Report
John Ingleson explained that the hall is up to date and that he has been made a few repairs this month. John has fixed the guttering again and changed a light switch in entrance the hall. He has also had to replace the stage curtain winding mechanism again, and has now taken off the handle and relocated it to above the winding mechanism so that no one can accidentally spin it around.
Michael Templeman has been able to finally get through to PHS regarding the nappy bins in the disabled toilet, they are meant to be emptied every 2 weeks. PHS now have 4 contact numbers to call if the hall is closed. It was suggested that Katie Grant could keep an eye on how often the bins are emptied and to report to John Vanderpump if there are not done two weekly
Action KG
8. Website report
The subcommittee that was formed to look into a new booking and invoice system have been looking at what different village halls used and have defined the processes that the want, they will give a report next month.
Action IB
9. Preschool Plans
This item was discussed during item 3.2 – No agreement could be made until Micheal Templeman has reported back on the running costs of the new building and the costings for the work required.
John Vanderpump is going to the next Parish Council meeting and will report back on the agreed location of the community/preschool building.
Action JVP
10. Insurance Renewal
The committee agreed to renew with the existing insurance company for a premium of £2473.37 with an increase in public liability from £5,000,000 to £10,000,000. It was felt that next year we should also look at getting quotes from other companies.
Action MT
11. Any other business
John Vanderpump has reported that the state of the pavilion is a disgrace and he will have a meeting with Andy Gannaway, stating that if they do no start keeping it clean then the VHMC will have no other option but to employ an external company to clean the pavilion and the football club will be liable for the cost..
Action JVP
Michael Templemen asked John Vanderpump to contact the cleaner and explained that if she does not start providing time sheets she will not have her invoices paid as concerns again were raised over the number of hours she is doing.
Action JVP
14. Time and Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the VHMC will be at 7.30 pm on Monday 19th March 2018
Future dates:
Thursday 19th April 2018
Wednesday 16th May 2018
Katie Hughes 23/2/2018