Minutes of the JCSHY Coalition Meeting- 5-11-11
1. Introductions, fifteen members in attendance: Rev. Reed Stockman, Keith Dirks, Lynette Otten, Amy Halvorson, Bill Feldmann, Emily Feldmann, Dawn Grassfield, Phil Owen, LaVonne Owen, Cindy Shepherd, Kelly Dodge, Rick LaMere, Carrie Johnson, Phil Parsons, and Jennifer Husmann,
2. Motion to approve April’s Minutes- 1st, Keith and 2nd Reed
3. Committee updates-
a) Policy-none. Several members took Social Host brochures to distribute.
b) Planning-met last week & worked on tobacco logic model “on adiet”. Also worked on Marijuana campaign.
c) Fundraising-Pink Flamingo Fundraiser (will run this by BEASTS) Will put flocks of plastic pink flamingos in people’s yards, they will pay to have them moved to someone else’s yard, insurance can be bought. Jennifer will contact Bill Nielsen since others thought his church may have done this and possibly have flamingos.
d) Marketing-coasters
e) BEASTS-working on another round of posters
f) Special Events- take a grad sign-need someone to be at Monti High School on Friday to hand out grad signs (Carrie Johnson volunteered)/Wyoming Fair July 8-10th (8th would be best)/Nat Night out Aug 2nd/Promoting Center, what can we do? What other groups can use the facility, maybe Chad Deahl (juvenile Court Officer)/June 3rd kick off in Anamosa, we’ve been asked to have a game or booth for kids.
- Special Events committee created a Time and Talent sheet that we would like coalition members to fill out. It is attached. Please return to Jennifer.
g) Outreach-Had a meeting at the coffee shop, good for gathering more people and getting them engaged
4. Treasurer’s report. Approved $1800 for Ohio Conference. 1st Phil ,2nd Bill. (Bill Feldmann will consider attending as a chaperone for the boys.)
$945 for ID scanner tabled –need more info, Do we need this type of scanner that holds this info?
Approved $860 on coasters. 1st Keith, 2nd Bill
5. Nominating committee will be the Executive committee. If anyone is interested in being on the executive board please contact one of the current board members. Treasurer and Member at Large are both up for re-election.
- Also the group discussed possibly having an evening coalition meeting a few times a year. We will wait until fall to start this.
6. Training June 30th at Monticello council chambers- (Training is titled—“Being an Effective Coalition Using the Strategic Prevention Framework”)
-Life of an Athlete-Kris will share next month
7. SPF SIG-Interviews on Friday, Local EPI workgroup started this week.
8. DFC site visit went well. She was very thorough but everything seemed to go well, a written report will follow.
9. Accomplishments- We received the Endowment Grant of $735 (will check with BEASTS on furniture, etc.)
Thank you to Rick Meyer and Joel Althoff for tearing down our wall!
100% compliance for the recent alcohol check!
10. sharing